Stupid stupid stupid

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Oct 12, 2009
I just want to punch my gastroenterologist in the face.
He was going to let me leave my appointment tomorrow saying that I have a sensitive system and I need to reduce my stress.
What a tool.
I got him to schedule a colonoscopy after I said that the er doc said I needed to be tested for Crohn's. When I told him that he said, "Is that what you want to do?"
If I wasn't feeling so crappy when I saw him I would of just walked out. He is the doctor, how about he looks into what is causing this.
He recommended that I take a day off and go to a friends house.
Grrrrrrrr! I really hope that I can see the gastroenterologist that my Mom recommended.
Today I constantly feel like I need to poop and have mild cramping. I've tried to go and something only happened once and it was nearly black, loose stool. Other than that I just have to run to the toilet only to sit there and have nothing happen.

Back to the :poo:
Oh yeah and he said that people with Crohn's don't have nausea or headaches. So you are going to rule out Crohn's because I get nausea and headaches? I've had two er doctors tell me that I need to be tested for Crohn's.
It is obvious your Gi is clearly an i***t... dont even bat an eye, because I too was told I had nothing! But that was an egotistic surgeon who didnt want to be wrong. Get a second opinion, and dont wait too long ok, it will only get worse. Some doctors really dont have a clue.... let us know when you change ok, dont take no for an answer, it is your body!
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pewpewlasers said:
Oh yeah and he said that people with Crohn's don't have nausea or headaches. So you are going to rule out Crohn's because I get nausea and headaches? I've had two er doctors tell me that I need to be tested for Crohn's.

ps i used to be sick all of the time before i got diagnosed
YES A TOTAL I***T. I think many of us on here have had Horror stories about Doctors who just didn't know what they were talking about and it effected us in a negative way. If you are unhappy with an idiot please go to another doctor because the saying is so true....You know youw body. It usually tells you when something is wrong. and nearly black stool is usually a sign of an obstruction.

Oh and I have Crohn's and I have severe Nausea and I get Headaches.
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My PCP's office called me today with a new GI doc and she said that they send all their patients to this doc.
Why wasn't I sent there in the first place?
Things happened wrong for you at first and they say things happen for a reason although sometimes you don't see it til later. I have had 5 Gi's and out of them only 2 were really there for me.
Let us know what happens with your new Gi!
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I got an appointment with a new gi doc for the 20th.
I just hope my colonoscopy on Monday shows something so I can get some answers and take them to a doc that will listen.
glad you've got a new GI in the pipeline. the other one sounds like he knows nothing about Crohn's disease whatsoever!

unfortunately we have a tendency to believe in doctors, think they know what they're talking about and want to trust that what they're doing and saying what is best for us, but very often our trust is misplaced, and we have to use our own judgement & act on it.

let's hope this is a fresh start for you, the beginning of getting things sorted!
I agree with Ding, doctors are not to be trusted. By that i mean that they are human, they don;t know wverything and they are usually too busy to be much interested in anything but getting you sorted in the fastest and easiest way possible. Well, that's my experience with public health anyways.
Best to keep pushing and read up as much as you can to be as informed as you can.
Good luck!
PewPew I think there's many a person on this forum who will testify to the Nausea and headaches myself included. Hope your colonoscopy goes well
Hey Pew Pew - as Shaz says, they aren't infallible. I am lucky that my GP is the most thoughtful and kinf man, but I have met plenty of prats on the way!

Keep your chin up - you will get there.

Lishyloo x
I hate my GI and i hate my doctor. Will be so glad once all the complaints are over with coz then i can change GP and then get a fresh refferal to a new GI - hopefully at a new hospital
Little update-

I saw my PCP yesterday and pretty much complained about my gastroenterologist the whole time. My PCP has so far been the only doctor that has ever listened and was the first to send me to a gastroenterologist.
She said that since I am going through all these tests that she wants me to stick around with the doctor a little while longer.

She is going to review my file from the gastro's office and my most recent ER trip when I got the ct scan done.
How cool is that?!
I really believe that she wants to help me.
Sucky that she wants me to stick around that tool some more. Hey, but if she can help and give my gastro a kick in the ass.... :)
If you do not feel comfortable and have confidence in the Gastro that you are currently seeing, like Peaches said I would look for a new one. This is going to be someone that is going to be helping you and know you for a long time. In my opinion you should have a good healthy dr/patient relationship that you would feel pleased with them giving you treatment.
Peaches said:
I'm betting she wants your GI to complete the appropriate tests -that way if you want to xfer to a different one - they can just start from the word go with you and already have all the tests they need? IDK - maybe. Either way - if I didn't like my GI - my butt would be looking for a new one. It is just too important to feel heard and understood with this disease! Good luck PPL!!

I think that's exactly what she wants me to do and I completely understand. Definitely when this is testing is over; I am looking for a new GI doc!

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