Symptoms question

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Feb 6, 2012
I had thickening and inflammation of the colon. I had some tests done. The ER and Impatient doctors said it was colitis. I also had stool burden. They said to follow up with my GI. He dismissed the test results as "nonspecific." He said to take Miralax and Senokot-S. He did not want to do any further workup.

Even if I had an undected infection or virus, shouldn't I still need a colonscopy?

I have endometriosis and fibroids. I know gyn issues can cause gi issues. But, can those cause colitis or colon thickening/inflammation? I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy because of the endo/fibroids.

Thank you.
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It seems that endometriosis can contribute to inflammation in the body, and it could contribute to thickening by adhering to the outside of the bowel.

I guess the only way to tell will be to wait and see what difference the hysterectomy makes. I hope you get relief from your symptoms.

By the way, I am sure it was a typo but 'impatient doctors' made me laugh- just the thought of all these emergency doctors in a hurry!
The blood tests I had were: CBC, differential, renal, liver, blood gas, hemostasis, and prealbumin. The WBC was elevated and some others were off. I also have low Vitamin D, which was tested last year.

The CT scan showed "thickening of the distal descending colon and the proximal sigmoid colon." It also said the thickening "can be seen with infectious/inflammatory process."

Two stool tests. The ones for different infections were normal.
1. Calprotectin, Fecal is 46. The normal is <16 - 50 ug/g. (It seems it's on the high end of normal.)
2. Lactoferrin is 20.57 High. The normal is 0.00 - 7.24 ug/ml.
I think you are correct to expect this to be followed up with colonoscopy. Thickening in the bowel wall as seen on CT scan could be IBD. They wouldn't know for sure without biopsies, and they could easily collect the biopsy during the colonoscopy.

Did your GI doctor actually see your CT scan report?

Good luck.
He saw the report and possibly the images. He said the thickening was "nonspecific" and does not cause pain. He didn't really think I even had colitis. The GI doctor just disregarded everything that happened to me. I think he thinks its IBS, constipation, or "all in my head."
He saw the report and possibly the images. He said the thickening was "nonspecific" and does not cause pain. He didn't really think I even had colitis. The GI doctor just disregarded everything that happened to me. I think he thinks its IBS, constipation, or "all in my head."

I feel ya on the IBS, constipation, or "all in my head" part. I went through that for years!!!! I'm just now getting to the bottom of what's wrong with me.

Hang in there!!!!!!