Supportive friends?

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Mar 27, 2011
well noones written in this teenager section so I thought I'd write the first one...
Im kinda curious to see if anyone else is comfortable enough to tell their friends about their Crohns and the embarrassing things that come along with it.

I dont usually tell many people about it cos i feel embarrassed. they know i have an illness and what it is, but i dont go into much detail... do you guys tell your friends about your illness?
I'm quite the same. I just didn't feel it was necessary for my friends to know specifically what I had. Telling them the exact name of my condition wasn't going to benefit in any way. I definitely didn't want them doing their own research on the internet, because as you probably already know, no two cases of Crohns are the same. I guess in a way I was kinda worried that they'd be freaked out by it. :shifty-t: I'm sure your already aware some people my age can be pretty immature, and they don't fully understand.

Anyway, I've simply told my friends I have a systemic condition, where I've got an inflammation in my abdomen which, when flared, causes lesions on my shins to appear and also affects my kidney, liver, and heart.
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yeah i know exactly what you mean, i really dont want them doing any of their own research into it either.
does your crohns really effect your kidney liver and heart? ive never heard of that before! i just tell my friends that my immune system attacks my digestive system, which leads to flare ups and other kinds of problems.

you were diagnosed really recently! only one or two weeks ago! how are you finding it?
I told my close friends because unfortunately some of my friends did look it up on the internet and it completely freaked them out, it was defiantly better that I told them what was going on with me. That being said the only reason I survived high school was because people didn't know the embarrassing details of crohns they just knew I was sick. So to answer the question: I only tell the important people in my life what is going on with me, mostly for there benefit. Quite honestly though I was diagnosed a few years ago so I have become quite comfortable discussing even the most embarrassing symptoms with people, a sense of humor really helped out too.
Only person I've ever told was my ex, she wasn't freaked out about it but she was always on me about taking care of myself, which was a good thing. In HS i had the benefit of living down the street from school so whenever i had to go i just booked it home ;)
yeah i know exactly what you mean, i really dont want them doing any of their own research into it either.
does your crohns really effect your kidney liver and heart? ive never heard of that before! i just tell my friends that my immune system attacks my digestive system, which leads to flare ups and other kinds of problems.

you were diagnosed really recently! only one or two weeks ago! how are you finding it?

Apparently so. During the flare (when I was diagnosed) my kidney and liver were slightly inflamed. I think my heart rate was up to. Part of my symptoms is a thing called Erythma Nodosum, which are painful lesions that pop up on my shins.

Yes, just over 2 weeks ago now. I was definitely an interesting case for them. Had to spend 17 days in hospital, with 2 previous admissions for Cellulitis. (Which turned out not be Cellulitis at all, but Erythma Nodosum, a symptom of Crohns.) I'm doing great, I've responded to all my medication surprisingly well. I haven't had any problems since being diagnosed.
I tell people who ask I'm digesting myself. Which, if Crohn's is truly autoimmune, is not entirely a lie. :)
Ive mentioned it to a couple of my close friends but they arent interested enough to know all the ins and outs of it (they dont know about the diarrhea/urgency symptoms for example) they just know i get stomach pains and have extra difficult round exams when i get stressed lol (little do they know the extent of that pain haha). Most people in my class know im sick as i was off school for 6 months so at that time alot of people were wondering why (out of curiosity not sympathy) so most of them think im anemic (which is true but was just a symptom i have). Ive had crohns for 5 years now and a lot of my family has it so im not embarrassed to talk about it to friends who are genuinely interested in the disease. Anyone who knows me enough to care about it isnt going to take the piss so i have no bother in telling them. I hate the social stigma associated with the disease and i hate that people feel awkward when you talk to them about it even though im not embarrassed at all about it.. it just makes me feel like i should be making me even more self conscience
I agree i tend to feel very embarassed about having crohns :( only my boyfriend & best friend know that its crohns i have, i just tell others i have stomach problems! I know what people can be like at my age and i dont need the hassle of questions haha, at least we can all talk about it on here i guess :)
I tell the friends that I trust and know are mature enough to understand what I'm going through. I avoid telling people who would make jokes, or tell everybody. It's hard but if you can find at least one good friend who will be there for you it makes things a lot easier!!!
I have found that people who care about you will understand. You will be surprised how understanding your friends can be. And that what makes all of this bearable- when the people you love come through for you. I am in college now, but my high school friends have always been aware of my disease, some more than others. They are pros at helping me out by now. When I've been in the hospital, they visit, make get well cards, bring pictures for me to hang on my wall. Once I moved to college, I was worried about having to tell any new friends that I made. I was pretty sick freshman year and it really helped that my roommate understood. It's not something that I announce to everyone at all. The majority of people around me have no idea. But once you consider someone a close friend, you will know when you feel comfortable talking to them about it. Take your time and wait until it feels right. I'm pretty used to talking about it by now, but it is completely understandable for one to feel scared or worried to tell people. But trust me, it will make all of the difference when you see how supportive your friends can be!

