Stomach Bug, Crohns, or what??

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Oct 5, 2007
i'm writing as a confused and increasingly worried Dingbat. for the past 6 days i've had, what i thought was, a typical tummy bug.. but it's not getting any better, despite me going on almost starvation, in fact it's getting worse. have seen the GP this morning - all she could advise was to come back in a few days if no better...

my symptoms are acute dizziness/lightheadedness, persistent belly ache over my whole stomach every time any fluid or light food hits it (have been eating one cream cracker each mealtime, & that's it). i wake up in the morning and my tummy is flat, but as soon as the pain kicks in, it swells up. i feel really sick on & off during the day, but haven't vomited. no diarrhea either. i don't think it sounds like Crohns, & it's too long-standing for a bug according to the pharmacist.. she suggested it may be food poisoning! what do you guys think?
When did you start to get this problem. Food poisoning will usually appear about 30 minutes after eating the meal that caused it. If this is about right then it is probably food poisoning. I hope it's not Crohn's acting up and I hope this doesn't agrevate anything. Best of luck my friend
thanks Jeff. i can't pinpoint actually eating any one thing that started all this off.. i do tend to eat different things from the meals i cook for my family - honestly cannot remember what i had 6 or 7 days ago.
Haha yeah it's tuff trying to remember that kind of thing. Did you go out to eat a week ago or cook anything that was weird.
i would have thought that food poisening would have gone by now with it being 6 days. although severe food posiening can last a week. do you ever eat the same meals as your family.. or is there anything you have eaten that you can think of that may cause food poisening.. like chicken or fish?

i would go back to your doctor and ask for a test of some sort or something to help. its abit strange with you not vomiting or having dioreah as those are the main symptoms of food poisening
i don't think we ate out or had a take-out a week ago... hang on, we did. i got a Macdonalds one night - i had chicken strippers. hm..

sometimes i do eat the same as everyone else, depends on how i'm feeling. i cook red meat for them, but don't eat it myself - also i very often only have a small appetite so will have a snack instead of a meal. the pharmacist suggested that i go back to the gp, query food poisoning, & see if they'll give me a specific antibiotic for a stomach infection.
Is it your stomach that hurts, or is it abdominal pain?

Earlier this summer everyone in my house caught a bug that made everyone's stomach ache. For them it lasted a day, but for me it lasted several days. I felt generally lousy for almost two weeks.
yep Wiles, it seems to be going the way of a bug now, albeit a very stubborn one!

it was my whole abdomen that hurt and swelled btw.

thanks everyone for your well wishes and thoughts - i think it's going (fingers crossed). yesterday was a little less painful, same again today although i still feel sick.

still, on the plus side - i've lost some weight lol, quite like this very flat stomach i have right now :D
lol thank you Pen, i need you guys & this place just as much :)

my next appointment is around 6 weeks time, but i can ring anytime for a flare-up clinic appointment which is held once a week. i was on the verge of doing so, but as it's calming, i think i will wait now.

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