Starting remicade - 2nd time around results?

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May 6, 2012
I was wondering if anyone has had good results with a second round of remicade. I was on it about 6 years ago for a very short time, I have very large and active fistulas and am starting remicade on Monday again.
I was told its the only way to help with the fistulas both rectal and vag, that are now abscessed again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hopefully it will work well for you - I have added info to your title to hopefully solicit some more responses....have you been tested for antibodies? Hopefully if it worked well the first time around you will respond to it again!
Hello pasobuff

No it didn't work the last time, and am really worried about not getting the results I'm hopping for, but the reason they are putting me back on remicade is for the fistulas and out of all the meds remicade works the best for them.
I have not been tested for antibodies either.