I find that they're really supportive to your face, and then, when you're away, talk about you just spreads like wildfire. I'm pretty sure every person in my school has a copy of my colonoscopy video... (sarcasm)

But really, If I tell you, It's cause I trust you. Don't tell it to every chick you try to hook up with for random banter. kthx
i have told just my closest friends, it helps to have someone supporting you. I actully did my 10th grade report on Crohn's and my health teacher happened to know that i had it and eventually told the whole class who had a bunch of questions. The most thing i would probably have to say i was embarassed about is the symptoms of the disease. Talking about it infront of the whole class was really hard on me;)
When I was first diagnosed I emailed a few of my friends to let them know. I didn't go into much detail, just explained the basics (i.e. it's an autoimmune disease of the intestines, there's ulcers, etc.)

On of my friends was too worried about me to respond, though. So I have to remember that some people won't know how to show they care, but that's about them and has nothing to do with me.

Things with friends started getting tough shortly a few weeks after my diagnosis, though. I returned back to school in about three weeks and was pretty functional. What they don't realize is the day-to-day stuff we have to deal with: most of us are suffering EVERY single day. But I can't say I blame them for not tuning into how I'm feeling as often as I wish they did. They have their stuff, too.
Only a few of my very close friends know the details, but a lot of my friends are aware of my condition, though they don't know a lot of the details.

A lot of my friends can't offer a lot of symptoms, because I look perfectly fine, not like someone who broke their leg or something like that. But I can tell a lot of them try to understand.
:hug:Hi, I'm doing this from my Mom's account, my name is actually Caitlyn and I'm 13. I got diagnosed with Crohn's about five days before my eleventh birthday. I'm not afraid to tell my story to others, actually I'm kind of proud that I have made it through everything I did. I know I can trust my friends enough that they won't tell anyone anything I don't want others to know. My friends always have my back weather I'm in the hospital or just feeling down, they are always there to support me and don't care that I have a disease. Even though my BFFL, Lizzy, is always worried weather I can eat something or keep up with them. I love my friends, their the best :hug:
I just like this icon :dance:
I'm 14 and currently undiagnosed but am showing signs of Crohn's. My close friends are really understanding and I know they worry, but sometimes I think they're just tired of me going on and on about how bad I feel on a day to day basis without a diagnosis and any proper treatment. I don't really tell many people other than my close friends, but if I'm off school for a while or something and somebody asks, I don't mind much telling them I have tummy problems. Supportive friends are part of the battle.
I definitely only confide in people who understand, like family and my boyfriend, who's been dealing with it for so long, neither of us are weird about it :)
The problem is that after taking off school for surgery, it seems that everyone knows about it so I always have questions :( I honestly always try to play it off as no big deal so people dont think im weird:pale: I dont know why it's so awkward for me to talk about it... It's awesome being able to talk about it openly on this forum though.
I've only entrusted my condition to my close friends as far as the details go. If I don't trust someone I just tell them to look it up on the internet or I tell them it's like having a sunburn in your intestines, which is partially true. I don't go into the nitty gritty with them and if they honestly want to know they will look it up. I've had people think I fake sick and talk **** but honestly it's kids I don't know and I don't care what they have to say to me because I'm more concerned about other things like my grades and as vain as it sounds, my makeup. I find if you act normal people will treat you normal. In high school everyone is like a shark, they can smell your fear and insecurities. I say, fake it til you make it, that's how I got through high school and how I'm getting through college, though I'm not fearful and insecure anymore, I'm confident in myself.
I am in a friendship group with 9 other girls and I tell them everything, I don't go into huge detail about diarrhoea and stuff but they do know it is part of it. They are very supportive and sympathetic especially during the time before I was diagnosed. Some of them did research on it and understand the basic things about the illness, I like having a really open relationship with them because if I feel ill at school, I tell them and they ask if it's 'crohn's ill' or 'just ill' and if it's crohn's ill they don't question it at all when I go home. Also at parties and gatherings they always have food that they know I can tolerate, which is very sweet. They are very protective of me, when I was nervous about going out they offered to find out where all of the toilets are in the area just so I didn't worry. This relationship with them is really good for me but I would only recommend going into detail about the illness with people you really trust.
Charlotte xx
I have actually had great experiences with telling my friends. I only told a select few the actual condition name. A couple people found out from others, which i was a little upset with. when people im not really close with ask i just say im sick, cant eat a bunch of stuff, get really painful stomach issues and so on. My close group of friends have been very supportive. recently we went to six flags with my band and a couple of my friends would run with me to the restroom whenever i needed it. i even had a friend say that if i had to go right after we already did, she would be way cool with going right back with me and waiting. it felt nice that i had friends who would be so supportive. one of my other friends, who likes to cook, even want to look up crohns friendly recipes and make me a bunch of food. I feel that if you have people you trust, it is SO worth telling them
I'm undiagnosed at the moment, but no.. i've not told any friends. Most of them ditched me because I won't go out and see them.

