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Jan 15, 2009
Who can i contact to impose my will. I feel the people treating me are INHUMANE. And i dont think their decisions are ethical when they ignore the patients wishes.

I feel like i'm powerless in my own medical treatment. They treat me like a typical mathematical equation. See, they hear about my problems, and they decide right away what to do based on what has worked for others. This was shown immediatly when i started to flare two years ago - they gave me entocort dispite my objections. This entocort has never worked for me in the past, but they gave me it anyway because its what "usually" works.

The books are more important to them than reality, you know?

But now its the worst, my doctor has decided by himself that i should just suffer. He said they dont give strong pain medicines to chronies (opioid/ates are the only ones that are realistic to work)

I ask: "So.. whats the next step then. What are do you do about my crippling pain?"
He says: "Well... alot of people have stomach pain... just deal with it."

Obviously this ******* isnt in touch with reality. Yeah doc alot of people get their fuckn arms broken too how about YOU deal with it. I think he has a bad attitude, hes condescending

I've "dealt with it" for my whole life. But im an adult now and it doesnt work anymore! Its naive! KIDS lie about "oh im not in pain" because of shame and god knows what. I know better than you doc - ive been doing it my whole life.

Shouldnt I decide something as personal as this? He's acting very condescending. All this does in reality is force me to buy opiates ANYWAY, but that are far less effective and safe! I HAVE TO TREAT MY PAIN. Its not a ******* option!

What can i do? STONEWALLED is what i am. It takes weeks to get in touch on the phone with this guy. The secretary gives me nothing. When i talk to her she can just say "ill look into it" and try and end the conversation, without making any promises. Without giving me an idea of what will happen and when i'll see a result.

Im only 20 years old, i really am not a legal expert. I dont know all my rights. I know lot of people here are older, maybe you have been in this situation. Please give me a little advice. Who can i contact and what can i do.

But i do know that as a swedish citizen i am entitled to medical care damnit! You cant just say "no i wont treat you, deal with it".

So many times ive wanted to phisicly hurt them i always fantasize about making them more humble. You're not an expert doctor, and im probably smarter than you are or your kids will be. Becides whatever you think you know can just be looked up in google in a minute.
My best suggestion is to get go see a different doctor. There have been several posts in the past that are similar and I'm not sure your doc is doing anything illegal per say but that's not to say it's not wrong. Your doc is treating you badly so go get another doc and find one that you like and feel comfortable with. I've been through several GI's so far and I've finally found one I trust and like. Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope you can get a new doc soon my friend.
Jeff D. said:
My best suggestion is to get go see a different doctor. There have been several posts in the past that are similar and I'm not sure your doc is doing anything illegal per say but that's not to say it's not wrong. Your doc is treating you badly so go get another doc and find one that you like and feel comfortable with. I've been through several GI's so far and I've finally found one I trust and like. Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope you can get a new doc soon my friend.
Is this possible? When i talked to my secretary about this she just said "we cant do that". Or she will "look into it", but they dont. This is where i feel like im being stonewalled - its like they're straight up lying! and persistently too. But maybe theyre not.

Maybe commercial hospitals give you this optioin. But i dont know why a government hospital wouldnt,,

SIGH maybe we should all move to France, their healthcare is the best i hear.
Sorry Buddy that you are having so much pain...You are living in Swedan ???
I am really not informed how the government run health care works in other countries....All the advice I can give you is from an American perspective. Here, unless there has been some form of malpractice there really is nothing you can do except find a new doctor.......I do suggest that you ask for a referral to see a Pain Management Speiclaist...Good luck.
Don't talk to the secretary, go to another office. You don't have to stay with that group. Even if you have to drive a little bit, I drive 2 hours to go to my GI. Try and find a doc/firm that you like and can deal with and you will get treatment much quicker. A good docter listens to their patients and then figures out where to go from there.
Is this the primary care doctor, or your Crohn's specialist/consultant?

Sounds like you need to take charge of your own treatment... make an appointment to see your GP/primary care doc and ask for help with your pain - describe what it does to you. Ask nicely first, then turn on the tears! If he/she wants to refer you to someone else demand something to help you in the mean time.

If you don't get satisfactory help from your primary care docs, go to the accident/emergency dept of your local hospital - and scream the place down till they do help you!

And look up what rights you have! You're 20yr old now, an adult, don't wait to be told what to do, ask, hassle, remind people who seem to have forgotten about you, just go for it!

(I know how hard it can be to hassle doctors/etc, I was taught not to say 'boo to a goose', but sometimes you just have to stand up for yourSelf)
hi CS... i understand your frustration, uh i guess screaming point would be a better way to describe it? been there, and it's not easy to find your voice, channel it in the right direction, in the right tone, when you're in pain and maybe alone with this... but - it has to be done. you're absolutely right to be angry, it does sound like you're not being given the treatment and attention you need, and you don't need to stay at the mercy of this consultant who doesn't seem to care...

i found a link - there may be more - which gives a list of places in Sweden which have Crohn's resources. if i were you, i'd take that list, find all the phone numbers, and ring every single one - gastroenterology department - and push to get rereferred to one of them.

good luck!
Basically I cant tell you about Sweden, but I can tell you that others have echoed my sentiments. If you don't like the first doctor, find a way to goto another doctor on your own. The secretary has no motive to help you are asking her to take money away from the office. Just go do it on your own by talking to your primary physician or find the government agency that regulates healthcare in Sweden and talk to someone there. They will be much more helpful getting you into seeing a new physician if you aren't getting the care you need and deserve.
saidinstouch said:
Basically I cant tell you about Sweden, but I can tell you that others have echoed my sentiments. If you don't like the first doctor, find a way to goto another doctor on your own. The secretary has no motive to help you are asking her to take money away from the office. Just go do it on your own by talking to your primary physician or find the government agency that regulates healthcare in Sweden and talk to someone there. They will be much more helpful getting you into seeing a new physician if you aren't getting the care you need and deserve.
That's not how its supposed to be!!!!!

Thanks for the advice everyone cause i need it. It's hard to define what the problem here is. Maybe it's good ol-fashion beurocracy. In that case i dont know if there is any counsil that can help me with that.

I will definately try both going to different clinics and getting painspecialists. Until then i have written an angry e-mail (lol).

And this is my real doctor, the stomach specialist. And it was never like this when i was a child in the kids-clinic. They were very helpful with everything, and this is in the SAME HOSPITAL.

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