Hi there,
First off as far as I know (and I have researched this extensively and talked to my GI and OVA Med about it) The TSO are produced in a lab (genetically modified) so that they CAN NOT reproduce. This is mandated as otherwise I would be able to spread them to others. Colt has mentioned passing them to others before, but I guess we disagree. (check it out for yourself on Ova-med's site). I am not just some idiot who thought . . .mmh here's something I'll take. It took alot of research, contacting others on it (through my GI) and consideration before I decided to try it. It is not yet FDA approved but is approved in Europe and there are lots of people there on it. I found websites in Britain with loads of people trying it.
So no it is not like a probiotic or something that you take to recolonize yourself.
Because of the cost of producing "clean" and non-reproducing worms in the lab the TSO is VERY expensive. Also this is the reason one has to take them every 2 weeks as they can not reproduce AND they also realise that you are not a pig and vacate your system. I think this is also a factor for the company making them as it is the same as any medication . . .you have to keep taking it.
They are about 1cm in length at maturity and being the poo expert that I am (sure all chronies are) I tell you I have
really studied things even CLOSER than I usually do and the only changes I see are less mucus and harder stools. Absolutely NO sign of the worms, or eggs (but those are microscopic, cant even see them when I drink them), which is what ovamed says in their documentation you receive when you get your shipment of the eggs. (I have been careful to keep the company name out of it up till now as it was irrelevant but seeing as there are, shall we say differing "opinions" on what research (and my own experience) says I tell you to check it out yourself. They are pretty good at emailing you right away if you have questions)
I have never heard of anything like Colt suggests with over-colonization from "re-infecting" yourself. In fact it would cost me a lot less $$$ if this was the case. I am very careful with the glass vial that it comes in (ova suspended in a fluid) and I drink it right out of there so that there is no chance my husband will get anything even after a cup is washed. When I am done I throw it out immediately.
If I could go to a pig farm and be sure that I would get the right kind of TSO I would lick the pigs! but the worms would not be "clean" and could carry other things to make one ill and then you would pass them on.
So on to this week and how I have been feeling. I feel better and better. I am down to 1mg Prednisone and will be off it in a couple of days and will then be meds free! Still taking Ca and Vit D and B12 (shot once a month) and venefer (iron IV infusion) when I need it.
Oh and I took the TSO last night again 1000 ova. I am not sure if it is the cumulative effect of taking the TSO or the fact that I changed to a higher dose but I have felt that I have more energy this past week than in months ( and it is a stressful time of year at work, this is the time things usually take a dive for me healthwise yearly pattern). So I am very positive about this.
My stools were so hard that I was actually constipated this week. Something that is extremely rare for me. I have hugely increased my fibre intake and took some prunes to get me going again. I see this as a good sign.
I still do not understand people's reluctance to the TSO. I feel it has been studied (maybe not as much as some drugs they put us on for chrons) I guess it is cause it is a worm and people see that as gross. For me it seems way more natural than the things I was taking that had bad side effects ( I would say worse, but I have not had any nor read about any side effects to TSO) People all over the world live with parasites (our environment is so clean adn sterile) and there is even less incidences of crohns in 3rd world countries, I am not saying there is a direct link but I am not afraid of eating a few worms if it will make me feel better. I have been through so much other **** that worms are nothing now. Well just expensive, but so far I feel worth every penny if it keeps me from being ill.
I am planning on taking the course 10 vials (1 every 2 weeks) and then starting to play around with it and see if I can go 3 weeks between vials, then 4.
A Canadian lady that I am in touch with (patient of my GI) now takes 1 vial once a month and has been on it for years. It all depends on the severuty of your disease, everyone is different.
My GI is monitoring me closely and I am keeping a daily log for myself, so I feel pretty safe and am not afraid I will turn into a worm through overcolonization !
As for the price it is on the website too . . . depends on the dose you want and shipping costs. It is "free" shipping if you buy 10 vials. 500 ova are 150- Euros per vial, so I paid about $2400 Canadian (exchange rate in summer, so may differ now) for the 10 vials (5 month supply . .do the math). It is like a second mortgage for us ( as it is not covered like remicade or other things were), we are pinching pennies as I have 3 vials left and will need to decide if I will re order in about 6 weeks. As things look now I think I will, but we will wait and see.
So now you have an idea of it all cost etc, I was a bit reluctant to talk about it but I guess you have to decide for yourself. I know there are wide ranging opinions on it but all I can tell you is how I am feeling (what other medications I am on) and try to be objective and you can decide for yourself.
Have a good week, will post again next week,
Ps if you find any spelling mistakes . . .you can keep them!