Starting remicade soon!

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Jan 6, 2010
How do you feel after you take remicade? I have allergies to begin with and am concerned about issues w/the remicade. I was taking Humira before, but it wasn't working so I'm switching to Remicade and hoping this works. I'm scared to start remicade :(
I have quite a few drug allergies so I was also concerned with starting Remicade. But so far so good… it is working great for me and makes me feel a lot better after I have my infusion. That said I do feel icky the next day, so I try to always schedule my infusions for Fridays so I have the weekend to recover. But it’s not bad just a little icky and it makes me feel much better after that.
As of today, no more meds other than Remicade! So apparently, Remicade is good enough on it's own!

Like Amanda, I too schedule my infusions on a Friday, because it wipes me out for a few days afterwards. It's good to take the weekend to sleep it off. I am very satisfied so far!

Everybody is different, but most people are quite satisfied with it for as long as it continues working for them.

Good luck and feel well! Lots of hugs!!
I was petrified when I was told to start remi. I've now had 4 infusions and apart from being sleepy the next day (like the others stated) I feel normal.

No other side effect for now. When this medication work for you it's a miracle drug.

Good luck and let us know how it went.

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