I suggest that every parent of a child with Crohn's review IRS publicatoin 502 Medical and Dental Expenses before preparing their taxes.
You may be surprised to learn that you have more $$ medical expenses than you expected and may even reach the 7% floor and be able to claim them as a deductible expense on Schedule A.
One thing that many people fail to understand is that nutritional supplements like iron or Ensure, etc are TAX DEDUCTIBLE medical expenses if you have a doctor's prescription for them. They must be used to treat a specific medical condition.
If you are using a case of ensure a week that can really add up.
Get a prescription from your doctor and keep it on file if you are going to take these deductions.
I also suggest, if you are not using a paid preparer, that you add an information form to your return that states that you have a child with a severe, chronic medical condition and that is why your medical expenses are so high. This is a particularly good idea if you have a lot more medical expenses than in the past or the total expenses represent a large proportion of your income.
Not a tax professional. Just an expert caregiver who's taken $10,000+ deductible medical expenses every year for tooooooo many years.
All the best
You may be surprised to learn that you have more $$ medical expenses than you expected and may even reach the 7% floor and be able to claim them as a deductible expense on Schedule A.
One thing that many people fail to understand is that nutritional supplements like iron or Ensure, etc are TAX DEDUCTIBLE medical expenses if you have a doctor's prescription for them. They must be used to treat a specific medical condition.
If you are using a case of ensure a week that can really add up.
Nonprescription Drugs and Medicines
Except for insulin, you cannot include in medical expen-ses amounts you pay for a drug that is not prescribed.Example. Your doctor recommends that you take as-pirin. Because aspirin is a drug that does not require a physician's prescription, you cannot include its cost in your medical expenses.
Nutritional Supplements
You cannot include in medical expenses the cost of nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbal supplements, “natural medicines,” etc. unless they are recommended by a medical practitioner as treatment for a specific medical condition diagnosed by a physician. Otherwise, these items are taken to maintain your ordinary good health, and are not for medical care.
Get a prescription from your doctor and keep it on file if you are going to take these deductions.
I also suggest, if you are not using a paid preparer, that you add an information form to your return that states that you have a child with a severe, chronic medical condition and that is why your medical expenses are so high. This is a particularly good idea if you have a lot more medical expenses than in the past or the total expenses represent a large proportion of your income.
Not a tax professional. Just an expert caregiver who's taken $10,000+ deductible medical expenses every year for tooooooo many years.
All the best