I have Crohn's and had surgery for it two years ago. The surgeons removed some of my small intestines that had fistulas and reconnected them. The surgey went well and i wasout of the hospital within 2 weeks. 3-4 months after the surgery I would get very sick about 3 times a month where i would eat somehitng and my body would not digest it and i would be throwing up for hours. This left me weak alot and feeling sick for 2 days after normally. I went to my GI doctor who told me to get a Colonoscopy . When the results came back he said i had narrowing where they reattached my intestines and that he had gone in with a little balloon to widen the area. Well I felt better for months after but still once in a while I would get sick and be throwing up but not nearly as much as before. Now two years later and the past month i have been sick and throwing up 4 times out of the month and I have zero warning of what will cause it. Has anyone else had this happen after surgery is this common to be like this after you have surgery. I am making naother appt with my dr but i know the routine.. I will need another Colonoscopy. I am just tired of feeling sick especially after having the surgery. When these attacks happen i am ususally sick and out of commision for 2-3 days, it affects everthing. Any help?