The tube down the nostril to the tummy/colon???

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Sep 23, 2010
the tube down the nostril to the tummy/colon???

So, ... I'm pretty scared that I might be blocked up. my tummy looks like i'm pregnant, while there's pressure, pain, and even a "tickling" feeling all around my stomach and the sides of my back. So much that I kept waking up laughing during the night, because stuff was moving around under the skin, and i'm ticklish. I guess this isn't a horrible way to wake up. But I was stuck. couldn't stop it as if someone were to be tickling me in real life where i just pull away and the feeling goes away.

I'm out of pain meds, and my gi says my pcp should prescribe them, while my pcp says my gi should prescribe them. and I'm stuck in this limbo of going back and forth between them saying "well he said you should. " and "she said you were more skilled in my gi tract, and you would be more adequeatly the one to refill it". I can't take anything that's over the counter, or i would definantly be on something like aleve or something.

I was nauseaed and keep tossing food up in 'spits ups' like if a baby were to be burped and a mouth full just projects out. I have anti nausea meds for this. But I guess all they seem to be doing is stoping the 'throw up now' feeling in my tummy, for it comes out anyways. I've also been burping a lot.. even when i had nothing to eat or drink.. a day later i'm still burping what i ate the morning prior.

My heart is rapid and pounding, but not due to any kind of anxiety. For i am pretty relaxed right now. About a week ago, a identical feeling that i'm used to feeling on my butt ring hit me on the inside... I'm guess it would be my illey something area.. the lower part that is very close to the butt hole area. It was the exact feeling of ripping right before the climax of my poop coming out at it's biggest form ripping through my anus (the fisture i had there since 2007). But it was not on the surface.. it was internal. ..
I haven't had any fever since about a week ago. which was 101.9, but it never sticks around for when i get to the er and they take it, it's always back into the normal range.

With all that said, I've been looking into what this could mean.. Coming to Preforation and Bowel obstructions.. Which I read a little on what they do.. (the worst part for me is being NPO. I hate it.. I get so sick, and so moody when I don't have food. and I also get panicy because my body goes into a survival state where it's like "THEY ARE STARVING ME!! I NEED FOOD!! I'M GONNA DIE!!" kind of thing.. (though i know this is not true.. that's still how my body seems to react to an NPO 'diet')). What things do they do on a usual case when you go into the er and it's possible you might have a preforation or bowel obstruction? What should I go in expecting? What is that tube like? do they ever put you out for it, if you beg them enough? Cause the only thing I think of when i think of something going up my nostril is the swabs they do to test for the flu, and I'm extremely senstive up there so it hurt like heck, then burned for the longest time afterwards.
Being a frequent flyer due to Crohn's blockages, it's not that bad especially if you want to avoid surgery. Yes, it is uncomfortable but you will get pain meds and the neccesary tests to see where the blockage is and your GI will be notified as well as GI surgeon if needed.

Ok, for the most part, you will have an IV started, STAT blood work for white cell and red cell count, and a STAT CT scan & xray to see the location of the blockage. Then be sure to tell them how bad the pain is. You should get IV pain medication for relief as well as anti nausea medication.

For the NG tube that goes through the nose and into your stomach, you can ask for someone to hold your hand if need be (I do if they aren't too busy in the ER). They will instruct you when to swallow the cup of water as that will assist the tube going into your stomach. You can close your eyes if you want. Make sure it is an RN doing this and NOT an LPN or AIDE. She will talk you through it and yes it will feel slightly uncomfortable once it's in but afterwards anything that is backed up by the blockage will be sucked up by the vacuum into the plastic container.. You will start to feel some relief in your belly. Hopefully, by then your GI will have been notified with the results if you have a partial or full blown obstruction. For a partial, it's mainly, the NG tube, pain & anti nausea medication, NPO for a short time until the obstruction passes and then the liquid diet is slowly introduced, if it's tolerated then a full liquid diet, and so forth.

Partial obstructions and full blown obstructions vary in each patient. If you think you have one, it's best to seek medical attention STAT as the gut can get as big as a basket ball and then if left untreated, it can perforate and cause very serious problems. That is why as soon as I realize I'm in trouble, I just go to the ER for help.

Definitely get medical attention NOW if you think you have an obstruction.

