Surgery on duodenum

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Nov 14, 2008
Hello all

I'm 2 weeks in hospital now due to strictures in my duodenum due to recent Crohns activity which has left narrowings down my duodenum. These 2 weeks I've been getting TPN and lipids to build myself up due to malnourishment.

One stricture is accessible by a scope. It narrowed to a 2mm opening which they widened to 9mm. Although I noticed an improvement, it was not significant. A upper GI revealed further strictures further down. My surgeon has told me surgery is the only likely way to deal with this, either a strictureoplasty, resection, or a bypass where they cut out the duodenum and reattach the bowel to the stomach. The latter is not the optimal choice.

Has anyone had surgery in the duodenal area? It sounds complicated :(
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I haven't had surgery either, but I can tell you that I will pray that things go well for you. Have you scheduled a date for the surgery yet?
I just found out surgery is tomorrow! They are planning a duodenum bypass. Cut the bowel where the strictures end and reattach to a new opening in the stomach. Then attach the end of the duodenum to the bowel coming from stomach. He said this the best chance for long term success. Those strictures are bypassed.

That way the duod can still take on bile etc and just pass it on to the bowel. Sounds freaky but he figures it's the way to go.

Has anyone had THAT done???? l
If you had the surgery today - I hope everything went well and I wish you a speedy recovery!
Hi Brad -- sorry I came late to this thread. Do let us know how surgery went.

I had a very small section of duodenum removed twenty years ago (same operation I had a much bigger section of illeum removed). I'd have to ask my GI to look over my records to find out which specific part of the duodenum.

I have reflux issues from time to time, and of course iron absorption is always a concern. Other than that, I seemed to have fared pretty sell since.
Hi all

I had my surgery. They cut the bowel perhaps 2 feet down from the stomach at the end of the location of strictures. There was about 10in of strictures they decided to removed. The stricture seen with the scope had to be left there because of it's location but a second dialation the day before surgery opened it up to 15mm.

So the other end of the original cut that continues on was reattached to a new opening in my stomach. It wasn't a normal T connection but the end of the bowel was capped and a hole was made for a horizontal connection to the stomach to make a large opening. Same was done for the duodenum end to the main bowel. Sounds f&$ked up, excuse my language but my other option was reoccuring trips for dialation that some day may not work.

This bypass allows bile and pancreas secretions to continue to enter the deudonem, flow to the main bowel it's connected to to meet food to break it down.

Yesterday I started a clear fluid diet. Today is full fluid. I've already had 2 bms since Monday and passed gas this morning. So my bowels are coming to life anyway. A frankenstein life perhaps. Lol

Solid foods make me nervous at this point. Not sure what to expect. I was told motility may be quick or slow. I may have to eat smaller meals frequently. I will also be on ppi's for the rest of my life.

But I was also told I still have plenty of bowel left and it looks uneffected by disease.

I'd like to hear anyone else's experiences with this. Apparently it's a fairly common surgery for various reasons.

Glad the surgery went well Brad...hoping it brings you relief and remission!
Thanks guys

I am getting over the surgery but on day 3 of eating full fluids and some solid foods like toast I am having a hard time eating. I get distended, have a spot where I get cramping when I lie down and have regurgating burps but rarely does food come up. I am having bms and passing some gas which is good. My doctors say likely it's my bowels and stomach getting back to normal. I hope that's the case.

I was told new openings are large so it's unlikely that they are causing blockages.

I just wish I knew what was going on because this is hanging up my recovery and discharge. I hoped there were related experiences out there.

Thanks again
Hang in there Brad!

It's likely tough to get a gauge of what's going on because of the swelling. Your insides just went through some heavy trauma.

But I understand your frustration.

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