Terry Dooley

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 13, 2012
I was diagnosed w/Crohn's disease in 2001 during a colonoscopy which showed inflamation. I had not had any symptoms. Again in 2008 during a colonoscopy it showed more severe inflamation and fistulas forming. I was given Enticort for 3 months which made my heart race. I still had no symptoms. Last month I had a high fever and weight lose and during a cat-scan they saw an abcess which resulted in surgery. They removed the abcess and 12 inches of my small intestine at the ilieum. Now they tell me I should take either remicade or humira to prevent recurrence. They are giving me a month to decide. How many of you have had another surgery within 5 years and are taking medication?

Is there a diet that reduces inflamation that you know works?
Hi Terry,

Sorry you are having a big bump in the road with your Crohn's.

I haven't had surgery for my Crohn's but I am on Remicade to avoid having to go there.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there are no guarantees with this disease. You could take the REmicade and completely avoid anymore surgery. You could take the Remicade and react to it or it could stop working. You could then try Humira and react to it or it might not work for you. Then you might need more surgery as a result.

All you can do is look at the treatment right in front of you. Honestly, your options at this point are most likely take the Remicade to take the best possible route to avoid more surgery or take nothing and know that surgery will again be possible within the next 5 years. You can't play the odds because your Crohn's is very specific to you and will not neccesarily take the same path as someone else's.

As to diet, if you have IBS as well, then diet can reduce some symptoms. However, Crohn's is an autoimmune disorder and diet alone won't "cure" it although it may reduce your diahrrea to remove some items that you can't handle because of the inflammation.

I understand your reluctance to go on such powerful meds - it took me 6 weeks and a big long talk with my gi and some crying to realize that I had to. I want to avoid bowel surgery if at all possible. I don't want to think I really am this sick that I need cancer drugs to have a quality of life.

This site is great and you will find lots of people in your situation.

Hope you are having a good day.

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