Out of interest, when you are all having a flare up and suffering terrible fatigue, how do you keep yourself awake and motivate yourself to keep going?
Out of interest, when you are all having a flare up and suffering terrible fatigue, how do you keep yourself awake and motivate yourself to keep going?
The most difficult thing for me is waking up in the mornings - but it helps that my dog won't let me sleep late, because he needs me to take him out to do his business. He'll jump around, bark, whine, anything he can to wake me up.
Like NGNG, I use coffee for an energy boost when I need to, but I'm lucky in that it doesn't typically upset my stomach to drink it. I also agree with McCindy, that moving around and taking a break from your routine helps as well - chatting with someone, stepping outside for a moment, going for a snack, or even checking Facebook for a couple minutes all distract me from being tired and allow me to regain some focus.