Terrified of colonoscopy

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Mar 12, 2014
Hey everyone , I'm having a colonoscopy this Sunday and I am bricking it, I know I'm having sedation and I've already had a sigmotoscopy which wasn't too bad just moderate wind types pains but yeah aha colonoscopy scares the living daylights out of me and just wondering whats everyone's experiences were, and a week after I'm going for a MRI so fingers crossed they can finally diagnose me , sorry about lack of paragraphs I'm on my phone , thanks!

Its perfectly normal to feel nervous about this sort of thing... Especially when it's the first time .

A lot of people say that the worst bit is taking the prep, but remember, it's only one day and it will end, and the colonoscopy is only one day, and that will end, this time next week it'll be over, and you'll have a better idea of what it is that's causing your discomfort.

I know it's scary , I know there are 1000s of things you would rather do than this, but you can do it, you will get through it and we will be there to help you.

There are a few threads with helpful tips on getting through colonoscopies and the preps, just search ' colonoscopy prep tips ' and you'll find them.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes :) .
The hardest part of my colonoscopy was the cleansing part--they make you drink a lot of fluids and take laxatives to clear your bowel. The procedure itself was nothing. They gave me an IV, I passed out, and when I woke up it was over. I was groggy the next day, and spent the day in bed. But there was no pain and I was fine after a long nap. Hope this helps and good luck.
HI There. I was worried to but there is nothing to it really. The prep is the yucky bit but before you know it it will be over. Hang in there, think of it as the beginning of getting sorted. Wishing you the best and really, dont worry. :)
I was so dreading the colonoscopy two months ago but looking back on it, it was a breeze. I was joking with the nurses and next thing I know I wake up in recovery.
The actual procedure is no bother,it's the prep that's difficult I,ve had a couple and can honestly say the prep is the worst part of it,there,s lots of advice on here on how to make it easier.just remember its a necessary evil and is for your long term good.good luck all the best
My crohn's was so bad that even the prep was "easy". The scoping was a breeze.

The worst part for me was that my perianal disease (fistulas, fissures, abscesses) made it quite painful to go to the bathroom as there was always burning and pain, but that would come regardless if I was doing a prep or not.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do fine!
I will agree with what others have posted. The test is no biggie, it's the prep that is the worst part. I've had many colonoscopies and each Dr. has a different prep method for some reason. One DR. made me fast for 3 days, another one made me drink that God awful "go lightly" stuff :( and another just gave me a pill. I will give you some advice if you have to drink that "go lightly" stuff, get some Italian ice and after you drink some eat some Italian ice, it helps with getting it down. Good Luck!
If you get the gallon of liquid prep, for the love of god, find a straw. It's very electrolyte dense so it has an insanely bitter, salty taste that sticks with you. The less of it gets on your tongue the less violent the physical revulsion will be. Good luck! :)
I will agree with what others have posted. The test is no biggie, it's the prep that is the worst part. I've had many colonoscopies and each Dr. has a different prep method for some reason. One DR. made me fast for 3 days, another one made me drink that God awful "go lightly" stuff :( and another just gave me a pill. I will give you some advice if you have to drink that "go lightly" stuff, get some Italian ice and after you drink some eat some Italian ice, it helps with getting it down. Good Luck!

I've heard about that pill. I presume it makes the whole experience much easier. Is it just one pill and why are there so many methods of prep? If there is a pill surely that would be easier for everyone. Need to know about this so I can request it if I have to go again.
Agreed. The prep is tedious, but I don't remember anything about the procedure. I have very vague memories of something happening one of the times, but no pain or anything like that. Always woke up feeling great! Tend to be gassy for a day or two after though...
I've heard about that pill. I presume it makes the whole experience much easier. Is it just one pill and why are there so many methods of prep? If there is a pill surely that would be easier for everyone. Need to know about this so I can request it if I have to go again.

When I used to take the pill (they only offer me the liquid now for some reason) it was something like a pill every 15-30 minutes for a couple of hours if I remember correctly.
If you have the liquid, chill it first! If it stays in the fridge, it takes out some of the gross taste. Then just try and chug it. the more you breath, the more you taste it. So try and down the cup and then chase with gatorade or something that tastes better! It's really not all that bad as a whole. I felt kind of tough going through it so young, and it's a relief having a diagnosis!
Hey everyone thanks for all the advice, it went well, the prep was annoying to say the least but chilling it and adding lucazade to it helped a great deal

The only issue is the colonoscopy came back normal, (still waiting on the biopsys), which is very discouraging , just wondering if any of you have had a normal colonoscopy but still had crohn's, because i know it can affect the small intestine which is the section the colonoscopy doesn't explore
I'm glad to hear that it went well!

Yes, it is possible to have a normal colonoscopy and still have Crohns. Although my colonoscopy wasn't normal, it wasn't 'classic' for Crohn's on the biopsies, but after some to-ing and fro-ing, they diagnosed me anyway, as I had a pretty narrow stricture and I was covered in ulcers.

It is possible that the inflammation is microscopic, meaning that it wouldn't be visible to the naked eye, hence the need for biopsies. Alternatively, it could, as you said, be located elsewhere and therefore not be within the colonoscope's reach, hopefully the MRI scan will shed more light if this is the case.
The prep is worst part. As long as they knock you out fully the colonoscopy is a breeze. Luckily for all of mine they have knocked me out fully.

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