Surgery post-poned

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Jul 14, 2011
surgery post-poned

it’s kind of annoying my surgeon waits until the day before my surgery to tell me that i am not healthy enough and that if they were to do the surgery i would not heal properly. i guess i am being transferred to a “skilled nursing facility” where i will be doing that same thing i have been doing for this last week (sit around getting nutrients through the picc line) for another two weeks or so. i really just want to get this surgery done. when i went into the hospital my albumin was at 2.7 and they were hoping to get it over 3 but now it's at 2.3 and was at 2.1 a day ago. why has it gone down so much even when i am getting my tpn? so i guess i wont be home from christmas. bummer. i'm also having terrible restless legs and my legs are shaky. i'm trying to get some muslcle relaxer or valium. i'm all anxietied out right now. does anyone else have restless legs? what's helps you. i have medical marijuana but i can't really smoke that here... :/
That is a bummer all around! The anticipation of surgery was enough anxiety. Just to let you know MJ works better by vaporizing, with smoking it you lose too much of the THC and that helps the pain,nausea and healing. Smoking it you burn off too much. Just saying... When is the new surgery date? Restless legs can be from not enough magnesium in your diet, supplements can help that.
There are many reasons why the number could go down but most may not be relevant in your case. Hopefully your doctor will figure out the cause soon so you can get this all over with already. Your doctor should also be able to do something about your restless legs although it may also be from the lack of movement which I did have a slight problem with back when I was hospitalized. I did my best to move around as much as I could and my dad would take me for walks around the hospital with my IV in tow (gotta plug it back in from time to time though so you don't completely drain the battery). Keep us posted ok?
My restless leg has always been a major issue for me especially at night. They were giving me these THC type pills while I am in here but I stopped taking them because they were making me incredibly paranoid and made me feel even sicker :/ So now that those are out of the picture I am dealing with it on my own. It can be so hard to sleep when it's at it's worst. Anyway, I haven't been able to stop puking and have been needing to get my meds through IV so they are trying to find a facility to transfer me to for a week before my surgery that would be able to administer IV meds. My insurance is complaining because this hospital stay is getting expensive! Ugh, so much stress. On top of that I am majorly puffy from all this IV nutrition and I have hemorrhoids. I keep getting these awful shooting pains and then It feels like I need to poop and puke at the same time. My diarrhea is very acidic and painful as well. I wish this would all just end.

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