I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease back in 2005. I have done really well managing the disease until Feb. of this year. I have been hospitalized 3 times this year Feb., May, and August for partial obstructions. My GI told me I have 2 options..I can try the Remicade or go ahead and have surgery. I have chosen to have surgery. My surgery is scheduled for next Friday. I am so nervous and scared. I will be having about a foot of my terminal ileum removed along with my appendix and cecum. My surgery is suppose to be laparoscopic however the Surgeon said there is a possibility of converting to open. I have chosen surgery over the Remicade for 2 reasons....#1. I don't like all of the side effects that I have read about Remicade or Humira. #2. My husband and I would like to have a child and all of the Dr.'s that I have talked to recommended the surgery before having a baby. It would be kinda like starting over with the disease and I am hoping and praying for a long remission. Anyone that has had this type of surgery...what was your experience and did it bring you remission? Am I making the right decision? What should I expect after surgery and during my hospital stay?