Symptoms but no symptoms.. help?

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Sep 8, 2010
Hey guys! I've been in what I consider to be a refreshing remission for nearly a month now. I've not really been doing anything counter to my health so what I'm wondering is:

Could there be active inflammation and a flare going on EVEN if I am not having D, and am pretty regular. I'm asking because I often have pain ONLY while in the bathroom - not constipation but just tender belly when going.

That's my only symptom, and it's very easy to live with (considering what we're all used to in a flare) - I'm just concerned in case this is signaling continued problems on the inside - even if they're not manifesting in abnormal stooling?

Any thoughts? Thanks!
I'm aware that you're trying out alternative treatment and I think that's fine and all but everyone benefits from having regular tests and blood work done so they KNOW how well their treatment plan (whatever it may be) is working or not working. Yes you can have inflammation with little to no symptoms. Its possible that you may be experiencing the very beginning of a flare or perhaps your flare was never fully under control to begin with. To be sure it'd be a good idea to start seeing a GI again and have them work with you by doing tests (scopes and blood work etc) so you are aware of your progress. There are some members on the forum who have mentioned having very little symptoms yet had to go under extensive treatment because their scopes showed very active disease. You don't want to wait until you feel it more which only allows it to get worse. Good luck.
There are some members on the forum who have mentioned having very little symptoms yet had to go under extensive treatment because their scopes showed very active disease. You don't want to wait until you feel it more which only allows it to get worse. Good luck.

This x 1,000. My GI told me they used to wait to restart treatment after surgery until people had symptoms, but have found that was usually too late. By the time you have symptoms a lot of preventable damage has been done.

FWIW, when I was diagnosed I had basically no symptoms, and my GI told me my inflammation and narrowing was severe when he did the scope.

Not to try and scare you though. I hope you are in remission and don't have any inflammation.
I'm with the two above. I don't suffer from D much - pain has been my main symptom and that had really abated. But a recent CT scan showed still a lot of active Crohn's and they've had to up my meds accordingly. I wouldn't leave it to chance - this is such a sneaky disease!
Hoping that it's not a sign of a flareup.

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