Thyroid Surgery Paradox

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Jan 8, 2008
My original doc had a good level of qualification at hand, I had 2 appts with him, and a set date for surgery, but then last week out of left field he said he's uneasy about the challenge presented by my Crohns being so active, so he refers me to a doc who's just down the hall from my GI, downtown Chicago. He seemed to be good, but then both his office/hospital and my insurance both concur that he's not in network, so that possibility went down the toilet with my diarrhea.

After today's round of phone calls (seriously I'm on the phone about 5 hours a day with all the g****** issues with Crohns, disability, thyroid, insurance, billing issues) for a Dr. Portugal at the University of Chicago Hospital (I THOUGHT that's where the show ER takes place), he and the hospital are in network. This was also a referral by the very first Otolaryngology doc, the initial dr schuduled to do my surgery at the in network local hospital a couple weeks ago, as he's trying to find the most qualified people he can count on. It would be the same price to have all of it done, and it's about the same time too, they said after the office visit, I shouldn't have a problem getting in the week after (2 weeks out) which is the same week I had setup for the very first surgery at the first time. It's about 90 minutes into the city, though, but for only 2 trips, an equal price, and a good set of credentials I'm fine with it and tired of being bounced around. I hate the city, brimming with ignorance and danger...

My thyroid seems to have gotten messed up from Crohns IMO, and now my Crohns is being detrimental to getting a choice of doctors in the surgery for the thyroid goiter. Paradox to me.

I don't think I'd have much chance to squeeze in any other docs before the end of the year for both an appointment AND a surgery after that, before my insurance resets for 2009. I'm fairly certain the powers that be thought that my Crohns wasn't enough, that the fact I smiled 2 or 3 times in the last year meant I had it too easy. F****** issues. I may not have it the worst, but that doesn't undermine my suffering. :voodoo:
The most depressing part is because it's so far into the city of a-holes that I feel like nobody will be able to be there for me, and on top of that, the surgery that is pending, is not known for a set date, and won't be for 8 days. That doesn't give much help in planning for the few people who can take me there or visit me while recovering. At least before I knew a couple weeks in advance that Dec 9 was SUPPOSED to be it, but now with a new doc and new hospital, they don't have a date set. People will have to rearrange their schedules only days in advance in order to be with me, namely my gf and my parents. It's not fair to them to put this burden on them all because it took 3 weeks for a doctor to figure out that active Crohns disease would make his job too challenging to feel confident in doing. I almost broke down crying picturing myself in an unknown hospital all alone 90 minutes from home.
Benson your situation reminds me of a movie quote

"You can't stop fu**ing me over can you?!!?"

I wish I had some sage advice but I don't. I just hope they do something to HELP you instead of dicking around.

fist bump buddy.
So, I just told Drew that I was trying to figure out something brilliant to say to you, but I couldn't - and then LOOKIE who pops on to steal my line!
"I wish I had some great advice but I just don't"

You are always so helpful to everyone else, Benson - I hope things pan out for you soon. The one thing I CAN say is that you shouldn't worry about the short notice of it all for your family. Your gf would do anything for you, I'm sure, and she would probably be happy to change her schedule for YOU last minute. My parents would jump at the chance to help me with any part of my treatment, and I'm sure yours feel the same way. Family would do anything if it helps you to feel better. Hey - you'll NEVER be alone at that hospital if you have internet access. Take us with you!!
Good luck, let us know.
Thank you for the thoughts.

It's not so much my family can't or won't rearrange their schedule, it's that the ability to do so rests on their employers, not them. My gf said chances are good she can be there for both the appt next week, and the surgery the next. My parents it's still unknown. I'm angry that I got dicked around, but I can't stop wondering, why did it take the doc 3 weeks to figure out he couldn't do my surgery because of Crohns, did he finally learn enough about my severity, the disease itself, my immunosuppresants, my lack of bowel control, urgency, what did it?

At least he dealt with his second thoughts now, instead of going through the surgery anyways, unsure of what to expect or how to handle it. If he is not up to par with what faces him, better he admit it than let his pride convince him he's capable. I'd rather have heard this over the phone now than in a courtroom while my loved ones grieve my loss in front of a jury.

My family is an odd one, the few that are nearby mean well 90% of the time, but 90% of that time, they seem to express it in lesser ways than they could. Let's see, my methodical mind determines that 90% of 90% is 81%.....hmmmm.....that kept me preoccupied momentarily.
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Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time Benson.

I know my medics run a mile when they see me coming because I have such complex health problems and they all interact with each other. As a result its a wonder I am not bald as a coot now through tearing my hair out in desperation and frustration over the years lol

You are very right that it is better to find out now and at least he didnt let his ego get in the way of his responsibilities and you are much better finding someone who is capable of what you need to have done!

