Stoma ?

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Dec 8, 2011
A few questions I HATE asking for those who have had their colon removed and have a stoma for life.

Do you have a odor you can smell or others can??
Does your pouch leak a lot?

Sorry I feel terrible asking these ?'s I had my husband ask me and I have no idea not like I have a choice I cant live this way I will die :(

Thanks for your help
I have a bag right now. Try chloraphyll should be able to find them in most stores. Also, I have noticed that whenever I eat tomato soup or drink v8 the excrement doesn't smell that bad. The chloraphyll takes a while to work though. onions, garlic, most veggies, and junk food cause gas. Yogurt can also help. :)
I have issues with my bag leaking too. It happens. I have to change my bag every two days at least. I use allkare barrier wipes to get it sticky.. the wipes have to be patted on, not rubbed, and then it has to dry some. I find that using a dryer on hot helps it seal better.
I don't have a problem with odour, unless I'm emptying my bag or changing it. Otherwise, there's no smell at all. I'm not really prone to leaks as I have a colostomy as opposed to an ileostomy so my output is really thick, so it doesn't seep under my flange. I can get a week out of my flanges, then the adhesive starts to break down. It takes time to get used having the bag, but once you get the right appliance and a routine down, you'll hardly even notice it's there.
Never feel terrible asking questions; we're here to share our experiences and to help where we can.

Do you mean "do you have an odour at times other than when you are emptying your bag"? If so, the answer should be "No". If you do have an odour, there is something wrong - your bag might be leaking or you might not have cleaned the opening properly when you emptied it last. (Others might be able to think of other occasions) But there should be no smell at ordinary times.

There will be smell when you empty your bag and you will be very aware of it because it is right in front of you. But most of the time - and if your gut is working reasonably well - it shouldn't smell much worse than when your husband or anyone else goes to the toilet. There are things that you can get to put in your bag that will help reduce the smell; your stoma nurse should be able to tell you about what is available in your area. I find that eating fish affects me worst in terms of smell, but I eat it just the same because it is good for me.

Pouch leakage varies from person to person. You might take a bit of experimentation until you find what brand and style suits you best - again your stoma nurse should help with this. And you need to take care when changing and to learn to recognise when your pouch needs changing. I can go for 4 days if my output is in good condition, but might need to change every day if things are not so good. And, it must be said, sometimes you get leakage for no reason that you can fathom. I have had an ileostomy for 12 years and still get the odd problem.

But the advantages far outweigh these disadvantages!!! You can start living a normal life again and, with luck and care, you should be able to do almost everything that you were able to do before the onset of the Crohns. I travel to all sorts of out-of-the-way places and, in 2010, spent 10 days snorkelling in the Galapagos Islands.

If you have any more questions, ask away. Nobody on here is going to be embarrassed. :ghug:
My bag doesn't smell at all unless I'm emptying it. Even then it doesn't smell that bad as I put mint drops in it to make it smell better.

I've had my stoma since October and I've had a few leaks since then. I think it's normal in the first few months till you find a bag which works best for you. I would SO much rather have my bag leak than to poo my pants though.

If it helps though, I wasn't even feeling that ill before I lost my whole colon and got my permanent ileostomy. I LOVE life without my colon. Living with a bag isn't nearly as big a deal as I thought it was going to be. I'm back at work and I honestly feel like I did before. Plus not having stomach pain and never having a bloated stomach is a massive bonus!
Mine never smells unless I have a leak. When I empty it...well my **** does stink damnit. Once again, I've failed to become a goddess! Next year, I promise!!!

But, when I empty it, I have this little spray I use from Ostomart. But thats only in a public restroom. If I stink at home the dog can just leave after all! At work...well, shame on them for using my loo!!!

Stan is great, most of the time. I wouldnt trade him for another man. Well, Johnny Depp maybe!!
people will NEVER be able to smell your bag/ or output unless you are having a major leak or are wearing a faulty bag.

sometimes when you empty your bag, your output can have an odour depending on what you've been eating, but as others have mentioned you can use drops if this bothers you.

also, everyone is different i have had my permanent ileostomy for 6 months and i have never had a leak, or even come close.
frequent leaks are not the norm unless you're having problems with your stoma or are wearing the wrong appliance etc for you. most people on this forum experience a leak once in a while but certainly not often.

noone will know about your stoma unless you decide to tell them!! only my close family know about mine, i recently was away for the weekend with girlfriends we all shared a hotel room and had such a good time, out of 5 of them only 1 knew about my bag- and its because i told her.
in my opinion the day i got my stoma, a new and better life started :):):) i hope you feel the same way!