I tried it before I knew anything about crohn's disease. I had issues like Jacqui mentions, I could not get enough calories from the diet. The diet forbids you to eat polysaccharide, A normal diet is 60% carbs, 20% fat, 20% protein, not being allowed to eat polysaccharides cuts out the bigger part of that 60%, and it resulted in weight loss and loss of energy for me, you need carbs for protein synthesis also, it is really hard to maintain weight and energy on that diet I personally feel. No one knows if it affects crohn's disease in any way.
Reducing polysaccharide intake can much better be achieved with EN, EN provides carbs in the form of bioavailable dried glucose that more than makes up for the calories you would lose by avoiding polysaccharid foods. I never lost weight on EN or felt that I lacked energy. If you drink EN or spill EN, you'll notice how sugary and sticky it is, EN removes much of the polysaccharides too, but they add a lot of "sugars" that are easily turned into blood glucose, so you don't get the calorie loss on EN. The SCD diet sort of suggests adding monosaccharides in the form of honey in many recipes, but this doesn't make up for the huge loss of carbs in the diet, and just eating honey with everything isn't healthy either I think, EN adds glucose together with protein and very bioavailable fat, which means you get your calories, and you don't get the unhealthy effects of isolated sugars which can cause insulin and other issues. I am not a fan of SCD really.