TB test before Methotrexate

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 13, 2014
Hudson Valley, NY
Hello All,

My son is finally nearing the end of his two month wait after getting his varicella shot and will be starting Methotrexate.

Is a TB test necessary before starting Methotrexate?

Thanks for any info. A belated Happy New Year to everyone!
They always check for TB before biologics.
Some also check before immunosuppressants.

Just note that:
1) If your son is taking steroids the "standard" mantox test may not be enough
2) You may want to consider to do it anyway; this way if in the close future they decide to add or move to a biologic you will already be ready
It is not a requirement for the Methotrexate/Imuran/6MP class of drugs but that is not to say that some doctors may have a preference for it.

Our GI at the time of my son’s diagnosis wanted Hep A,B,C, Varicella and TB tested at the outset. As it was my son quickly developed complications and a couple of the tests weren’t completed. He has now been in remission for close to 4 years but his new GI asked that they be done 6 months ago regardless of his disease status and no treatment change.

Dusty. xxx