Stressing and requesting support

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Sep 22, 2008
So throughout my pregnancy it has been a bit of a struggle. I had a flare I was hospitalized for around 18 weeks and was on a decent dosage of steroids to get it down and then put on a low residue diet. This whole time nothing has been wrong except I have run a bit anemic. Now they are saying at 34 weeks that my baby is measuring 2 weeks behind which is around 50th percentile and that my placenta is not working properly so when I deliver is going to be on a week by week basis. Basically they could induce me at any time but that I would not be going past 38 weeks. I am just worried for him since I know he will likely be a preemie. Doctor told me to eat as much as I could and to rest since that will give the most blood flow to the baby. I guess I am looking more for support than anything else. Especially since I am having tremendous pain physically from my organs and emotionally aching for my son.
Hugs, hugs and more big hugs.

Your in good hands and everything will be ok.
I was born a preemie when preemie's didn't have much of a chance.
Now you hear about little-little preemie's have full happy life's.

I'm sure if you google it their has to be a forum out there for parent's going thru this.
Educate yourself on the "what-if" and procedures so you wont be so overwhelmed.
And hey, if it turns out to be ok, then at least you'll be happy anyway.
I agree, it's not easy but please try and rest and recover as much as possible, you will need all your physical strength for later. Keeping yourself relaxed and rested will help the baby too. Beautiful music, a good book........

Of course no-one wants a premature birth. That would have stressed me out too. Farmwife is right, it is not uncommon and I know quite a few preemies and very low birth weight babies and you really would never know! 38 weeks is really pretty good going for anyone.

I don't really trust the percentiles for size and weight: everyone is different. You will know if your child is healthy, don't let a chart tell you otherwise. My first daughter was always around the lowest 1-5% for weight but I never worried about her health or development even if the doctors did (because they were looking at the charts and not the child).

Sending you lots of hugs too.
From a Mum of two daughters, flare during second pregnancy.
BTW, I was born at 30-32 wks. Oh and she didn't know she was having twins until I came out. lol I can picture the shock on her poor face when they told her to push again.
Thats funny Farmwife, it was the same for me. They induced my mother early because they thought she was having a huge baby. Then my rather small sister arrived. And 10 minues later an even smaller me. My Dad fainted and the hat got passed round the hospital for donations. And the best bit: my Mum was a midwife, how could she have not known?!
Not hijacking at all! I do appreciate your stories and they did make me smile. I suppose I just can't help but worry about my little man. He and his father are my world and I just want my little guy to make it as close to 38 weeks as possible and hang in there, even if it is causing me tremendous pain.
If this is helpful at all - I have a friend with some chronic health issues (not a Crohnie, but she's got rather severe type 2 diabetes) who just had a preemie at only 26 weeks pregnant. Her baby was 1 lb 4 oz at birth - the baby was literally only about the size of a can of soda. The baby is now close to 3 months old and she just got up over 5 lbs, and both mom and baby are doing fine. It's truly amazing the things they can do for preemies nowadays, even the extremely teeny tiny ones like my friend's baby! I was definitely terrified for my friend and her baby when she had to have an emergency C-section at 26 weeks, but the care she got has been great. She's healed up well and the baby doesn't seem to have any major issues at all (baby is still in the NICU because her little lungs are still developing and she needs a bit of extra oxygen and they'd like for her to gain a bit more weight, but it sounds like she'll be released pretty soon).

I know of course everyone is different, but it seems to me that if my friend with a chronic illness and her baby can both be okay at 26 weeks, then the odds seem pretty good that you and your baby at 34+ weeks will be just fine as well. And even if your baby does end up needing to be in the NICU for a bit, what I've learned from my friend's experience is that preemies typically tend to stay in the hospital until right around their original due date. So at most you're maybe looking at just a few weeks in the NICU rather than a few months like my friend's baby (and your baby may not even need to be in the NICU at all). In the end, everything should be okay. Good luck and big hugs!

Just another "preemie success" story for you: My good friend had premature twins (can't remember how many weeks, but weren't sure they'd both make it). Long stay in the NICU. Today they are happy, healthy four year olds.

