Staples out on Wednesday!

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Feb 13, 2006
I cannot wait (just two more days!) until my staples are removed. It is not so much that they are causing pain or anything, it is just the mental fact that they are in me and I cannot wait until they come out. I have never looked more forward to going to the doctor ever before this :).

Just in case you were wondering... after the surgery they stapled me up instead of giving me stitches. I do not know exactly why they do this (I guess it is easier).
I'll be praying for you Mike that all goes well for you as you get your STAPLES REMOVED this week so just member take things SLOW & EASY & do not let anyone make any FUNNY JOKES ... { just kidding } or I am sure that you will end up right back in the hospital & we would hate :( to see our LEADER away from us ...
Karen said:
do not let anyone make any FUNNY JOKES

Too late! Already when I was a few days out of surgery I had to fight hard to stop from laughing. There should be a sign up outside each IBD patients room:


Ever notice how everything in life seems extremely funny when you cannot laugh? I sure did.

And there is no need to worry about me Karen, I will be fine. I will tell the doctor that he better not make any mistakes because I have to get back to all my members. I am sure he will understand :rolleyes: .
YAY on getting your staples removed! I don't know why they like to use those either. My only guess is that it's faster and easier than stitches. My last major surgery I had 94 staples, so I can understand if they'd want to just staple me up and get out of

I still don't understand why they just don't install a zipper.....:confused: Wouldn't that be great?
One more day!
(and I agree Ree...a zipper would be a lot easier and a lot more fun! :))
Re: Stitches coming out...

Congratulations Mikey!

You know your on your way to recovery when the staples/stitches come out!
I hope you keep feeling better every day until you're better than ever!

I still don't understand why they just don't install a zipper..... Wouldn't that be great?

Hee hee! A zipper would be easier! I once had a guy I was dating ask me if I ever thought about getting a zipper tatooed on my belly. LOL

Ooops! Sorry Mike. I just realized your name is Mike Yarmo (not "Mikey") I guess the 'e' and 'y' were too close together-lol Please accept my apologies. :)
It is no problem :). I guess I should have used capital letters to make things a bit easier to understand.
I once had a guy I was dating ask me if I ever thought about getting a zipper tatooed on my belly. LOL

I actually mentioned this to my doc once and I was really going to do it. I was going to have my scar turned into one. But he told me he'd beat me if I did because it would be an open invitation for yet another fistula. So if anybody feels the need for a tattoo, don't get it on your middle! Get it someplace where you can't get a fistula.

Everyone but you can

LMAO!!! Can I call JYarmo, Wonder Brother? heehee


Another funny story, not embarrassing for me exactly, but you should have seen the blush on my doctor's face!!! LOL!

Remember several years ago when all the young girls were wearing those blinking lights in their belly buttons? Well, one of my friend's daughter bought me one because she knows I love sparkly things and flashing lights. I took one look at it and knew just what I was going to do.

At my next doc appointment, I put it in my belly button. This was just after my colostomy was 'installed' and I was having to go back every few weeks so they could make sure the stoma was healing right. Anyhow, I put it in my belly button and off to the doctor's we go. When I heard Dr Randy take my chart out of the little thingy on the door, I turned it on and acted innocent. He goes thru the whole 'how are you feeling' bit and I say "I don't know doc, my belly button looks kinda funny". He asks me what I mean and I tell him that it's turned a funny red and green color. So he tells me to lay down and let him have a look-see. He lifted up my shirt and pulls my waistband down so he can get a good look and he sees that flashing light! He said "What the HELL?????" and then he just burst out laughing! Of course then he made me do it to the
That was really funny Ree :). I am sure they now are more on their toes whenever you come in now though.
I totally posted that in the wrong thread..:rolleyes: Guess I should have gone to bed
How many staples did you have out today Mike? I was curious to know if you would rather staples or stitches? I remember them taking 52 staples out of my stomach, and it's not the greatest experience. Thank goodness for the desolving ones they had for the backside, lol.
Today is wednesday, right? Did you get them out yet? Or did I totally miss a comment saying you got them out yet?
Yes they came out today. There were not that many (about 15 I think) so it did not take too long. There was only one that was really dug into me well and was a bit of trouble, but otherwise it was fine. Better out then in as I like to say :).
mikeyarmo said:
Yes they came out today. There were not that many (about 15 I think) so it did not take too long. There was only one that was really dug into me well and was a bit of trouble, but otherwise it was fine. Better out then in as I like to say :).

Well congrats on that. I use to put fridge magnets on my staples for a party trick... it didn't really work out to well.