Hey guys,
It's been exactly 4 months since I last posted, and I wanted to give a solid unbiased update on my condition, as it might help some of you along the way, and I'm hoping to grab some suggestions!
First and foremost, I went strict strict strict diet over the last month or so. I think I've had 2 days total where I cheated, but only because I was out of town. Other than that, I've been rock solid. Meats, fruits, veggies, nuts + seeds. I had some SCD legal cheese a couple of times too. The reason I went so strict is because I got some bad news:
I started feeling a "hardness" in my left butt cheek about 6 weeks ago. I had never had a hemorrhoid before, so I kind of assumed it was that. The hardness wasn't a lump, but more of a "wall". It extended from the inside of my left butt cheek, around the top of my crack (these are technical terms, by the way) and over to my right butt cheek. By the time I noticed it on my right butt cheek a couple of weeks later, I figured I should see a doctor. Also, it burned SOOOO bad sometimes when i went to the bathroom. Also it hurt to sit.. really badly.
Anyways, the doctor says: It's an abscess and I need to go into the hospital to get it removed. Day surgery. no big deal. I took the next day off work, waited for 8 hours in the hospital, only to be told that i'm being put on antibiotics and I should see my GI and come back into the hospital if it gets worse.
Well, it turns out my GI couldn't see me for like 3 weeks, and after 3 days it felt like it was getting worse, so I went back to the hospital. This time, they did a CT scan and gave me the news: Perianal crohns. It wasn't an abscess at all, there was no collection of fluid. But essentially, my crohns has spread to my ass (again, "ass" is the technical term).
Naturally, I was pretty devastated. Not only was my crohn's back, but it was progressing. They gave me another 2 weeks of antibiotics and told me this: The antibiotics won't help get rid of the crohn's, but it's preventative, just in case an abscess forms. That part is important.
So, I start taking even more antibiotics. Cipro and flagyl, 2x daily. I also go strict strict SCD + paleo. Really only eating foods that are approved on BOTH lists. I'm also on 100 million probiotics to counteract the antibiotics.
Day 8 or so after starting the antibiotics and day 4 of being strict paleo: I go through my usual withdrawals. Cravings, exhaustion and those kinds of things.
Day 10 of antibiotics and day 6 of paleo: All of a sudden, my bump on my RIGHT side feels like it's shrinking. Is it the antibiotics? That seems weird considering what the doctor said, plus, why would it take 10 days to start working? I stick with both.. the antibiotics and the diet and I finally get my GI appointment.
My GI says a few things:
1- I'm the poster boy for what NOT to do when I have crohns. I didn't go on any medication and I tried to treat it through diet.
2- I need to go on Humira.
3- The CT scan wasn't the best indicator of what is happening down there, so he wants me to go for an MRI.
Now, I actually genuinely like my doctor, but I left that room feeling like garbage. I don't regret trying to fix myself through diet, I think it was a worthwhile venture, but in the end, I feel like he's right and I need to finally go on drugs.
Flash forward to 4 days ago. I feel umm a bit "wet" in my butt. I go to the washroom, and I'm leaking. I'm leaking a clear fluid through the inside of my butt cheek. The lumps that had appeared all those weeks ago are draining like a popped zit (sorry for the gross detail!).
I haven't stopped "leaking". I'm going to the bathroom every hour or so, just to drain this thing, but here's the kicker: there are no more bumps. There is no more wall of hardness. The draining has effectively drained all the gross clear fluid out of me, and I sit back, thinking about my tummy itself, and I realize... I haven't had a stomach ache, crohn's symptoms or ANY foul smelling gas in months. I've been so focused on my anal problems that I hadn't really thought about my intestines. But I'm actually totally fine. My bowel movements are still loose, but that could be the byproduct of 5 surgeries.
So I contact my doctor via email. I ask him: What is happening with the leakage? Is it a fistula? Or healing, like a zit?
His response is that it was obviously an abscess, and has now formed a fistula and is draining.
Here's my problem with that answer: While I don't deny that it's probably a draining abscess NOW, The CT SCAN said it wasn't an abscess. The CT scan there was no fluid at all. I was also told that the antibiotics wouldn't help the situation, but would prevent an abscess from forming. Yet here I sit, with an abscess, that is spontaneously draining and potentially healing itself. Any why are my guts feeling fantastic?
So the question is: Is the diet actually working? Or are the antibiotics shrinking an abscess that actually was there the whole time? If so, why did they take so long to kick in? I thought antibiotics take only a few days to work. Maybe things were THAT bad??
So here I sit. Scheduled to go on Humira for a disease that I'm not even sure is present anymore. I have an MRI scheduled for December 31st too to determine what is in my butt, but by the time Dec 31st rolls around, I can't fathom ANYTHING being there. I don't think I can go back to my doc and refuse the Humira again without feeling like a total idiot or him disowning me. I'd actually like to request a colonoscopy, but I'm sure he would scoff at that too, since I just had one around February, which showed active disease.
Whether I go on humira or not (I think I "have to", just to appease my loved ones and tackle this from both sides), what KILLS me is that I don't think I'm ever going to "know" I'm definitely going to stick to the Paleo/SCD stuff because my guts are showing the results, but I'm not sure what to do at this juncture.
What do you guys think? Request a colonoscopy? Start on the drugs even though they may not be necessary? Looking forward to your responses! Thanks so much!