Hi there, first time poster on any forum regarding this but would very much welcome some advice. I have had Crohn's for around 10 years now and around 8 years ago had 2 foot of the Terminal ileum removed, this was followed by various other surgeries to correct the surgical Hernia's that had occurred. After a particularly aggressive first form my disease was brought under control fairly swiftly and minus the odd grumble I have not had any major issues in over 6-7 years. The one thing that has stuck with me though is the constant feeling of drowsiness. I have repeatedly been blood tested for Anemia and my B12 count but I always seem to be borderline or normal, I have lost interest in informing my specialists that I am tired all the time as I have never been listened to. Does anyone on here think it would be wise to start taking B12 and Folic acid supplements or would these even work with the lack of a Terminal ileum.