I don't have kids yet, but I can only imagine how much you want the best for your little boy. Hang in there!
Thank you everyone so much for replying with your preemie stories! It is making me feel a little better about my situation and I have already seen evidence of how stubborn my little man is during his ultrasounds I guess I just need to hold on to that and pray for the best. Monday is my next appointment at the MFM and hopefully we can put labor off another week to gove him some more time to cook. Wish us luck!
I'll be praying it goes well.
Try to think about what's left to be done.
Think about you and pampering yourself a bit.

Hugs, keep us updated.
Pregnancy complications reduced with 4000 IU of vitamin D - 2RCT Jan 2013

Health Characteristics and Outcomes of Two Randomized Vitamin D Supplementation Trials during Pregnancy: A Combined Analysis.

J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2013 Jan 10. pii: S0960-0760(13)00006-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.01.002.
Wagner CL, McNeil RB, Johnson DD, Hulsey TC, Ebeling M, Robinson C, Hamilton SA, Hollis BW.
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Eau Claire Cooperative Health Centers, Columbia, SC.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the safety and health effects of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy. Methods and Design: Datasets from two randomized clinical trials were first analyzed separately then combined for this analysis using a common data dictionary. In the NICHD trial, women were randomized to 400, 2000, or 4000 IU vitamin D(3)/day, stratified by race. In the Thrasher Research Fund trial, participants were randomized to 2000 or 4000 IU vitamin D(3)/day. Study drugs were from the same manufacturing lot for both trials. Identical questionnaires were given for comparable sociodemographics & clinical characteristics. Outcome measures were: [1] maternal and neonatal 25(OH)D achieved, and [2] maternal comorbidities of pregnancy (COP). SAS 9.3 was used for all analyses.

RESULTS: In the combined cohort, there were 110 controls, 201 in the 2000 IU group, and 193 in the 4000 IU group. No differences between groups in baseline 25(OH)D were found; however, delivery and cord blood values were greater in the 4000 IU group (p<0.0001), an effect that persisted even after controlling for race and study. A greater percent were vitamin D replete in the 4000 IU group (p<0.0001). There was a trend where the 4000 IU group had decreased rates of comorbidities of pregnancy. There was a strong association between COP and final maternal 25(OH)D; an effect that persisted even after controlling for race and study (p=0.006).

CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation with 4000 IU/day was associated with lower risk of hypovitaminosis D than Control and 2000 IU groups. While not statistically significant, there was a trend toward lower rates of COP as supplementation dose increased. Maternal delivery 25(OH)D was inversely associated with any comorbidity of pregnancy, with fewer events as 25(OH)D increased. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and determine the mechanisms of action of such effects.

Side Note: My daughter has been taking the anti-inflammatory regimen with 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3 and all the cofactors for over three years... She doesn't have Crohn's or IBD... but she did have leukemia at age 12 and was on a heavy regimen of methotrexate for a year followed by prednisone to help recover...

Long story made short... My daughter had a very healthy pregnancy and trouble free delivery on 7 July 2014 while taking this regimen and maintaining a serum 25(OH)D concentration of 80 ng/mL... Her OB was a bit concerned at first but after three rounds of labs for 25(OH)D, serum calcium and PTH coupled with a trouble free pregnancy and delivery... he's now a believer...


Fred, a.k.a., Winefred is now 9 months old, 99th percentile in size and development (physical and mental), and is your basic wunderkind... but then I'm a doting 70 year old grandfather...

Fred's pediatrician wanted to put Fred on supplemental vitamin D3 while breast feeding until my daughter presented her latest labs for 25(OH)D and told him she was taking 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3... He shook his head and said "That's wonderful."

Some of the latest studies have found roughly a third of maternal serum vitamin D3 passes into the mammary glands and into breast milk... 25(OH)D does not... The minimum maternal vitamin D3 intake during breast feeding is 4,000 IU/day, 7,000 IU/day is optimum... and for people with medical problems... 10,000 IU/day is even better as a therapeutic dose.

