Still not diagnosed

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Hi there i just wanted to no what you all think of this if this seems unfair at all in how im being treated. It all really started last year after i had my appendics removed i started getting diareah and pain above my right hip, but as it didnt go away and started getting worse i just put itdown to recovering from the appendics operation however when i went to see my surgeon he sent back to my gynaecologist who earlier on in the year had removed a cyst on myright ovary who told me it want anything gynaecology but could be IBS, so started me on some anti spasmotic tabs and put me on a wholegrain diet. I tried them and i just wasnt responding to the tablets at all and started becoming constipated. He then refered me to a gastroentorelist and she then refered me for an endoscopy and the one that looks down the throat which the endoscopy come back as patchy macousa and that was it. I was then in alot of pain being sick all the time and the pain seemed to be hanging around my belly button and right side so i was admitted. In hospital they did a small bowel follow through which the radiologist described as highly suspected as crohns disease,mild inflammation and small ulcers. They started me on predisolone and pentasa and gave the diagnoses of crohns. I went home and a week later come back fora colonscopy to take biposys. The results were. Bowel prep was poor, mucosa patchy, mild congestion and erythema at terminal ileum, mildly inflammaed terminal ileum whoever no ulcers seen there. clincal diagnoses, mildly ileitis. I was still on steriods while this was going on and the biopsy result come back negative, so they descided to do Cam pill which by this time i had weaned myself off the predisolone i would say it worked but as it come down i started getting symptoms back again. The cam pill was also negative so they told me i didnt have crohns disease. They took me off pentasa and told me to not take no painkillers because i get consti[pated. This annoyed me because it was like they wasnt understandin i was in pain. I ended back in a&e the next month with stabbing pains round the right side which they thought could be gyne again, did a laproscopy but could not see nothing wrong with ovarys and said it was deffinatly a problem with my bowels. I was by this time losing weight because i had no appetite and kept being sick etc. I was refered to university college hospital and they did a anorectal test which showed my nerves in rectum was sensitive and they was going to try my out on some nerve drugs which i still havent recieved. Meanwhile i have heard of people taking ages to get diagnosed my sypmtoms are the same but feel likei am going round in circles, what about the pain what are they doing about it, nothing it is just totally unlivable, i also get pains under my right rib like a achy feeling which isnt really nice. just wondered what you lot had to think of this should i get a second opionon? By the way just to add that do you think its right to do tests when you've been given steriods to actually take away the inflammation? i just dont understand that seems a bit silly to me. Also seeing physiotherapist for back pain and still losing weight and diareah and cant keep anything solid down
Whoa, your story sounds alot like mine! Welcome to the forum you have come to the right place and you have been through alot, and I too had to get aggressive and demand to take my file and go to my family doctor and he would do something.... Well because of that my Gi who believed I had Crohns, was talking to my GP and I was sent to a Toronto doctor who gave me a Endoscopy right down to the bowels and a barium follow through at the same time! It was dragging out for a year and after 40 lbs of weight loss, I couldnt take it anymore. Crohns is very hard to dx, even if they dont see ulcers. That was 17 years ago and still can't believe you are going through the same run around as I did, this day and age. I would get a second opinion so you can get the treatment you need.
Steroids do help but it masks the pain and inflammation until you taper, and that it does come back. You could have narrowing if you cant keep food down. You should not be suffering this way, hope you get the help you deserve! Keep us updated! Hugs!
Hi MonkeyBusiness, and welcome.

I am experiencing similar trouble getting a diagnosis myself. I have been waiting since October for a colonoscopy, and my appt. is in May. My doc's are the opposite of yours, refusing to treat or give pain meds until they know what things are. I do understand what you are saying thougha bout being on the steroids before they do the colonoscopy, which is why i've asked, but am not pushing for a pred. taper.

I hope they find something soon, i just wanted to let you know i empathise, and unfortunately this seems like the norm. :(
Hiya, the doctors are not giving me anything no pain relief its sort of like oh you dont have crohns c ya, i just dont understand it really because i used to get pains years back but just put it down the gyneacology, i just feel like if i say i cant do this anymore they will think oh she's stressed this is whats causing this and its not there is something wrong, i just feel like i cant get on with my life i get job interviews get told ive got the job and end up in hospital again, i just feel like it is running my life, i also get really weird sounds in my belly like growling and bubbles its really weird and when i get more pain i get diareah a lot more, feels like pressure either im sick or i get diareah or both at same time, when that happens it feels like pressure gone down but builds up again.
:welcome: MB! Sorry you are having such a rough time. Sounds like you are in the UK? I'm not sure how difficult it is to get a second opinion over there, but that is what I would go for. It is difficult because they should have waited to put you on the steroids until AFTER the scope (if the wait wasn't too long) because of course that is going to alter your disease - it is SUPPOSED to take the inflammation away. So, it sounds like it did what it was supposed to and messed up your results. I'd work on getting in with another GI, explain the illogicalness of diagnosing you with Crohn's, giving you the proper meds to quiet the disease and THEN scoping you and expecting to see the SAME inflammation (der!)- not going to happen! Hope you get it figured out soon. It is better to get on medication to control the inflammation rather than be dependent on pain meds as they can mess with your gut (making you constipated - which can make your symptoms worse in the end). Good luck!
Hiya yeah im in the uk,its just so stupid because my GI was saying yeah the steiods could have killed the inflammation offbut i was still getting diarehoa when i had the cam pill so it should have shown something, but i was getting constipated to the point where they had to give me some picolax, which drs have said could have continued working because the laxative is so strong. i just feel like i have to trust what they say but i no there is something wrong i have heard that having appendics operation can aggrevate the symptoms of it so i am not sure i just feel like well the tests say this so it cant be that but then if its not that then why does this happen and why is this, i feel so isolated because the drs almost talk to you like your going mad
Don't let them make you feel that way. So many of us have gone through years and years of not being diagnosed and made to feel like it is "all in our heads" by docs and worse - by family. Clarify for me - you DID have a good response to being on the steroids right? I am just wondering what other disease or issue one could have that looks a lot like IBD - but isn't - but would respond to steroids. THAT is the question I'd ask the doc next time I saw them.