Hi There,
Just wondering if anyone could advise me please. I was diagnosed with Crohns in May 2013. I started on steroids then gradually introduced Imuran. I am now taking 125mg of Imuran and have stopped the steroids completely.
My consultant wanted to start me on Humira injections in June 2013 but as I never had the chicken pox I had to get an injection to prevent this. I started Humira in March 2014. Everything was fine, the injections took a while to get used to but my health was good.
When I inject I usually get a small reaction the next day. This would include itching, the area where I injected being red and sometimes bruising slightly but this all faded within 4 days.
4 weeks ago I took my injection as normal (On Tuesday) but kept waking throughout the night in pain. The next day the whole side of my stomach where I injected had swollen out in a hard lump. It wasn't a small lump, the whole side from my hip to my belly button was raised and very red. It was hot to the touch and very uncomfortable. It almost felt like sunburn and a really bad bruise. I contacted the Humira nurse who said it could be a once off site reaction but would come out during my next dose to make sure I was injecting correctly. She came out this week (Monday) and said I wasn't doing anything wrong. But again the same thing happened. My stomach is completely swollen, tender, hot to the touch and sore. The last reaction lasted 6-7 days because going down.
I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this sort of reaction after a few months of using it? I have an appointment with my consultant on 20th November so I am concerned that I need to do 2 more injections in the meantime!
Any advice would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Just wondering if anyone could advise me please. I was diagnosed with Crohns in May 2013. I started on steroids then gradually introduced Imuran. I am now taking 125mg of Imuran and have stopped the steroids completely.
My consultant wanted to start me on Humira injections in June 2013 but as I never had the chicken pox I had to get an injection to prevent this. I started Humira in March 2014. Everything was fine, the injections took a while to get used to but my health was good.
When I inject I usually get a small reaction the next day. This would include itching, the area where I injected being red and sometimes bruising slightly but this all faded within 4 days.
4 weeks ago I took my injection as normal (On Tuesday) but kept waking throughout the night in pain. The next day the whole side of my stomach where I injected had swollen out in a hard lump. It wasn't a small lump, the whole side from my hip to my belly button was raised and very red. It was hot to the touch and very uncomfortable. It almost felt like sunburn and a really bad bruise. I contacted the Humira nurse who said it could be a once off site reaction but would come out during my next dose to make sure I was injecting correctly. She came out this week (Monday) and said I wasn't doing anything wrong. But again the same thing happened. My stomach is completely swollen, tender, hot to the touch and sore. The last reaction lasted 6-7 days because going down.
I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this sort of reaction after a few months of using it? I have an appointment with my consultant on 20th November so I am concerned that I need to do 2 more injections in the meantime!
Any advice would be appreciated.
Kind regards,