There are 51 studies highlighting the benefits of taking vitamin D3 with Crohn's at Vitamin D Wiki...

Bottom Line... Have you considered taking vitamin D3 and the cofactors for 35 cents a day?

A better question... What is your 25(OH)D serum concentration? If you don't know... you should. It's a simple blood test your doctor can order or you can get a home blood spot test and do it your self. Grassrootshealth offers it for $65... no Rx needed.

If you do decide you need vitamin D3, you'll also need the vitamin D3 cofactors. They include magnesium, zinc, boron, vitamin A (retinol), and vitamin K2 (MK4 and MK7). The following table illustrates the supplements and doses:


The simple clutch of off the shelf supplements needed to meet the above requirements are shown in the photo below:


As shown, this is a 6 month supply costing around 40 cents a day depending where you buy them... Costco carries all but the Super K with advanced K2 complex... You can buy it at LEF, iherb or amazon dot com. The Mature Multi contains most of the basic vitamin D3 cofactors and a lot more vitamins and minerals we all need..

Take care,

V/R, Batch
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Hey all, just wanted to give an update!

Thursday night I went into the hospital and was diagnosed with a bladder infection. It was and still is extremely painful since they could only give me IV antibiotics for a few hours and some pain meds and nausea meds for when it was absolutely necessary and sent home. Today I lost my mucus plug and went into the MFM. No induction today as he looks good enough to the doctor to keep him in and let him grow as much as possible. He is really low but not engaged yet. He did say labor was possible at any time now though it didn't necessarily mean it would happen right away but to just keep an eye out for contractions - however that is harder than it sounds because I am a forst time mom and I have no idea what they feel like lol. They said it looks like he has a lot of hair and my husband thinks he'll have my nose since it looks more pointed like mine in the ultrasound. So far, so good! Here's to hoping we can get this guy to at least 36 weeks when he likely won't need the NICU and for him to come naturally since I have heard induced births are much more painful.
Oh ya, he'll be here soon. Make sure to post a pic when you have time. lol in about a year. My Grace's loves pics of babies. =-)

I think it took a good week or so after loosing my mucus plug for the baby to come out.
Trust me, you'll know there contractions when they hit.

Awwww, I remember staring at the ultrasound pics. I swore they looked just like me....came out looking like dad. lol

I'll be praying for you both.

Lol yeah my mom said she went into labor 12 hours after she lost hers so I am getting everything ready for him to come at any moment lol.

I hope he has blonde hair like his daddy, I think it'd be really cute :) Lol I know right? Luckily my parents are on standby and are prepared to drive out to be here and help us out and then my mother in law will be out around the end of June for two weeks and we'll have various family taking turns visiting us and helping out so that's nice! Plus he'll be here before my husbamd's classes start up so that's good too!
That is bad news about the UTI.

Hey good luck, I am thinking of you. I only know one person who had a "textbook" labour so every experience is different. The first one is the hardest just because like you said you don't know what to expect.

If the labour goes on for days then post again, I'm sure Farmwife will keep you smiling!

Sending hugs to you.
BTW, I was born at 30-32 wks. Oh and she didn't know she was having twins until I came out. lol I can picture the shock on her poor face when they told her to push again.

This definitely brought a smile and laugh to me. Just imagining the "what are you talking about... again?" look on her face as you say when told to push again LOL. I really needed that.

My daughter arrived after 6 months at a whole 2 lbs. She is now 13 years old and it's just so amazing looking at her and seeing how far she has come in these years. From being such a tiny preemie to a beautiful teen. The years have gone by so fast but there's many more to come :)
UTI is going better but I am having a good bit of cramping. I'm just not sure if it's my crohn's or the baby. I feel pressure low but not persistent and I don't feel the need to push, so I'm just dealing with it for now.
Went to my weekly MFM appointment today. Still not being induced yet which sucks because I feel like my crohn's is getting worse and worse. It's hard to control my symptoms because foods that usually work with me are not working with me. I know some of it is from baby pushing on my inflamed organs but I am just ready for this to be over and to have my little one out so I can get healthy and be the best Momma I can be for him.