The biggest bugbear is the time and energy that is drained from you on account, of which you just dont have an endless supply and have no reserve either!

Keep taking one day at a time my friend, keep plodding, you know we are right beside you each step of the way...

I did smile at your 81% - makes total sense to me too! ;-)
I don't have much time, I'm still cranking out work on my gf's gift, but long story short, I just had my third "all-dayer" in 2 weeks down in Chicago. I can't stand that city, always avoided it. I got up at 6:45am on like 5 hours of sleep, and didn't get home because of a lovely blizzard and barrage of appoinments and delays until 8 pm, then did an hour and a half of updating my parents on what's going on, a couple chores, and I'm sick and tired of these all day appointments. I miss when I could drive 20 minutes south to my appt's and now I have these 3 hour trips, plus waiting, plus more tests, each of these appointments in Chicago takes at least 10 hours out of my day, that's ridiculous. I have spent about 30 hours total at THREE, just THREE appointments, with some testing and commutes and waiting. It's only like 50 miles southeast, but it's forever when you factor in one of the top rated cities for bad traffic in the nation (true statistic). I live in the far far northwest suburbs, and have to go to the damn south side of the city (NOT safe area either) rides, buses, trains....a severe Crohns patient with active flares and no bowel control wearing adult diapers. I carry spare clothes and Depends with me, some food, and's ludicrous....I still haven't had my summarize that disaster, this newer fancier, more experienced ENT surgeon has a set of requirements to have on hand before he'll do it. He made me get a CT scan, see their GI in case I bleed out or some crap on the Op table, and see an anesthesiologist because I'm on like 15 meds....along with several other tests, stool samples for the GI, etc...calling to forward old biopsy slides. All because Crohns makes this damn surgery more challenging. I can't blame the doctor, I was more or less mishandled for the last year with my thyroid, and given tests and meds I didn't even need....I'm fed up with it, so I pushed through for a surgery to happen on this Friday. I have to get up at 3 am to get there because it's such a long commute. I just want it done with and in 2008 so it costs me less for insurance.....I'll let you all know more after it's done, but I'm scheduled to be there 24 hours, so I'll be coming home Saturday, still have work to do on my gf's gift, and these 30 hours (even more if you count all the effort it took me to sleep off schedule to make these crusades) stole time away from me I wish I had back.

Merry Christmas again, body....
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Truly hope all goes well on Friday for you. You really need some relief and a chance to get back on your feet again my friend.

My thoughts will be winging your direction on Friday for those 24hrs wishing you a speedy recovery.

Jeez - we were WONDERING if you had that scheduled.
Good luck B - you'll do fine!!
Post as soon as you can to let us know how you're feeling.
good luck! let us know how everything turns out as soon as you are able! we miss you!
Thanks, I'll try one last time to pop in and say bye before the surgery, but if I don't get to it, consider this post an analogous gesture (or some layman equivalent for those with a weird expression at the moment). :)
I can't even think straight I'm so mad. I've had 4 scheduled trips down to the craphole city, and a blizzard has hit EVERY time. I have to spend the night in a hotel with my gf (not like that) so I can make it there okay. 15 inches of snow expected. WTF? EVERY G*****N TIME! I'm too angry to vent more, Thanks for the wishes, goodbye, I'll reconnect later.

You know when you are under the most pressure that IMP that always seems to be there has to throw a spanner in the works!

Hang in there my friend, things WILL improve. Thinking of you both ((hugs))
I'm really wasted (not drunk) from all the fatigue and the hydrocodone, surgery went okay, hurts like hell which isn't what they really prepared me for. Like the worst sore throat ever. That goiter they said was massive, I keep wondering how long ago it started growing. I now have only my left thyroid and they took me off Synthroid a couple days ago, the new doc said it's pointless. Surgery went as planned he said, left the parathyroids okay, and the laryngal nerve is fine too, but I'm very sore and tender, and have a JP tube coming out of my throat for drainage. Not a fun experience but I have the best gf ever and she helped me greatly through it. I'm mad I lost time on my gift, I have to rest up to finish it off.

Thanks Jan and others for the support, I'll be on another time.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........
Sounds like it went really well, Benson. Good for you!!
Rest up and let us know how you feel in a couple of days.
Hey Benson,

So glad you are through it and out the other side now. Both of you need to rest up now so you can recouperate. Sounds like the op was the right thing in the long run despite the stress and external factors having an impact.

Still thinking of you both. Keep taking the painkillers regularly and dont let the pain build up so much that it then takes ages for the painkillers to kick in with some effect ok?

Each day will get easier Benson - just allow yourself and your body that time to recover now honey.

((hugs)) to you both.

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