I've been having troubles getting any medication for my Crohn's since getting diagnosed last December. I work and have insurance, but my prescription insurance only covers 50% of my medications. My GI wanted me on Cimzia but insurance denied coverage. So then he tried Humira and insurance approved. But since my prescription coverage stinks =I wocculd have to pat over $1000 a month for it. So that's a no go (especially since I've missed so much work from being sick). I called again today and my GI nurse said that the doctor doesn't know what else to do for me. I've tried Asacol and Lialda, both don't work. I've tried Imrun but had a reaction. I also have bipolar and I'm not absorbing those medications so that's getting worse too. They wanted to put me on Risperdal injection, but again, I can't afford it. Is there really nothing more they can do for me?? Is this it? Just deal with the D, pain, nausea/vomitting, GI bleeds and so on forever now?? I called my regular doctor this morning and asked him to speak with my GI himself. I'm to the point of almost asking for surgery or something because I'm 30 with 4 kids and I can't live like this forever! I think things are worse too because of all the problems with my bipolar (severe mood swings and depression/suicidal thoughts). Can someone here help me and tell me if I have more options? I'm considering going somewhere for a 2nd opinion but I'm scared that I'll have to wait for a long time to see someone else. Please help!