Terrible Mondays?

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May 5, 2010
I've noticed a pattern with myself and wondering if anybody else has noticed the same thing.

I work a Mon-Fri job, so during the work week I pretty much do everything the same every day. Get up at the same time, take my meds at the same time, eat breakfast lunch & dinner at the same time, go to bed at the same time, etc. And I usually eat similar foods every day because it's easy.

On the weekends, I'm usually exhausted from the work week so I tend to sleep in. This means I take my meds at a different time in the morning, and I sometimes don't even eat breakfast, lunch is sometimes late or I sometimes just have a snack instead or skip it altogether if I'm out running errands, etc. Everything is off, and I notice that by Monday morning I'm usually feeling pretty bad and having d, pain, nausea, etc. I think my weekends throw everything off and my body doesn't like that and by Monday I end up paying for it. Anybody else (who works M-F) experience something similar? Or do you keep the same schedule even on your days off, and if so does that seem to help?
I'm having a bad time with insomnia again. It's not every night but I know that it will always happen really badly on a Sunday night so hence I feel terrible Monday. Not quite the same as you Cat but I have noticed that pattern. Not really sure why it's always Sunday as I'm no more stressed than any other time...
as usual, i'm probably the odd one out here.. i don't work, but i do have to get up at 7am every weekday to take my kid to school... after the weekends when i can wake when i naturally want to, take things a bit easier, i'm ok on Monday mornings.... but doing it 5 mornings in a row, whether or not i sleep at night, has me absolutely exhausted by Fridays... so i'd say Fridays are my worst days.
Cat - Yes, my routine is completely thrown off on weekends and sometimes Mondays are brutal! I often sleep until noon on Saturday, which is glorious and which I will not give up!

But I find that it's not necessarily taking my meds at different times that screws me up. I don't drink as much water on the weekends and I tend to not be as vigilant about what I eat - those are the bigger culprits for me.

Now I really try to stay hydrated and not overeat. It has helped.

- Amy
Cat...Monday's are definitely my bad days too. Unfortunately yesterday got so bad I had to have another nurse come in and cover for me because I couldn't stay away from the bathroom long enough to provide patient care.

I have been trying to figure out why Mondays are so bad for me. I have often wondered if I let myself eat too many things I shouldn't over the weekends...a little snacking, dinner out with the husband, a glass of wine etc. I also tend to sleep in a little longer, not much, so take my meds a little later.

Certainly seems to be a pattern though.
Interesting, thanks all for the input. Sam, I've noticed I don't sleep very well on Sunday nights either, I have no idea why. Worry about the upcoming week? I don't know. I don't feel like I'm particularly stressed on Sunday nights either, but I rarely sleep well on Sunday nights.

Joan, I really love sleeping in on the weekends (and half the time I end up taking an afternoon nap on the weekends even though I did sleep in!). I don't know if I can give that up but I'll give it a try!

Amy, I didn't even think about dehydration, but you're right! I definitely drink way more water when I'm working. On the weekends I'm sure I drink way less, and I didn't even think about that. I'll try drinking more water on the weekends, I'm hoping that'll help a lot.

Twigs, I don't think we've "met" yet but welcome to the forum and thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who has bad Mondays. :) I rarely go out to eat and I'm usually pretty good about avoiding foods that give me trouble (although I did overeat this past Sunday, too many Superbowl snacks!) although I admittedly do tend to use weekends to experiment a bit more with food. If I don't know how a certain food will affect me, I'll wait until Saturday to try it so that I'll have the rest of the weekend to recover from it if it goes badly. So yeah, that could be part of the problem too.
I tend to be okay during the week, but tend to over indulge Fridays and Saturdays. I usually pay for it on Sunday.
Hey Cat

On Sundays do you get that '****, I've not done me homework' feeling?
ha ha

BTW, I've decided I'm not giving up my Saturday lie in neither, stuff my advice up there ^
Yeah, sleep in AND take a nap! Girl after my own heart!

PS Try getting a water bottle that is around 32 ounces and forcing yourself to drink two each weekend day. I have to measure my water or I never remember to drink enough. Sometimes I'll throw a Propel packet in there if I have, ahem, overindulged a little too much.
Amy: If by overindulge, you mean alcohol, no chance of that here. I gave up alcohol as it does me no good. The last time I drank, which was about a year ago, I had a teeny bit of wine and my friend (who coincidentally is also a crohnie) finished the bottle. Even though I had a little and she had a lot, we both felt terrible the next day! So no more booze for me, even in small amounts I end up paying for it.

The idea about carrying around a large water bottle and measuring my intake is a good one, I'm going to do that. I just looked at my water bottle and it's 25 oz so I will look for a 32 oz bottle. I think Gatorade comes in 32 oz bottles so I may just buy a Gatorade and then re-use the bottle for water.
Rebecca, I just looked on the bottom of my 25 oz water bottle and it says "25 oz / 750 ml" so 16 oz sounds about right for 500 ml. If I'm remembering right, the general recommendation for drinking water is 8 - 8 oz glasses of water a day, so 64 oz total. I know I get that much on days that I work but definitely not on my days off. Sounds like you don't get that amount any day! I saw your other thread about drinking water so I know you're trying to drink more. It's tough when you're not used to it, as me on the weekends can attest to. ;)

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