Super Thirsty all of the sudden?

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Oct 4, 2010
So I have been dying of thirst for the last couple of days.. I wake up and drink 20 oz of water ( think biggest starbucks cup for our metric buddies) and then in the morning I do the same thing and then throughout the day.. I am have the runs but only about 9 times a day now.. not eating has slowed that down a bit. I know this is a diabetes symptom but does anyone else have this problem? I have not insurance so its not like I can go to the doctor.
Have you changed any meds or anything recently? If you can't get to a doctor, can you get hold of those wee testing sticks from a pharmacy and just check for sugar in your wee?
Oh my...Is there a "free clinic" in your area? I would call a local dr and see if they can direct you to a free clinic...or a hospital...Someone should be able to help you! Sue
Well, I kind of feel like I'm really thirsty all of the time. I kind of just chalk it up to goin go the bathroom a lot. I know 9 times might be less than you were going before, but 9 times is still a lot of times to go to the bathroom!
CCH, you said you have no insurance, but if there's a doctor you have seen in the past, could you call him/her and ask for advice? It's free to call your doctor just to get advice or ask questions. Or like Sue said, is there a free clinic in your area? Sometimes churches will hold free clinics, so if you're a member of a church, check with them. Otherwise, could you negotiate a discounted rate to see your doctor and get checked out? Good luck, I hope you are able to get some help. Let us know how it goes.
My guess, is that you are dehydrated and maybe losing blood. When I had my first flare, I was extremely thirsty, especially in the middle of the night. I would get up in the middle of the night and drink like two glasses of orange juice then water. Later found out my hematocrit was like 27 or something and I needed a blood transfusion which I think had something to do with my thirst. If you are losing blood and having diarrhea and also having night sweats, it is extremely likely you are getting dehydrated. It will be hard to drink enough to replace all of that fluid being lost. Your electrolytes are probably also off. Make sure you are drinking things with electrolyes like some type of electrolyte replacement drink.
CCH - In order to rule out diabetes, I would suggest that tomorrow you contact the Portland office of the American Diabetes Association:

Oregon - Portland
4380 S.W. Macadam Avenue, #210
Portland, Oregon 97239
(503) 736-2770

I got a screening from the ADA when I was in my mid 20's & suspected I might have diabetes (frequent night trips to the bathroom, which were especially annoying because I was doing a lot of backpacking at the time). Tests were free, and negative.

"Healthcare" in America...
My daughter has been excessively thirsty lately, to the point that it's worrying me.
She hasn't been having any Crohn's symptoms lately and isn't on any medication. She just saw the GI last month and all of her blood work was good, including the diabetes test. I don't know what to think of it. She hasn't changed her diet or amount of exercise or added any new supplements or anything. If it persists, I don't know if I should take her back to the GI or to our family doctor.
I was just about to post about this very topic. I am in the middle of a flare. and have been really thirsty lately too. I cant get enough water. I am thirsty all the time and nothing is satisfying. I thought that it might have something to do with medication. I recently started taking Cipro and Flagyl again. Countrycoffeehouse - I hope you are feeling better.
I was having the same problems a few months ago and I asked my DR to take a blood test to check for diabetes. It can back negative. But I think it was just my body trying to tell me something. Perhaps I was just dehydrated or needed to flush something out of my system.
Countrycoffeehouse - I just wanted to thank you for posting this. I never knew that there was such a thing as steriod induced diabetes. My grandfather has diabetes, and my mother is hypoglycemic. I haven't had my fasting sugar checked in years. Now I'll have to. I can down half a case of ice tea in a day with no problems. And that doesn't count everything else that I'm drinking.

So... yea, thanks! <3

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