Good luck to you. ~Gutless Wonderwoman
I've only had to deal with getting a tube from my nose to my stomach. I have a small nose and they had a hard time getting it in there let alone to the "ok swallow GO!" part. If the tube starts to coil in your mouth then it didn't go in right and they have to start all over. They will ask you to open your mouth so they can check but if you feel it coiling in your mouth then go ahead and open up and they will start again. There's a lot of gagging involved and its a little frightening. I had my mom there at the time and tears were streaming down my face because it was such an ordeal. They had to try both nostrils to get it in. Took about a half hour to get it in for me. You may not have as tough as a time as I did though. Hopefully. After its in, its not that big of a deal and you kind of forget about it after a while. Tickles coming out.
If you had a perforation, you'd know it. I perforated my sigmoid colon and distended my bowel and I was in the worst pain I've ever had in my life. Can't talk, can't move, want to die pain. You'd know.
Geez, you guys go through hell!! My heart goes out to you ML!! Hope you find out what's going on soon and get some relief!!
Yes, the tube going down will bring tears to your eyes, but - Oh! the blessed relief that you get once it's in and working is wonderful beyond words!

And a small note: if, for any reason, they want to do a colonoscopy before your hospital stay is over, that tube makes getting the prep solution down a walk in the park. :)

Hope you get sorted and settled and feel better quickly!
I had the NG tube for a blockage and yes it was an ordeal for me. A year back right before I had an emergency surgery they also tried to decompress my stomach by putting the NG tube in. Only problem was it was not going in and I was screaming in pain while both my nostrils started to bleed a lot from them tryin to get it in. When I had my blockage and went to the ER crying and not being able to move because of the pain with a high fever when they mentioned NG tube I had an anxiety attack. They pumped the dilaudid in for all the pain I was in and tried to calm me down. While I was crying and still in panic mode while the NG tube was going in my mother was crying behind the doctor while my brother stood there in shock. The lady in the bed next to me was rocking back and forth praying because they did not close the curtain and she watched the fiasco also. While all this was happening it felt like eternity and the room was spinning. It was painful while the doctor was putting it in but it saved me from surgery and was worth it. Yes 2 weeks in the hospital but I was greatful that there was a different option besides having to get another surgery.

I hope that you feel better soon. If you feel that something is wrong you should not wait get it checked out.
Hello everyone, and thanks for all the replies. Yikes!
I am going into my primary doctor tomorrow morning. I really hope it's something that doesn't require a NG tube. But knowing that they have you drink water, and swallow makes me feel a little bit better about it, if i have to have it.
And by pain to the point you can't talk or move, would that be close to the same pain you get when gas gets trapped? (That's the absolute worst feeling I can think of when it comes to tummy pain). Or is it worst, or less?

*dreamy face* Oh the happiness I would get if I didn't have to guzzle that icky 'golytely' stuff..

Ouch.. Jennjenn, that sounds like a horrible ordeal *big hugs* . I'm glad you didn't have to have surgery, but my heart still goes out to you!

I called my home healthcare nurse last night and told her about this, (and that i was running a low grade temp). She suggested spinage, then prune juice (warm 12oz.) . I got a reply on another thread that I posted about the prune juice. I'm sorta waiting to see if others concur that it's an okay thing to drink. But she was able to get in touch with my primary doctor so they know what to be ready for in the morning.

Again, thank you everyone for your responses, and sharing your stories. I don't feel so unknowing about this, which really takes a lot of my panic and fear away. :)
I was recently hospitalized for a week due to a partial bowel obstruction. I had to have the NG tube put in to suck out what was in my stomach. It didn't provide much relief and it really bothered my throat-- I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to lay in the hospital bed and cry. =( I was also on a liquids only diet for 2-3 days to try and get the bloating and swelling down. Luckily there was no perforation and it was only a partial obstruction so I didn't need surgery. There wasn't much they were doing for me in the hospital other than watching me to make sure I didn't need surgery and giving me pain meds for the tummy pain. Good luck-- I hope you're feeling better soon!
"And by pain to the point you can't talk or move, would that be close to the same pain you get when gas gets trapped? (That's the absolute worst feeling I can think of when it comes to tummy pain). Or is it worst, or less?"

Worse, much worse.
This may be a dumb question but can you take a stool softener? They are over the counter and once I had the bright idea to take one because I "thought" I might be getting a little backed up. I was having diahrea and vomiting all night. I flushed all the bacteria, everything in my intestines. No more softeners for me...

Freakin good luck! Amazing how a little perspective can make you thankful every time you get to take a normal, regular, good old fashioned ****.

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