Stressed out Please Advise

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 27, 2009
Hello Crohnies,

I am feeling wicked overwhelmed right now. I have a lot of stuff on my plate right now and for each item on the plate I seem to have attached a good deal of worries.

I am still experiencing a fair amount of symptoms and do not yet have a diagnosis. My wife and I are going to to meet with the Doc and Physicians assistant this Thursday. I have the chance to email them ahead of time with symptoms, concerns today before our meeting. As some of you already know, I have had a multitude of tests up to this point, with almost nothing showing up. The only issues that were shared up to this point are a somewhat high white blood cell count, borderline cholesterol, and a somewhat fatty liver (ah yes the 80's- I am told I enjoyed them-:tongue: ).

I have had the following tests/procedures since March of this Year: Cat Scan(w/contrast), 3 Colonoscopies, Angiogram, Endocscopy, Lead screening, multiple blood tests, 24 hour urine collection, and been tested for Poryphias (?SP).
I was told by the P.A. that last weeks Poryphias tests are the last of the diagnostics available. What the hell do i do with that? If they do not know what i have by now is this as good as it gets?

I have had 5 trips to the ER since March, including one in the ambulance. My biggest issue was a debilitating pain in my right side below the ribs (Ileum area) that was the worst pain i have ever felt. I have had bouts with the explosive D, constipation, rarely vomitting (maybe 5x since Mar), body aches and pains (especially knees, hips, shoulders, hands). Oh yes, I nearly forgot the fatigue, I feel like I have the energy level of a 90 year old.

Since my pain was so intense, I went through a fair amount of pain killers - they didn't stop the pain, only took off the edge. I took as many as 10 vicodins in a day, just to be able to function a little! Going through this many pain pills and still in relentless pain. Thankfully, the Doc switched me to Nortryptaline and Bentyl to manage the stomach pain and spasms. The spasms are really odd because you can actually see the outside of my abdomen pulsate. WTF??? These meds have not come without a price, I have an occasional tremor in my hands and now have blurred vision when reading!

The med change has thankfully cut my pain level in half for the most part. I still have some wicked Friggin pain, but at least it is not 24/7 now. It is noteworthy that until the most recent colonoscopy and endoscopy the docs could never get near the ileum area. When they were scoping and were near the ileum, I felt a tremendous stabbing pain and instinctively grabbed the hand of the nearest clinician- not realizing it and did not let go until the third time I was asked to.
They took about 8 samples of tissue in and out of the Ileum and all came back clean. The docs have told me that they can 95% guarantee that i do not have Crohn's or Colitis.

Additional symptoms--- random pain shooting from mid abdomen to pelvic area. Skin sores that look like an ingrown hair/pimple seem to appear on my arms after I have had a few stressful/flareup days.

Mental Fog- There are many times during the course of a day when I am challenged with memory or processing issues. For example, "did I take my pills?" "what did I come in this room for?"

I seem to be easily overwhelmed with issues and am challenged with thinking my way through an issue. (this was previously a strength espec. professionally)

I seem to bruise easily I always seem to have bumps bruises on toes/shins.

Mint toothpaste burns my mouth and tongue.

I do not have the patience these days that I used to.

:::::In his best southern preacher voice Jerman shouts:::: "Can I get a WTF from the congregation?"

In addition, due to my being unemployed for the past year, I have fallen behind on bills. I am working with mortgage company to try to rework payments and keep our home.

I am going back to work on Monday of next week. I may not be well enough but it is a huge opportunity and is with a director I admire. I am nervous as hell about the job thing as I still feel like crap most days!! However, the director has kind of held out waiting for me to feel better and join his team of staff. I hope to hell that I can will my way through the first weeks. Knowing as I do that stress has a huge impact on the frequency and intensity of my pain and bathroom activity,I need to get a few ideas of how to stay mellow. I simply can not blow this opportunity.