They said growth check is next week and if he hasn't really grown that I will be induced next Monday. If he has grown sufficiently then it will be for sure the next Monday as he wants me to make it as close to 38 weeks as possible to try and avoid NICU time. Until then I have to somehow try and tough this pain out as best I can. My husband tries to understand but this is so painful and has been for awhile I don't how much more I can take.
Hey there
I understand your pain, those poor intestines are being bombarded from all directions. I wish I could help you.

Have you looked into a TENS machine for pain relief (especially during the labour but maybe you can use it before, if I remember it was from 36 weeks)? Sometimes you can hire them. You have to use it for a few hours before the full effect comes in but I found it really helpful. It worked as a distraction and then really as pain relief. My intestines were on fire during the second labour. It was that that was making me scream, not the baby trying to push its way down. I wonder if an epidural would help with the intestinal pain too? Do you know?

9 months is such a long time and you are nearly there!! That is a huge achievement, give yourself a hug and say well done.

But in your situation I think I would weigh things up. If it really is unbearable then I think I would ask/demand to be induced rather than damage your health more for the sake of a week or two. You need your strength and that should be number one priority. If baby is fit and ready to go then he should thrive in his new big world.
How's it going? =-)
I was thinking of you as I was cleaning out my girl's closet. All those tiny clothes. I can't believe her feet were so tiny. Cherish every moment. They go by to fast.
I would if I had thought of it earlier on but I am being induced either tomorrow or next Monday so I think I can tough it out. Cutting out a few foods has seemed to help me a lot.

I am doing a bit better pain wise. I have been able to do some laundry and prep for baby a little while my husband has put the crib together and working on the daybed even though our little monster will be in the bassinet for the first little while which is already in our bedroom. My parents are on baby watch and ready to drive out to us at any time - which is good if I make it to an induction because they can take a few hours from what I have read and will give them time to get here. I am not concerned about them being right on tine as I only plan to have my husband and I in the delivery room and even he knows he is only allowed to stay by my head lol.

I am almost 37 weeks so I am secretly hoping they induce me tomorrow. Everyone else wants me to keep him in another week and I suppose I could but at this point if my placenta is not working they can deal because his health comes first, I can deal with my defective body later. Lol.
My parents are on baby watch and ready to drive out to us at any time

It would be great if they could stick around for a few days after you come home - you'll need the help. We thought we could handle it on our own, but had to have help at home for a few days after we came home.
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They are actually! Mostly to help me get back on the SCD since the first phase is so hard for me, after that first phase it gets easy for me to get back into it but also to help with baby as well since my husband is in the military and won't be able to help much during the week since he works 10 hour days roughly. They'll be a huge help, once I am on my diet again I typically get my energy back and I'll be able to be the Mama my baby needs me to be :) I just need him out lol My poor ribs, intestines, and just everything hurts right now. Nerve pain seriously sucks but this is worse than what I get from my Fibromyalgia even!
Hawkeye - no it is a bit further up than that, like right beneath my breasts. I'm short and I have a short abdomen and he is a normal length from what they have estimated so he's just stretching out and trying to get some more room lol. It really hurts though.

Had another appointment yesterday. They estimated he finally made it to 5 lbs which is good because anything under five pounds is an automatic trip to the NICU. He might still have to go there but it lessens the chances of it. I am to be induced early next week - thank God! As much as I love him already I just want him out and in my arms so I can beef him up with formula and take care of myself. I just keep telling myself it'll be over in less than a week. My husband wants us to be one and done because he has hated seeing me go through so much pain but I am not ready to make such a decision yet since I am only 22 years old (He's 30). I never really envisioned myself having one kid but now that I've go e through all this and how much love I already feel for my son I just want to wait on that decision if that makes sense.

Today I have my appointment with the hematologist for my iron infusion, wish me luck that it goes well! I found as long as I ran it over 2.5 hours at the lowest dose and the easiest to absorb that I had no issues so we'll see. In the meantime I am dealing with some serious lightning crotch from baby's head being so low. They actually couldn't see his face this time it was so low so maybe he'll decide to come on his own time, with this kid, who knows lol
Hi there. I know you're under a tremendous amount of stress but hopefully my story will help you.

