Sudden onset of a blockage or a stricture

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Jan 30, 2010
Well, I've been off Remicade and Methotrexate since October due to viral pneumonia. Joints started aching about 3 weeks ago, and then suddenly all the fun Crohn's symptoms emerged, reminding me why I take these drugs to begin with.

First nausea and vomitting, and my stools are long and thin, occasionally they are diarrhes. ALOT of pain on the left side and rectal area.

I've heard different people on this thread discribed the sudden onset of a blockage or a stricture, please give me more details.

I don't want to be paranoid, but this just feels very different than before. I just want to know what to be on the lookout for.
For me with strictures and narrowing, I vomit really bad. The last incident started for me about 8 hours after I ate some bad salad. I threw up from 4am Monday til 2pm Tuesday afternoon. It didnt matter what kind of meds I got in the ER, my body wouldnt stop thowing up until things were cleared out. Also, I know when Im narrowing or blocking because I get really bad D cramps, but cant go much....when I finally go its very compacted, constipated followed by massive D....which has mucus and blood...almost looks like there is a little intestinal tissue in the toilet. Good luck~
My blockage pain comes in waves ~ a tight, squeezey pain, sometimes it starts out high in my abdomen and then slowly moves towards my belly button area (of course, it would totally depend upon where your own blockage/stricture was, I guess). And it isn't just oh-awful-but-I'll-get-used-to-it pain; it's like oh-crap-let-me-lie-here-and-writhe&scream-awhile pain; funny thing, between waves everything is basically fine. BUt every couple of minutes, it starts another round of squeezy-ness. I also start throwing up.
I have ridiculous strictures in most of my colon at the moment and they've been getting worse since I also came off the methotrexate.

I'm the same with my little wormy friends, as I call them. I've also been getting really constipated. I even went to the doctors as I went over a week without being able to get any decent amount out of my bowels.

Both the doctors said that as long as I was passing air, it meant that they weren't too concerned as I wasn't blocked up. Now I just take some lactulose when it's been too long.

I also get pain and cramping, but no vomiting or anything.
The vomiting stopped, but now I've got terrible diarrhea, no blood in it though. ALOT of pain, talked to doc, he's thinking c. diff since I've taken alot of antibiotics.

Thanks for your replies, that definitely cleared it up for me!

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