Any and all advice are welcome. Feel free to PM or email me if you wish. I am normally very confident professionally, not feeling it right now. :(

Thank you Cyberpeeps,


AKA- Duke Clarkson
(I'm part of the CFC - Crohn's Forum Congregation)

I'm so sorry you're feeling like this, Duke. I can't imagine what this has been like for you.

Have you been tested for anemia?

Have you been tested for allergies (I'm asking because of the reaction to the toothpaste)? What about deficiencies?
Check this out:
Santos61198 said:
(I'm part of the CFC - Crohn's Forum Congregation)

I'm so sorry you're feeling like this, Duke. I can't imagine what this has been like for you.

Have you been tested for anemia?

Have you been tested for allergies (I'm asking because of the reaction to the toothpaste)? What about deficiencies?
Check this out:

Thanks Ris, you rock! I do not think have been tested for allergies or deficiencies. But I will ask on Thursday, cross your fingers or say a few if you would, I am all cranked up about this stuff.
Jerman said:
Thanks Ris, you rock! I do not think have been tested for allergies or deficiencies. But I will ask on Thursday, cross your fingers or say a few if you would, I am all cranked up about this stuff.

I'll say more than a few for you :eek:
Please don't forget to update us!
Jerman, you and I are in like the exact same boat dude .. almost identical symptoms with a few differences. I don't bruise and whatever but the main symptoms exactly match mine.
I don't like mint toothpaste either - it's too strong for me. I use Kid's Crest Sparkle mint flavor. (Well yeah - it's still mint - but it's mild and doesn't burn my mouth.)
My dentist said that even the kid's berry flavors with the Spiderman or Hannah Montana are fine for adults - they still have the flouride.
(PLEASE say if you buy the latter??)
Hi Jerman
Hope you get some answers soon, which may lead to some effective treatment.
Really sympathise with the "mental fog/overwhwelmed with issues". I get that too. Like you really need it on top of everything else!

*My toothpaste tastes like burnt rubber mixed with industrial strength bleach
Aw, I hope they can figure out what's wrong with you soon. Sounds like such horrible symptoms. :(

Oh, and my Crest Pro Oral Healh rules!
drew_wymore said:
Jerman, you and I are in like the exact same boat dude .. almost identical symptoms with a few differences. I don't bruise and whatever but the main symptoms exactly match mine.

If I remember correctly from other posts, you have not been diagnosed yet either right? If you don't mind me asking, what types of tests have you had and has anything shown up? Is the abdominal pain the worst/ most predominant symptom?
Have you had ANY luck at all with increasing stamina/ battling the fatigue? Are you able to feel the pain right away after experiencing stress? What about meds? What has helped?

Thanks Drew
My Butt Hurts said:
I don't like mint toothpaste either - it's too strong for me. I use Kid's Crest Sparkle mint flavor. (Well yeah - it's still mint - but it's mild and doesn't burn my mouth.)
My dentist said that even the kid's berry flavors with the Spiderman or Hannah Montana are fine for adults - they still have the flouride.
(PLEASE say if you buy the latter??)

Spiderman is the best weapon against the cavity creeps, and I have to admit I actually like the new HM/Miley song "the climb" :shifty-t: :shifty-t: :shifty-t: :ywow:

:::::Jerman hangs his head in shame knowing that admitting he liked a HM song will forever keep him from being "one of the cool forum guys":::::
Agent X20 said:
Hi Jerman
Hope you get some answers soon, which may lead to some effective treatment.
Really sympathise with the "mental fog/overwhwelmed with issues". I get that too. Like you really need it on top of everything else!

*My toothpaste tastes like burnt rubber mixed with industrial strength bleach

Thanks for the kind words Steve. Yes, the mental fog is a real tough one, can totally wipe out focus and makes you feel like you are spinning your wheels all day!
Santos61198 said:
I will totally ignore that HM comment re: The Climb and still think you're one of the coolest guys on here :D

:blush: :blush: :blush: Awww Shucks now ya went ahead and made me blush. Thanks very much Ris, I think you are pretty awesome too!
vshirey317 said:
Aw, I hope they can figure out what's wrong with you soon. Sounds like such horrible symptoms. :(

Oh, and my Crest Pro Oral Healh rules!

