Symptoms of a flare or nerve issues?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 28, 2016
Hi, new to this site and would welcome some advice. I was diagnosed with crohns 2 years ago and been very lucky that I have felt well and not had any pain or issues till now.

Two month ago I had pins and needles in my right leg and doctor said was nerve issue I was given exercises and it went away. Ive now got pins and needles back in right leg, numbness and bottom of foot feels like I have something stuck to it, very odd feeling. My leg also feels heavy. Also my right side near ribs feels strained and heavy.

Went back to doctor who again said its nerve issue and has given me physio referral and getting bloods done to double check iron and B12. Last night my right side was really hurting and kept me awake its now constant dull ache and strange feeling in it.

Can anyone shed any light as to what maybe going on and could this infact be some sort of flare? My bowel movements seem ok although some mucous and I'm also not on any meds. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks for reading xx
I wonder if this could be some External Intestinal Manifestation. There is s section specifically for this kind of thing.
What medications are you on?

When I was on Cimzia I had nerve-like issues, the pins and needles and vibration feeling in my legs.. Maybe it could be a side effect?
Hi, I'm not on anything at the moment. I was on prednisone steroids last year from August to September then I was put on a drug that I cant remember its name but it messed up my liver and I was taken off it very quickly. Since then I have had a new consultant who decided to not put me on anything and see how I go. I have been lucky and been ok till now although I was told my last stool sample showed inflammation.

I have started going to the gym so first thoughts were I had pulled something in my side but with it hurting and having weird feeling I'm not so sure. xx
Thank you I will re post in there see if anyone has any ideas. New to site so not sure where to post at mo. xx
Hi, I'm not on anything at the moment. I was on prednisone steroids last year from August to September then I was put on a drug that I cant remember its name but it messed up my liver and I was taken off it very quickly. Since then I have had a new consultant who decided to not put me on anything and see how I go. I have been lucky and been ok till now although I was told my last stool sample showed inflammation.

I have started going to the gym so first thoughts were I had pulled something in my side but with it hurting and having weird feeling I'm not so sure. xx
I , myself, might be bothered if I was on nothing.
Being off Meds is a scary thought to me.

Low iron and B-12, along with Low Vit D, is common with Crohns. Pain in the lower right abdomen is also common, as that location is the terminal ileum, a very common site for Crohns to show up. But I would think the tingling in the legs is probably something else
Hi Doug,

Think the reason they kept me off meds is because I was so will with no symptoms so the thinking was only put me on them if things look like they are getting worse.

Had a lot of bloods taken today so I will know by Thursday what is going on. Fingers crossed nothing too scary!
Hi Ron,

Yep get what you are saying, think that's why I originally was called complicated because they expected me to be rolling round on the floor in pain! I only found out I had crohn's because my regular doctor did some routine blood tests because I had a slight stomach ache that I mentioned in passing which we thought was IBS. Good job I have a vigilant doctor.

I also didn't see me regular consultant on my last hospital visit, I am due to see him in May and I know he said about me going on humira so that maybe the next step depending on what these bloods show up.
Hi Ron,
I also didn't see me regular consultant on my last hospital visit, I am due to see him in May and I know he said about me going on humira so that maybe the next step depending on what these bloods show up.


Have you been on other meds in the past which failed? My insurance made me take stuff like Sulfasalzide and Asacol. My doctor at that time described my taking those meds was like "pissin in the wind". But I had to do it before they would approve a biologic med.
Hi Doug,

I have only been on steroids then a very short stint on Mercaptopurine and that messed up my liver, I was then going to be put on methotrexate by my then consultant who didn't discuss it with me and once I researched it and saw it could cause problems incase I decided I wanted a child then I refused. I have since changed to a new consultant and he decided as methotrexate wasn't an option that humira would be the next step but won't put me on it till I start having more symptoms which is what I presume is happening now.

Now I will wait on these bloods which I may get tomorrow if something bad is found, was a big list of bloods they have taken and also said bone and thyroid which I have not seen before on my blood tests. It actually scared me a little bit!
Sounds like they are just being thorough. My sister, who is a nurse, would tell you not to worry until they know there is something to worry about. Let us know how the blood tests come back.
I experience a dull feeling in my right side too it feels like its deep towards the lower back ribs. It is very very weird, and it is related to excersize for me. I had a pause from lifting weights and then after a month i noticed I didnt get it at all anymore.

Then started lifting weights again and its back, its not really painful, feels more like something is pressing up against something, its so hard to describe the feeling.

I just figured since it goes away when I dont lift that it isnt something dangerous atleast. Ive had it on and off for 2 years by now.
Thanks Doug, I am trying not to worry, I drive my family mad with how much I do worry, will let you know when I have some answers.

Hi Perfer, That does sound like how my right side has felt, I was going to gym and doing some side exercises with a medicine ball and weights so would be good if it is the gym giving me the issues and not crohns or anything else. I have given the gym a miss the last 2 weeks and I think my side is feeling a bit better today. Trouble is I have struggled to get weight off since steroids and had had got into going to gym, I may have to re-think my workout and look into my eating a bit more.
Hi guys well just to say got results and everything is normal!! So I am very confused as to what is causing these issues, next step is see a physiotherapist and I have an appointment with my consultant in two weeks so lets hope one of those can give me an idea on what is going on!
I bought an IBS book (back when I thought it was still IBS) which has a whole section on musculoskeletal issues because the author claims about 20% of IBS patients' issues are actually nothing to do with their digestive tracts.