LDN has made a tremdous change in my situation.. the improvements are great. I am still not 100%, don't know if I'll ever reach that (I've had a lot of surgery). But I am so grateful that I found out about this on this forum. It is not the solution for everyone. I tried it, it gets two big thumbs up from me. Dan is experiencing good maintenance on it, and another member.. Killerzoey.. tried it. He hasn't been back to let us know how he made out, I'm guessing he is doing OK.. else I think he'd be back here looking for other meds or options.
Hard part of going LDN is getting a doc to prescribe it. Naltexone was approved for treating addiction, but it was never 'officially' approved for IBD. A study was done, with great results.. but it was only one study of a small group.
A 2nd, double blind study on a larger group is in the works. Prescribing a drug that isn't approved for a specific disease is referred to as 'off label prescribing'.
Many docs are reluctant to do it; tho it is legal AND ethical.. To convince a GI you may need to show them the study.. American Journal of Gastro-enterology.
I think it was in the late spring/early summer editions.. there's a link in here on another thread.. And there is a website of people who use it for treating a wide variety of illnesses..
http://ldn.proboards3.com/index.cgi Try looking in there for more info.. Like a list of docs who will 'long distance' prescribe it IF you can't convince your local docs to prescribe it... and a list of pharmacies who compound it... the dose is sooo low, the pills have to be custom made, which is another 'hiccup'.. and, the other big consideration is that you can't go on LDN while on immuno suppressor therapy.. they'd conflict with each other, a lose lose proposition. And LDN works slowly, so you can actually get worse before it gets better.. and it isn't guarranteed to work on everyone. success rate is in the 60% - 89% range. Better than the other meds, and no wicked side effects.
Anyway, that's a brief synopsis... I may have missed a couple of points anyone who is thinking of it SHOULD consider. search on here, maybe Google it, check out the LDN website, talk to your doctors, weigh your options. All the best, OK?