Thanks V, it really has been a difficult time. At least the memory of the times in the monkey suits still brings me comfort during these trying times.:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :cool2: :cool2:
Jerman said:
If I remember correctly from other posts, you have not been diagnosed yet either right? If you don't mind me asking, what types of tests have you had and has anything shown up? Is the abdominal pain the worst/ most predominant symptom?
Have you had ANY luck at all with increasing stamina/ battling the fatigue? Are you able to feel the pain right away after experiencing stress? What about meds? What has helped?

Thanks Drew

I have yet to receive a firm diagnosis. I've had the panASCA panel which is a genetic marker test for Crohns, more CBC's and Chem panels than I dare think of. I've also had 5 pill cameras, 2 colonoscopies, 3 endoscopies, various cat scans, x rays and all that jazz as well. The abdo pain has lessened somewhat but I still have terrible diarrhea and constipation. I've had little luck battling fatigue and I've tried everything that's used on Crohns except Remicade basically with little change in symptoms.
Jerman said:
Spiderman is the best weapon against the cavity creeps, and

I have to admit I actually like the new HM/Miley song "the climb" :shifty-t: :shifty-t: :shifty-t: :ywow:

:::::Jerman hangs his head in shame knowing that admitting he liked a HM song will forever keep him from being "one of the cool forum guys":::::
Oh yeah. That was fun.
My Butt Hurts said:
Oh yeah. That was fun.

Quit picking on us Miley fans. If it makes us feel better then it's good! :voodoo:

Jerman - I'm happy to send you the med records I have if you want to look at them and compare them.
I might add that I'm pretty sure I know the source of my fatigue and exhaustion problems Jerman.

I have confirmed deficiencies in Potassium, B6, B12, B9 and various proteins including immune globulins IgG and IgM .. they don't yet know where I'm leaking the protein to and are trying to find a proper diagnostic test to check.
drew_wymore said:
Quit picking on us Miley fans. If it makes us feel better then it's good! :voodoo:

Jerman - I'm happy to send you the med records I have if you want to look at them and compare them.

That's right Drew! :::::Jerman wipes away a tear and puts his HM Gold club membership away. ::::: "It's about the climb!!! Damn you HM doubters!"

Drew, is the panASCA test commonly used to diagnose crohn's? How did your Docs realize you were "leaking" protein? That sounds pretty scary, no wonder you have no energy huh? Thanks for the offer to share the medical records, I will see what they have to say on Thursday up in Beantown. If they don't have a magic answer, I would like to take you up on that.
Thank you very much, that is really cool of you.
yeah the panasca deal is pretty standard for most places. it is apparently able to tell the difference between crohns and uc. It's not terribly accurate from what I have read but is another diagnostic device worth looking into.

Well originally on my chem panels they look at serum protein and it's been low for the past year or borderline low. It was assumed my inability to eat lots of meat was one of the primary issues there. I've been in research mode ever since this whole shenanigans started and one thing I found was Immune Globulin issues being a possible cause so I pressed my docs to test me and damnit if they didn't come back as being low =) However the original theory as to why IgG and IgM were low was found to be wrong so clinically it's not believed I'm leaking those proteins along with who knows how many others.
drew_wymore said:
yeah the panasca deal is pretty standard for most places. it is apparently able to tell the difference between crohns and uc. It's not terribly accurate from what I have read but is another diagnostic device worth looking into.

Well originally on my chem panels they look at serum protein and it's been low for the past year or borderline low. It was assumed my inability to eat lots of meat was one of the primary issues there. I've been in research mode ever since this whole shenanigans started and one thing I found was Immune Globulin issues being a possible cause so I pressed my docs to test me and damnit if they didn't come back as being low =) However the original theory as to why IgG and IgM were low was found to be wrong so clinically it's not believed I'm leaking those proteins along with who knows how many others.

You have been through a helluva time, it is so damned hard to stay positive and not let yourself become overwhelmed and pull the friggin covers over your head for a week or so....

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