Swollen lymph nodes?

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Sep 27, 2009
Ok, about 3 months ago I noticed a few hard, painless lumps in my neck, which I am quite sure are swollen lymph nodes. There are 5 that I can feel, one right under my chin, another just below that, one on the back of my neck, and 2 on the side of my neck. The arent very big (about pea sized, some smaller) but naturally I am concerned. I have heard of Crohn's patients getting swollen lymph nodes, but from what I have read they are painful, where mine are painless.

I went to my doctor and he basically laughed and told me not to worry, its probably just from my Crohn`s. Has anyone else here experiences painless swelling of the lymph nodes for extended periods of time

My biggest concern here is Lymphoma, but as the doctor told me not to worry, and my bloodwork is fine, I`m thinking it probably is just the Crohn`s.
My boyfriend gets little pea sized lumps and bumps in his neck all the time for no apparent reason. He doesn't suffer from any medical conditions and they're not painful. I always find them to be a bit weird but they don't worry him.
Enlarged lymph nodes can be a symptom of infection. If they don't resolve you should have them checked again. I think if it was Lymphoma you would be having other associated symptoms like fatigue, fever, night sweats.

My son has had pea sized lymph nodes that come and go. One is visible.
Well I do have a lot of fatigue and a very "blah" feeling overall, but I blame that on an extremely poor diet (college student at the moment, lots of fried bologna and KD). No night sweats or anything like that tho.

I was under the impression that with an infection, the nodes would be tender to the touch, whereas mine are completely painless.

I do have a recessed eardrum that has been bothering me for a few months (swimming), but the swelling of the lymph nodes came before the ear thing, so I can't blame it on that.

I might just ask my GE next time I see him and see what he thinks, I'm due for an app within the next few months, and if they dont clear up by then something is definately wrong.

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