Surgery Next Week - Nervous & Scared

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Oct 4, 2012
I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease back in 2005. I have done really well managing the disease until Feb. of this year. I have been hospitalized 3 times this year Feb., May, and August for partial obstructions. My GI told me I have 2 options..I can try the Remicade or go ahead and have surgery. I have chosen to have surgery. My surgery is scheduled for next Friday. I am so nervous and scared. I will be having about a foot of my terminal ileum removed along with my appendix and cecum. My surgery is suppose to be laparoscopic however the Surgeon said there is a possibility of converting to open. I have chosen surgery over the Remicade for 2 reasons....#1. I don't like all of the side effects that I have read about Remicade or Humira. #2. My husband and I would like to have a child and all of the Dr.'s that I have talked to recommended the surgery before having a baby. It would be kinda like starting over with the disease and I am hoping and praying for a long remission. Anyone that has had this type of surgery...what was your experience and did it bring you remission? Am I making the right decision? What should I expect after surgery and during my hospital stay?
Hi cankton,

I haven't personally had this surgery but MANY here have. It's pretty much the most common surgery that people with Crohn's Disease get. And many end up saying they wish they had it long before. With that said, it's understandable that you're scared. I sure would be :(


You can connect with others who have had or are having surgery in our surgery forum. There's lots of personal accounts there.

Are you making the correct decision? I think so. Remicade when there are already obstructions occurring probably won't change that based upon what I've read.

All my best to you.
Hey Cankon
Just wanted to wish you every success with the surgery. You've gone with your instinct and you know yourself best. I had similar surgery to yours two weeks ago. I could tell within a few days that the major symptoms I'd had were gone after two years of trying to solve the problems with meds. I'm doing well and contemplating a couple of trial days back at work next week.
Like David says, my story and many others' are over on the subforum he's linked to. Looking forward to hearing how you get on. X