i try to record everything about my diet and how it affects my overall functioning, and try to find/isolate/confirm ANYTHING that makes me better or worse. i will set up a control period where i do not change anything for at least two days, then i will either add something new in or take something out in an attempt to verify whether or prefer with or without it, if it passes my test and all i see is postive benefits over the next 3-5 days, it becomes part of my daily routine. i try to eat the same things every day, with only occasional variations, over time i hope to have a very nice regimen that i know for sure gives me the absolute highest performance in all areas of my bodily functioning. i also have a washout period to even further verify the changes were not merely a coincidence, so i try to apply the most strict scientific standards dividing the sections into a control period, test period and washout period, which varies in length depending on things like whether any bad effects were experianced from testing something, or if accidentally do not adhere to at least 3 control days by accidentally changing something in my regimen.
i record my sleep habits(length, whether or not i dream, any sleep interuptions like urination or other, or waking up with anxiety attack etc.
daily intestinal status(any pain, types of pain, sharp dull duration intensity, general level or inflammation if presently detectable.
bowel habits- describe condition of bowel movement, mucus, blood, volume, shape, # of pieces.
i try to see how anything i eat affects anyone of these features, i have been meaning to make an excel file to make this much easier and be able to graph this information, but i dont know excel at all yet, i wanted to be able to go back and use any days notes as potential controls to compare and contrast to explain certain effects to isolate certain variables, which would then be the basis for a new experiments. all this to learn how my body works, and have a level of control over my well being.