Starting school with an active Crohn's Disease flare

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Nov 23, 2009
hey guys, in a real bad flare and i start school in 3 days. Mentally doing really good physically in lots of pain worst its ever been saw GI few days back he wants to do a small bowel follow through but i moved so gotta rebook apoint. Last time i did one of these it was inconclusive because of my anatomy lol. I see another GI in 14 days but dont think i cant hold off that long - eating as well as i can but so much pain and gas pressure. Im contemplating going to the health clinic and requesting some prednisone to help out? i was diagnosed with chrons in terminal illeum 2 years ago was feeling ok most of the summer been weening off imuran and now everything is falling apart - think inflammation has spread or some sort of scarring to some portion of small intestine. should i go the prednisone route i dont wanan take any pain pills.
Hi Mark. I see you're from Canada. Have you tried Entercort (budesenide) - a steroid that stays more localized and doesn't affect the rest of the body like prednisone? I think it's expensive though, but a better choice than prednisone if you can afford it ( you can claim a good % of meds on income tax if you don't have extended health care to cover prescription costs). I think you should try to get that- but, if not that, then get something honey. It sounds like you need to get things in a place where you can start school in reasonable shape.
Hang in there.
Hey Mark,

If you feel you can't wait that long then that tells me you need to get yourself seen to and assessed. I don't know what the set up of a health clinic is but yeah, either go there or to the hospital.

Take care, :)
Hey Mark, Go! And get some much needed help. I had a major resurgence 2 weeks ago and am back to work at school in 3 days, too. We decided to hit it hard as, like you, I was completely incapacitated by the pain ... On the floor, could hardly breath from it. You can work with the doc to choose the treatment that will work best for you and your school schedule. Hope you are soon on the mend!!!
Why were you weening off the imuran? Isn't it a maintenance drug designed to maintain remission? I hope you get it back under control and fast!!!
Hiya Mark

I wouldn't hesitate if this was me, I've gotta go back to work (school) next Monday, if I was flaring with inflammation I would try the Pred again, it healed me nicely last time.
I've been on Entocort too, but not strong enough IMO
good luck and make that appt
hey thanks a lot guys for your posts i got a dr.s appointment 2day at 3 and i called the specialists office to get a move on my SBFT, hopefully i can make a 180 fast lol
Hey Mark,

That's good to hear. Please keep us posted on the outcome!

Good luck, :)
little update, the dr. at clinic said hed rather i not take prednisone i kind of agree b.c ive been on it 3x in last year. he also said it may clear up the area and we want the small bowel follow through to show whats going on. However, i am in pain and passing so much mucus in my stool....tons of it very thick. What would u guys do fill the prednisone script or try to wait it out 2 weeks in pain!
little update, the dr. at clinic said hed rather i not take prednisone i kind of agree b.c ive been on it 3x in last year. he also said it may clear up the area and we want the small bowel follow through to show whats going on. However, i am in pain and passing so much mucus in my stool....tons of it very thick. What would u guys do fill the prednisone script or try to wait it out 2 weeks in pain!

I was in a lot of pain and the Prednisone wasn't working for me so I had to go to the hospital (2 day stay) to get IV steroids and pain meds. I hope you get to feeling better.
little update, the dr. at clinic said hed rather i not take prednisone i kind of agree b.c ive been on it 3x in last year. he also said it may clear up the area and we want the small bowel follow through to show whats going on. However, i am in pain and passing so much mucus in my stool....tons of it very thick. What would u guys do fill the prednisone script or try to wait it out 2 weeks in pain!

Two weeks is a long time, you can have a short taper, my Gp hates pred too and I am the only one on pred from my Gi's patient list, but I am on low dose for now. I have my scope tomorrow and see from there. I am surprised he didnt give you a script for Flagyl, it would of helped too. My theory is the longer you wait the worse it gets the more is spreads and the harder to control. NO one should be in constant pain...your choice tho, having Crohns for over 18 years , I avoid pain, because that causes stress and depression and then your Crohns get worse, vicious cycle! Problem is can you stand it for two weeks?
Have you tried DMSO?

I have been having a flare for several months and am on 6mp, pentasa and nothing seems to be working. I've had pain, bloating, and everything for months. So bad that I've been depressed and in tears. The other day I was searching online for help after my Doctor mentioned surgery. That's the last thing that I want. So, I read about DMSO and Crohns. Well, very reluctantly went searching for it and found it at a health food store locally. I've been pouring a tsp a day on my stomach daily and noticed improvement the same day. Day 3 of feeling perfect. I have been eating again, no pain, no diarreah..nothing! It feels a little insane. I have no idea how this could help. I'M PRAYING IT CONTINUES. THIS SEEMS WAY TO GOOD TO BE TRUE! And to think my Doctor said.. Oh, don't use that. Yeah right! IT's worth a try everyone. I will keep you all posted.
If it were me I'd fill the prescription- it most likely won't clear up totally in the two weeks and they'll still see what is going on- but you'll be more comfortable. It is your call though- you can also just ask for pain killers.
Hang in there!

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