Swine flu and crohns

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May 4, 2009
Are we more likely to get swine flu badly and die from it?
I am on immunosuppressants and my sister knows people who have had it and it is in our town and now I have got cold like symptoms, and a rly bad headache :(
I had the flu jab so that i wouldn't die from normal flu so surely I am more at risk?
I dont want to die! Recently a man who had no underlying illness died of it. :(
I know i am probably worrying about nothing. But since immunosuppressants i get funny if people around me just have a cold coz i will have it for ages.
xX_LittleMissValentine_Xx said:
Are we more likely to get swine flu badly and die from it?
I am on immunosuppressants and my sister knows people who have had it and it is in our town and now I have got cold like symptoms, and a rly bad headache :(
I had the flu jab so that i wouldn't die from normal flu so surely I am more at risk?
I dont want to die! Recently a man who had no underlying illness died of it. :(
I know i am probably worrying about nothing. But since immunosuppressants i get funny if people around me just have a cold coz i will have it for ages.
Well, last I heard, we were technically better of than regular healthy people.

The flu tends to kill with an immune over reaction. With a suppressed immune system, the symptoms shouldn't be as bad, although you'd probably expect them to go on for longer though. This may have changed though.

If you've been in contact with a carrier and are showing symptoms, you can call NHS direct/your doctor, and arrange for a voucher that can be taken to a pharmacy and exchanged for Tamiflu drugs. Someone else has to go though. You're supposed to keep yourself quarantined ;)
hm, i didnt no it was over there i heard it came from mexico here, and now theyre calling it H1N1 virus i guess they didnt want ppl to stop buying pork, and in michigan we had 41 confirmed cases and only 2 dies and they were elderly. and they said its not that its horibbly bad but,hm ok you knoe how bad the black plague was and how it killed so many but now even tho its still around it doesnt kill as much, thats because we take measured to control it. so now we are taking measures to control the swine flu. and likethe plague it can be cured with antibiotics or other meds redily avalible, the people who die from it are usually to old to fight it or are already very sick like almost terminaly sick. so even if you got it as long as you got to a hospital quickly you would be fine ^-^ i hope that helps some, we've had the lecture here about it on the news lol
Here's the thing about swine flu: it's not as severe a bug as the regular flu. If the regular flu doesn't kill you, neither will swine flu.
One thing it means for us is people with chronic diseases will be eligible for the vaccine before everyone else.
The vaccine probably is more threatening than the virus, especially for those of us with an already compromised immune system.

Flu vaccines are much like blood letting in the past. Very little science to support there use.

Vaccines are mostly retarded. I agree that the vaccine is probably hella worse than the flu itself. I like my chances better without Mr :voodoo:
I would say only if you are pretty sick and vulnerable to getting sick (taking medications that inhibit the immune system) would you need a vaccine. I never had a flu shot until this last winter. My GI recommended it since I was on a steroid and work in a public setting where I would be exposed to the flu a lot.
I figure I will need to have it. Not looking forward to 3 shots though! That's one for the regular flu and 2 for swine. I'm on Humira and was told that getting a flu shot would probably be a must from now on. (or at least as long as I'm on Humira - don't think it's working) I also have 2 school-age kids that bring home everything and I work with the public. I guess if it prevents me from getting it, then it's worth it. I know the regular flu is a dead vaccine.............does anyone know if the swine vaccine is a dead vaccine? If it's a live one, I can't have it.
Um, Drew & DBergy, you must not have been around when polio was. Every summer parents lived in terror their kids would get it, hospitals were full of little children lying in iron lungs for life (respirators had not yet been invented) because they could no longer breath on their own, pools and beaches were closed during polio season - etc etc.

I majored in history and often read diary entries from the 17th & 18th centuries telling about how many young adults in town had died from diphtheria, or how terrified the writer was of measles coming to their house & taking their kids.

The vaccines for these diseases made the life you enjoy today possible. Don't knock vaccines.

Even if you were not vaccinated yourself, or have not vaccinated your children, you are enjoying "herd immunity"---so many others around you have been, that the diseases in question are not able to rise to epidemic numbers and infect you or your kids.

The people most susceptible to death from complications due to having flu are the elderly and those with other serious conditions--asthma, etc. Every year, around 36 k people in the US die from flu, and most of them are elderly. I don't hear a lot of elderly people scoffing at their flu vaccines.

If you are taking immunosuppressants, you should get a flu shot every year. You are already sick with a serious diseae. You do not need complications from flu, swine or other, added to your trouble.
You are correct, I was not around when Polio was rampant, or Diphtheria.

But, I do not see the relationship between those two bacterial diseases and the viral infection of Influenza.

Bacteria do not mutate quickly. It is relatively easy to make a vaccine to match an unchanging bacteria. It is quite another matter to try to guess at a future mutated strain of a virus.

Older adults account for 90% of Flu deaths each year and get most of these inoculations, but there is no credible independent scientific evidence that the mortality rate for the elderly has changed since when only 15% were vaccinated, to now when over 65% are inoculated. If the mortality rate from the Flu has not changed, then what real benefit are they getting from the shot? They do get the increased risk of Alzheimer's, and other side effects that comes along with the vaccination, with no potential benefit.

With virtually no elderly people receiving any benefit from the vaccination there can be no "herd Immunity" since most of the herd, is going to get the Flu regardless. But the herd mentality that goes along with popular ideas will assure that millions of the elderly will get inoculated, even though there is scant evidence that it will help them.


The benefit of these inoculations are grossly overestimated by most people and there is little credible scientific research that support their benefit.

so ive got a job at an elementary school, im worried i will be more suseptable to this because i will be exposed to a lot of kids, with a lot of germs, lol. i carry hand sanatizer with me and dont use the water fountains or anything, but im worried i might get it with being on remi. wat do you guys think? any ideas to help stay healthy, i have a cough now, but its a dry one and its not to bad, and no fevers. i cant ware a mask it scared the kids lol! XD oh well, i hope we all manage to stay as healty as possibe! good luck with everyone!!
pig flu survivor!!

Had swine flu in the summer while on methotrexate, just like a really bad cold that took about 3 weeks to shift. Doc put me on tamiflu cos i was an 'at risk' case ' but it really wasn't that bad and no lasting effects:)
Masks are usually a bad idea for the healthy person. If you're sick, great! The problem is that most are not well fitted, so we are constantly touching our face, especially on the bridge, over your nose, near the eyes to readjust it.

Keith's GI says there is no reason to worry about getting more sick than normal while on Remicade. Our experience was the opposite, Keith was sick nearly every day he was on it. Still.. I'm a crazy mom who is being unreasonable. LOL. Do you get sick easier while on Remicade? If you do, I'd take some precautions... we use the alcohol based antibacterial spray, it kills ALL of the bugs!