Still Pregnant!

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Feb 17, 2007
Hello everyone =)
Just an update on my pregnancy... and a few recent events that I feel the need to rant about (if you dont mind).
Well- I'm officially 9 months pregnant! 36 weeks actually. Baby girl is healthy and getting her daily dose of yoga and cardio, using my ribs as her step bench of course lol. I've gained 35 lbs! Yeehaw! I'm hoping that I get back down to a good size but dont loose it ALL. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a happy medium since I've always had trouble staying at a healthy weight.
So on to that rant........ Well, I've been having some issues with my fistula. I've been told it is a result of the baby dropping into my pelvis and the weight of my uterus in general, putting pressure on my perinium, and everything in the general area. My fistula itself is healing and ready to be allowed to close up! (I have a cton and small tube in to keep it open to prevent abcess) ...but because Im pregnant no doctor will do anything to it untill after I give birth because it reguires anesteshia (plz excuse my spelling). So ontop of the discomfort of having a baby pushing on it, Im having pain with it daily because the tube and stuff are more then ready to be removed... lets just say they arent the right size now because of healthy growth that has replaced areas that had to be removed when the problem first developed.

SO- Ive been to the docs alot because of severe pain and constipation because the area is staying swollen. The ER docs have gone so far as to call my OBGYN and tell him that I am "pain seeking" and they think I am lying about my issues. These people are SMALL TOWN docs and nurses who know NOTHING at all about Crohns/fistulas/being pregnant with them. My OB (who is in Columbus and is experienced with complications like this) knows very well that Im not lying and has had to call the local hopitals administator to complain and demand that they treat me if I need to come in for emergency help or anything else because they kept telling me to drive 2 1/2 hours to OSU er if I needed anything at all because they are afraid of me for some reason...... I think its rediculous Im getting treated like a liar and a nobody because I dont wanna get in the car and ride halfway across the state at midnight, bawling the whole way there because I havent pooped in a week and my butt is bleeding and feels like my bowels are literally trying to push thier way out completly. IT SUCKS because this hopspital is literally the ONLY one here. The next closest one is about 45 min away and it is even smaller and has mostly the same docs and the same way of treating patients.
There are ALOT (and I MEAN ALOT ALOT) of prescription drug abusers in this area... and now I'm paying for thier ignorance because the docs wont take anyone who says they are in pain seriously now. Ive never had this problem anywhere else and I think its ridiculous. ALSO, this is the SAME hospital that let my disease get so serious I almost died and developed a serious fistula in the first place...... Thank god they referred me to OSU for the csection because the docs up there are wonderful!
Hi Rosemarie
My commisserations to you............I'm not pregnant but know what having an abscess that led to a fistula is all about. That's what I initially had but following three operations on the abscess over a period of time and later had severe ongoing diarrhea (by that time a fistula had developed). Spoke to the specialist asking what on earth is happening? Of course they couldn't connect the dots i.e. the link to Crohns and I had to first have chronic diarrhea and then blood in the poo until they kinda sat up and decided that I should be tested for Crohns. I was on the waiting list for a Seton to be fitted but by the time they contacted me several months later of course the wound had kinda stopped leaking. Oh well, such is life, I wish all the best for the remainder of your pregnancy and hope you will be treated soon so that you do not have to endure the pain and agony that you're going through at the moment.

Your fellow Crohnie,
Daisy G
She's almost here!!!
In-utero step aerobics, holy cow that's a funny one.
I'm so sorry that doctors are being jerks to you. I hate it when someone thinks I'm lying.
Since you are schuduled for a C anyways, have they discussed doing it a little early? At least you are going to a good place to have it done.
I don't know if it would help, but maybe you could use some numbing spray on the swollen area just to get you through the next few weeks? I got some in the hospital for my episiotomy, and it felt soooo goooood. It's called Dermoplast.

You're gonna be a busy momma soon, good luck and let us know how everything went when you get the chance!
After my OB called the hospital they reluctantly gave me some kind of steroid cream with lidocain in it to numb things and reduce the swelling. Its helped a little bit but Im just gonna have to spend alot of time resting on my side to keep the pain to a minimum for these last couple weeks. Beleive it or not... the pharmacy refused to fill the cream and interrigated my husband when we tried to get it filled. They said "no doctor prescribes this mix of creams, its only used for surgical procedures, so you must have written it yourself." My hubby had to throw a fit and make them call the doc who wrote it... which they did, and found out it was legit... but we didnt get any kind of apology.
I'm just fed up to my ears with these people. But I'm to exhausted from everything going on to get really upset about it lol.
Im going to ask the doc about moving my csection up a week or so, but I doubt he will want to unless it gets more serious then it is now... I've only got 3 weeks left now.
Hi Rosemarie
Sorry you are going through that. Ive always been nervous about getting pregnant with the issues I have. Its good to see you have come so far and have a healthy baby! Congrats! Thats the best part. How lame that the doctors wont treat u. Sometimes they can be such know it alls. Hope she comes sooner rather than later!!
Good Luck!

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