Strange problem

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Mar 18, 2010
Hello ladies, I've been having kind of a strange problem lately and I was wondering if any of you have experienced the same thing.

Often times when I go to the bathroom, I bleed rectally. However, when I have a bloody bowel movement I bleed vaginally as well. I've read that sometimes that can be from the pressure of having a bowel movement, but what's really strange is the blood is the same color. Like, if I bleed maroon-colored blood rectally, then I bleed maroon-colored vaginally, if it's bright red rectally then it's bright red vaginally, ect.

Is this "normal"? I'm terrified that I have yet another thing wrong with me.
Hi Serious - I've never had a vaginal fistula, but would blood travel through a fistula and come out vaginally?

And you're sure it's coming out of your vagina and not just traveling down, like trickeling down from your rectum?

Keep us posted - i hope it doesn't turn out to be serious. I would give your GI a call if it continues.

- Amy
Hi ameslouise, I thought that maybe it was just trickling down at first, but what happens is I'll not be bleeding at all from either orifice, then I'll sit on the toilet, do my business, and wipe and see the blood from both my vagina and rectum, so I do think they are both bleeding.

I'm absolutely terrified that it's a fistula. I want to cry just thinking about it. How would I find out if it's that?

I don't have a GI right now, I'm working on getting a new one. None of my previous ones really seemed to care so I never told them. This has been going on for almost a year now.

I guess as soon as I get a new one I need to face the music and tell them. :(
Same thing happened again today. I'm going to try to make an appointment with someone new on Monday and get this straightened out.
Good luck on Monday - hope you can get it to see someone soon. Losing blood from either place is not good, and from both places even more so!

I am not sure how they dx a fistula - I think maybe with and MRI?

Keep us posted, please! - Amy
IF you have a regular gynocologist, you may want to set up an appointment with them in the meantime. Couldn't hurt to get more than one doc to check you out, you know? They may be able to tell the difference since they "specialize" in that area, you know?

Is there any pain associated in either region when you are bleeding?
Nope, no pain on either side--thankfully! I do have rectal pain but not while I'm actually bleeding or during a BM. I wouldn't even be able to tell that it's happening if I didn't actually see it.

I do have to go see my OBGYN soon for my yearly exam, hopefully I can see a GI very soon and see what they think.
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Okay, so I did some reading today, and now I am wondering if this hemorrhoid that I've had for a long time isn't really a hemorrhoid but is a fistula instead. I really, really, really, really hope it isn't and is just a hemmy. I thought it was getting better, but it's still causing me problems. I'm going to try to get an appointment ASAP and get some answers.
I think it's best to have a professional look at it for sure. It will at least give you some peace of mind knowing for sure what it is. Good luck! :) Let us know what happens. Whatever it is...getting it treated will give you one less thing to worry and stress over. ;)

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