Well, my blood labs came back & I'm officially in a flare. GI is upping my Stelara to every 6 weeks now. Of course Alberta Health won't pay for it so the drug company is donating every 2nd dose.
Hey guys, my name is ali and I live in turkey, since crohn is not common in here i have been visiting u.s every 3 year for medical treatment. i was using remicade for almost 8 years with not side effects and under remission, 4 years ago we doubled the dose and 3 years ago we highered it %25 more, so i was taking 12.5mg/kg until 2 months ago, which was my last dose. we found some antibodies on my blood against remicade and my doctor decided to start me on stelara 10 days ago.
I took my first stelara shot 3 days ago, 6 shots of 90mg which is equal 6mg/kg. I still have some reduced sweets and cramps during the day but it gave me a lot of energy and put me in a good mood again. My GI told me that the IV Stelara effects faster then the injection, so i should wait 1-2 weeks for stelara to kick in, since i used the injection type. Also my GI told me that Stelara works better with the patients who were successful with the Anti-TNF drugs. I am on pred also and reducing the dose every week, so i will be done with pred in a month and start Imuran for only 6 months, to help stelara work better.
I will keep you guys updated.
By the way Stelara costs 2.000 usd for 90mg shot in turkey, i paid a lot more less with some discounts for 6 shots.
Hi Ali, Thanks for the helpful info. How are you doing? Did the loading dose kick-in? I'm considering Stelara. Thank again.
Vivlodex is a NSAID - my GI won't let me take NSAIDs.
Any drug like this can cause bleeding.
I just started Stelera a couple weeks ago and I haven't felt anything. I went to a new GI recently who communicates a little better then my other and he said that meds just don't seem to work for me and surgery is looking like the choice. Not even prednisone as I'm on 60mg now and it's not doing much.
Anyway, I've been in a pretty bad flare as of late but.. and I dont want to jinx it, but... my frequency and urgency has just slightly subsided over the last two days. I didn't even have to get up in the night which doesn't happen.
Anyway, hopefully it's the Stelera.
But no ill feelings from it, no.
I hope good things for you.I've stopped taking Stelara now and my flare continues. However they started me on Otezla for the psoriasis which has almost immediately cleared it up. I've noticed something else though, all of a sudden, the joint pain I've been experiencing for years is just about gone. Since Otezla is used to treat psoriatic arthritis, I begin to wonder if the pain that everyone attributed to Crohns wasn't psoriatic arthritis after all. I will have to pursue this with my rheumatologist.
Hopefully I can re-start Remicade now that the psoriasis is cleared up.
I'm about to start Stelara, & I too had a severe allergic reaction to Imuran; had to be hospitalized & felt like I was dying.
I'm worried since I'm allergic to Imuran that I might not be able to tolerate Stelara.
Where is your daughter on Stelara treatment now, if you don't mind me asking?
I hope she'feeling better, & thank you for your post & reply.
Dana B in TX
Hi. I hope the Stelara works for your daughter. Tagging Clash, Maya 142 and my little penguin.Hi, I am new here. My daughter is starting Stelara on Monday. She failed Remicade and Humira as she developed Antibodies in both cases by the 4th infusion/injection. Hoping the same does not happen with Stelara...
Hoping the best for youSecond Stelara done. Fingers crossed!!!
I do not believe stelara would increase your risk of cancer any more than imuran/remicade/humira. In fact I have heard stelara may actually be less risky than the others.Geez, where to start? I had colon cancer in 2011 and my large intestine removed and have an internal jpouch. I was diagnosed with Crohns years ago, also have had UC.
Went on Humira at urging of Dr at Baystate, it worked great for a few years then I develped plaque psorasis of my scalp and eyebrows and a few itchy rashes. SOO off that and then tried Remicade and Imuran for 6 months. It helped a bit not as much as humira. My diet tolerance was more limited. (on humira it was almost like normal people could eat with limited roughage). However Remicade kicked my BP up like crazy during infusions and my BP was borderline high anyway so we went off Remicade. I have bad osteoarthritis and it helped a bit.
Had to go on Budesonide /Entocort for few months and still on Imuran. Crohns healed pretty much but I am having some issues with IBD and inflamation in my Upper GI system and indigestion.
Dr and a consulting Dr think I should go on Stelara and see if it helps. I hesitate cause Cancer is in my family and I have had it. I am surviving on Imuran but not feeling great. On a white food diet mostly and if I cheat I feel it . Since they want the Stelara to use to heal the Upper GI issues, they do not know the effectiveness of Stelara on those issues as it was designed for the colon I believe.
They think I could enjoy a better quality of life (I am 64) and eat more regular foods.. gosh maybe even veggies...
Any advice? Experience? Input?
Appreciate it!
I am starting Stelara, hopefully this week I will get the infusions. Can anyone tell me if you had any ill feelings immediately after the infusion or the next day. I was on Remicade years ago and got very nauseated during and after the infusion and was very tired the next day. I am hoping Stelara is as good as everyone is reporting it to be as I am have ran out of medicines to treat my Crohn's. Any info will be appreciated.
Had my first stelara infusion yesterday for crohns and off label upper gi issue. Had major side effects and had to go to the ER, numbness in my face, stiff upper back and neck, tongue swelling, and next day lip swelling. Two trips to the ER on Prednisone and benedryl for a week at least. I am now stating ALLERGIC to Stelara and not having another infusion. This one is a 2 month supply in my body.