I had a pretty normal pregnancy up until 35+6. I was getting regular ultrasounds to check her growth and was getting my last growth scan when they found I had pre eclampsia(My blood pressure was high and going up and I was spilling protein in my urine). That morning I had a headache and some blurred vision and my ankles were swelling but all three things weren't horrible and manageable so I didn't think anything of it. During the scan little girl wasn't very active and they kept attempting to get her to move but she just wouldnt. Needless to say the Dr came in and told me to go upstairs to labor and delivery. They estimated she weighed 4 lbs 4 ozs.

Upstairs I was given blood pressure meds and told I had to be induced. I had a 20 hr labor (stalled at 4cm). On magnesium and whole cocktail of stuff and then I started having complications. Her heart rate dropped with almost every contraction and therest were 2 times that at least 5 drs rushed into the room, once to stop labor and once to have me sign for a c-section (which was avoided).

When she finally dropped it was only 12 mins between her dropping and when she was delivered. My dr and the backup dr both ended up not making it (dr was in another delivery at a different hospital, backup got stuck in traffic) so the resident delivered her, she was vaccum assisted so she could get out fast as her heart rate was dropping.

She was a tiny thing at 3 lbs 7 ozs (suffered from in uterine growth restriction), her cord was wrapped around her neck twice, and her placenta had sectioned off creating a satillite placenta. That being said she was perfect, and such a strong trooper. Born early at 36 weeks with perfect Apgar, she had a 10 day nicu stay (due to weight). She's now 8 months old and caught up.

I know my story sounds scary but in the end it was worth it. She's my little trooper! If you need anything feel free to pm me or ask. I know how difficult and scary it is right now.
Just wanted to update you all!

My baby boy was born yesterday at 10:22 am at 5 lbs, 3 oz. He is small but doctors say so far he is healthy as a clam! He is tiny so we have to keep him extra warm and make sure he empties out the billierubin from his system in the meconium but aside from a few more metabolic tests we should be good to go Thursday! So far he is a quiet baby and doesn't cry much but he is incredibly stubborn like myself and a dead ringer for my husband.

My stomach feels so much better. Some of it was the pressure and some is prolly from the percocet since I tore just a little and the doctor cut off a skin tag - which really hurts.
But we are doing good! He is having a hard time learning to suck but he gets better with every feeding! Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers :)
Your boy is bigger than I was. I was under 4 lbs. My twin was even smaller.

I'm so happy for you and your new family.

Protect it for all its worth.!!!

My boy also took awhile to hook on. He'll get the hang of it!:smile:

Make sure you take care of yourself in these next few weeks.
Believe it or not, this faze in their life is just the calm before the storm.:yrolleyes:
I say that as Grace is trying mess with the cat.:eek:

I am so happy and relived for you.
Were you induced?
And, did you decide on a name for him?
Enjoy the moments of calm and I hope you have one of those babies that sleep for 22 hours a day.
Congrarulations on the arrival of your baby boy! I hope now that he's hear you can continue to feel better and enjoy all the lovely cuddles with him.
I am due to go in tomorrow to have my little girl and I can't wait but feel so nervous, reading this has made me feel a bit better about it all.
Thanks everyone! My husband and I named him Logan. My husband suggested it and I liked it for a little boy :) I was induced by a tablet. I forget the name but it is similar to Cervidil and is inserted into the cervix. It happened really fast, I was induced at 5 am and had him by 10:22 am. He has gotten better at sucking finally and has been lifting his head so he's actually pretty strong for his size lol. The only thing is his Billierubin is still high because we had different blood types and I was never offered a Rhogam shot so we have an appointment today. Hopefully he won't need the help of lights but we'll see. Right now he's been a little fussy and getting extra cuddles because he is recovering from being circumsized.
Congratulations. While it can be trying at times, parenthood is the most rewarding experience I have had.

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