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Jul 4, 2009
Has anybody participated recently?

I signed up last year, raised money(only $250), but when the time came to walk I was flaring. At least the money went to a good cause. Maybe this year I will try the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta and/or the Crohn's walk.

Take Steps
I participate each year. Now I just go with my brother and a few friends.

I got my last company that I worked for involved in it. I told them for a lab that does testing on clinical research studies, it only would be right for them to get involved. I told them the clients would be happy to see that they are involved. Some of the clients we had were working on Crohns meds. The one human resource lady who I did not like very much because of her inconsideration, (I was out a few times for hospital stays because of being really sick) told me that it would not be a big turn out if they vested their time in this cause. I told her...Well I dont feel the same way. I then went over her head and more and more people said they knew people who suffered from it. Some of the other employees also said they have it, and was happy that I pushed for the company to be involved. The other HR lady still said you know there will only be about 10 people who show up. I said mmmm I still dont think so! I then wound up in the hospital and was out just in time for the walk a few days away. That HR lady tried saying because I was not at work for that week that I was not allowed to go. I said your out of your mind if you think I am not going when I organized basically the whole thing. I told her I am still an employee and I am going. About 20 min after that phone call I got an appology phone call from her boss. I went but was not well enough to walk. I just wanted to be there!
Turned out almost 50 people came from the company and we raised thousands of dollars. A few higher ups from a few other states in other company locations flew in also just to be involved. I was sooo happy and gave that lady the biggest haha look! On our Tshirts I wanted it to say ontop of our company name "Walking for my Crohnies"!!
haha! Great story, Jennjenn! Way to stay on top of HR! It's cool that you went even though you couldn't walk. And raising thousands of $ is definitely good for the cause!

Any other participants out there? I find it hard to believe that only Jennjenn and I have participated. Hopefully, my participation will actually include the walk this year!:)
I've been two years in a row and plan to go again this June.
It was more fun than I thought it was going to be, and I was almost in tears in awe at the first one. I just couldn't believe how many people were out supporting their friends and family members.
In 2009 I raised $1,555.63 and wore a shirt that said "DUDE where's the bathroom?", in 2010 I raised $1,165.69 and wore a shirt that said "I occassionally crap my pants." Man, I need a new shirt this year.
I did the walk a couple of years ago. It was just me and my partner. Oddly it made me feel really isolated (the opposite of the point?). Everyone else was part of some big group or had supporters. Also the location for the Seattle walk seemed completely bizarre to me. I thought the point was to be visual and get spectators interested... but they chose this incredibly secluded park and basically nobody was around except the people there specifically to do the walk. I thought about doing it again this year but I just didn't want to.
I was planning to do one this year for the first time. I haven't signed up yet, as I wasn't sure how I'd be feeling then, but I think I'll just sign up and see later. It's on my calendar. These have been a good experience for you guys?
:thumright: JennJenn, way to go!!!! :thumright: I've been involved with our local CCFA walks since they first started over 15 years ago.

After I had my stroke, I had to miss 5 of them until last year. I was able to volunteer at the t-shirt table giving them out to the walkers who brought in $100 or more. I'm doing it again this year in May.

I've met so many folks diagnosed with this awful disease at the walk and can't believe that there are many younger patients under the age of 5!!!

You deserve employee of the year for doing community service for such a worthy cause!!!:D:D:D:D