Stool colour and shape during flare up!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 4, 2011

When people have a flare up what colour is their stool. When I had mine it was yellow, brown and a nasty smelling green colour!! It also was sometimes like slugde coming out and also toothpaste!! Just wonder if anyone else has this?

Lara x
Hi Lara,

I used to suffer from constipation, so a flare for me typically meant no stool! At that time the stool did not look much different than normal.

Different issues will result in different types of stool of course though. Perhaps during flares your stools contained more undigested matter than normal?
I also get constipation and when I get mine it looks pretty normal, but hurts so much. It is dark brown, but I have forgotten what normal or healthy is.
I think most people would be shocked if they could see what comes out of me sometimes during a flare haha. Color ranges from yellow to green to brown to black.. pretty much the entire rainbow. Consistency is also very variable; sometimes it's like hot chocolate (sorry for that image..) other times it's like wet sand or sludge.
Basically i'm never surprised by what I see at this point, I just keep an eye out for blood