I've got two friends who I can talk to though. I've not gone in to detail, but they no i'm ill and that I can't do much.

No one except family really know about the... :stinks:
I'm lucky to have the type of relationship with my best friend where I can fart in front of her (I get quite gassy at times, I guess it comes with Crohn's) and she'll laugh :) But she's the only person I tell most stuff to. Other people I'll just say that I was ill and they'll say ok and we move on. It's quite taboo to talk about your rear end. My parents know all the in's and out's because they've been with me since the beginning. My mum is really supportive and she sort of gets it but my dad just doesn't get it. At all.
Geri18 - I'm the same with my parents. My dad doesn't really understand but knows, and my mum knows everything and is supportive. I don't have the best friend tho :(
I don't see my friend as often as she's studying in Paris and I'm studying in Worthing... Sometimes it's the little things, you know? My best friend and I hated each other when we first met and I mean really hated each other! And now we're like sisters :)

I think entrusting someone with a secret or valuable information like the fact that you have an illness can bring you closer together :)
It certainly brought me and my kitten closer together. Hahaa. Me curled up on the sofa asleep when poorly = the kitten snuggling up to my stomach.

Crazy cat lady in the making here. But it's just me and my mum really. She's like a best friend to me whether she is my mum or not. :)
Haha! I understand exactly what you mean! My dog knows when I'm ill and he cuddles up to me :) Who needs a boyfriend ;) ?

I would say that my mum is my BFF. I've seen all my friends not get on with their mums and I feel so happy that my mum and I get on SO well :D
Honestly, I don't tell anyone what it is unless they bug me about it. That hasn't heppened yet... In my opinion, don't tell anyone unless you are sure they ACTUALLY want to know. I'm not embarrassed, but when I was younger I just told everyone who asked "oh what's that?" and that made a lot of people spread things and not like me. And even now I have trouble with people because of it. I know it's stupid but people are very immature about such an illness, so don't go into too much detail unless you know the person will be mature about it.
I never told anyone about it until last year... I missed a bunch of school and people started saying that I was anorexic, which I am not. :/ Actually, telling people has been fine. I think it was kinda driving me nuts to not tell my friends what was really going on. And after I just told it to the straight, they were early worried and just wanted to help. :) Or at least most of them were. Lets just say my best friend is not my best friend anymore. :/
I have great friends and classmates alike. Basically everyone at my school knows and is very supportive of it, and I have a colostomy that likes to fart in front of my friends and all we do is laugh :D, it is great to live in a small community that understands.
Never had a problem telling my friends only so many times you can escape using the "who smelt it dealt it" line :shifty:
I have a few friends that know. One of them is very supportive but its hard trying to explain something like Crohns to someone who is healthy. My friends understand something is wrong with me physically but they don't understand the mental toll it takes on me. My ex-girlfriend has crohns but she has a new boyfriend now and we don't talk much. But its still nice to talk to someone who understands what im going through.
I was only recently diagnosed with Crohn's. I have a hard time explaining to people how I'm feeling, and when they ask how I am I tend to just say "I'm ok", I don't want friends worrying about me. I know a lot of people hide behind their smiles. But I think raising awareness of IBD is important so would like to learn a way to do it without boring or worrying people?

How does everyone else explain how they're feeling/Crohn's disease to their friends without seeming like you're constantly whining?

Finding it really difficult at the moment.

Thanks :)
I was only recently diagnosed with Crohn's. I have a hard time explaining to people how I'm feeling, and when they ask how I am I tend to just say "I'm ok", I don't want friends worrying about me. I know a lot of people hide behind their smiles. But I think raising awareness of IBD is important so would like to learn a way to do it without boring or worrying people?

How does everyone else explain how they're feeling/Crohn's disease to their friends without seeming like you're constantly whining?

Finding it really difficult at the moment.

Thanks :)

Told mine straight you will see who your real freinds are and it might shock you who it turns out to be.
I just say it has effected my height it makes me tired gives me bellyaches and runs more than usain bolt :poo:

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