- Joined
- May 25, 2010
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- 261
hey everyone. Contacted GI and Mayo clinic today. Long story short - Mayo is not an option. GI had me call local surgeon for consult. They will get back with me on Monday. Currently, up Prednisone but I'm afraid to because I have such massive reactions of side effects. I raised it some, but I'm right on the borderline dose right now. Taking Lortab for pain which is suppose to cause constipation, but still going 4-5 times today, still have moderate pain, and taking valium for muscle spasms. Prednisone makes my muscle spasms worse. So, up the preds to help with cramps and make other symptoms worse? Other symptoms cause me to take pain pills too. Currently, I'm only slightly nausaus, pain is at a 3 on a 10 scale, but with the meds I sort of don't care? so I'm sort of maintaining.
I have to get through this weekend somehow. Still on liquid/mush diet and I can feel water digesting. Directions are if I can't tolerate the pain or get dehydrated, call GI who sends me to ER who gives me IV fluids, stronger drugs, and sends me home. I told my husband I'm tempted to eat something to put me over the edge, just to rush things and get it over with. I'm so tired of being in pain and drugged and laying here too miserable to do much of anything. I've been constantly in one or the other for.......days?....weeks?.....I can't tell anymore.
My husband is currently watching his favorite movie, the new Star Trek, and is very grateful that you are all here to listen to me. He's about had enough and feels helpless because he don't know what to do. He said to tell ya'll thank you for putting up with me. I'm going to snoop around and see if I can find a game or something to take my mind off things, but with the meds my brain's a little fuzzy. Please let me know if I get out of line anywhere.
There are way to many of you for me to personally say thank you to, and I don't want to offend anyone if I name any names and leave someone out. So, Thanks to ALL of you!!!!!!!! When I'm feeling better, there are several of you who will start getting PM's :hug::ghug: to each and every one of you. And, keep and eye on Joe, please? I just read his post and he's having a hard time too.
I have to get through this weekend somehow. Still on liquid/mush diet and I can feel water digesting. Directions are if I can't tolerate the pain or get dehydrated, call GI who sends me to ER who gives me IV fluids, stronger drugs, and sends me home. I told my husband I'm tempted to eat something to put me over the edge, just to rush things and get it over with. I'm so tired of being in pain and drugged and laying here too miserable to do much of anything. I've been constantly in one or the other for.......days?....weeks?.....I can't tell anymore.
My husband is currently watching his favorite movie, the new Star Trek, and is very grateful that you are all here to listen to me. He's about had enough and feels helpless because he don't know what to do. He said to tell ya'll thank you for putting up with me. I'm going to snoop around and see if I can find a game or something to take my mind off things, but with the meds my brain's a little fuzzy. Please let me know if I get out of line anywhere.
There are way to many of you for me to personally say thank you to, and I don't want to offend anyone if I name any names and leave someone out. So, Thanks to ALL of you!!!!!!!! When I'm feeling better, there are several of you who will start getting PM's :hug::ghug: to each and every one of you. And, keep and eye on Joe, please? I just read his post and he's having a hard time too.