The no-stink stuff

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Sep 21, 2010
The liquid stuff you put in the toilet before you empty the bag and/or put directly in the bag---what brands actually work?
I've heard that Just a Drop works, but I haven't tried it myself. Sorry this hasn't been more helpful...
2th Fairy, I use just Harpic toilet cleaner before I go, if I must for my loo. I think you have something similar in the states if I recall. As for the smell, I think Nyx uses mouthwash, (dont you Cindy?) I used to use essential oils as well in my bag for the smells. Then I stopped caring and realized everyones **** stinks too! LOL! (it was an epiphany for me :ybatty:)

At work...I work with the general public, I just try not to have to use the loo, but if I do, well, I blame it on someone else!

Hope you find what you're looking for. But why are you so worried sweetheart?
I used to use mouthwash, yes...but now that I have the liners I don't.
I've got total colectomy surgery coming up in the next month or so and I'm just wanting to be prepared for the odd occasion when I might need to take care of business outside of the house. It's been so long since I've been out and about, I am looking forward to being social again but also apprehensive about odor surrounding emptying the bag.

My understanding is that waste directly from the small intestine has a stronger odor than after it does its thing in the colon. It's not a huge deal, but it is something I have concerns about.
Well, it does smell like what you've eaten. But, it isnt that bad! The beauty of having a bag is.....we get to CHOOSE when and where we go to the loo for the most part! By golly, if my bag is only a bit full all day at work, I just wait til I get home. Its fabulous! So no need to worry for the most part. If I'm busy...I just wait. I'm IN CONTROL for a change. It's sooooo liberating!!!

At first you will go more. And it will be more stinky. But it gets better as time goes on. Dont stress on that, really. Just get well, thats the most important thing!
Just so you know...I have most of my colon and a colostomy, and my **** I don't know if ileostomy output smells better or worse though...
I used to use a product from 3M when I first got an ostomy. But now I don't even care. The small isn't that bad, it is what it is....
Coolness.. I appreciate all of the feedback!

I was already thinking I would reach a point where I didn't care, but it really helps to hear that from others who are living it.
Hi 2th Fairy! Good luck with your upcoming surgery!

I use Just a Drop, but I gotta tell ya, my **** stinks HORRIBLE. My son gags and chokes when he has to use the bathroom after me. So I use the Just a Drop and then I light a match.

Let us know when your surgery is and keep us posted! Hope it gives you some freedom back and you can enjoy life again!

- Amy
I am picturing you using Just a Drop and then lighting the whole thing on fire--caca flambe


Thanks Amy!
Ha too funny 2th fairy! I use just a drop too, once I did when no one was home cause even I couldnt stand it myself! Ew. If I forget striking a match works great too!
There is a product called M-9. Is is made just for ostomy type odors and sold with ostomy supplies. A few drops in a new bag will neutralize anything that comes along that smells. Including gas. There is a room spray too that hospitals here also use. It works great.
I am 6 weeks post op and I've noticed the smell decreases after the first couple weeks. I use Osto Fresh cause thats what my stoma nurse ordered me. I have a small travel size one and a bigger bottle. I stick the small one in my purse for if I need it at work. It is a liquid so I just put a few drops in my bag after I empty it everytime and it controls the odor for the most part. I've also noticed the smell may be really bad for a minute after I empty it but it only lingers for a few mintues. Plus I'm with everyone else, everyone's poop smells whether its in a bag or not. I've also figured out which stuff really makes it smell worse, like peanut butter but I'm so not giving that up! There are lists of things that help control the odor too. I was really worried about it at first but its honestly more in your mind that everyone can see your stoma and smell it. I would drive my mom crazy asking every few minutes if she could smell anything. It was funny looking back but I was terrified for sure.
Right after surgery in the hospital my **** smell was HORID! I had roomates in the hospital and felt so sorry they had to smell it. The smell got much better at home and decreased over time. Now it smells like normal poo. Although the worst smell is when I first wake up in the morning, because the bag is filled with a giant fart. The rest of the day isn't bad unless I eat garlic or any other smelly food. I use the M-9 in the bag sometimes too. It helps.
*You can crush aspirin in the bag.
*Or you can try putting a teaspoon or so of Hydrogen peroxide. It bubbles up and inflate the bag the first minute you have it on, so you have to get the air out but it helps after with the smell.
*I sometimes carry papier d'arménie which works great.

Some of my friend even buy me febreeze, well they buy febreeze for their bathroom, but it is for me cause I was feeling bad for the smell at times so they were laughing at that and told me I would'nt have to worry anymore.

When I cut dairy and gluten, it does not smell anymore, which I find pretty impressive.
The liquid stuff you put in the toilet before you empty the bag and/or put directly in the bag---what brands actually work?

I use Adapt lubricant and deodorizer packets. They work great and easy to put in purse so you can have them with you.
That looks an interesting product! I can see using that while at work. NOT because I'm worried about co workers (dont have any) but because customers come in and use the loo after I've emptied sometimes. Now..sometimes I enjoy making them look green, dont get me wrong. Heehhheeehheeee. :devil:

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