Hey everyone,
I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible, so I don't give you eye strain
I was initially partially diagnosed with Crohn's following an ER visit in '06, when I was 18, for severe stomach pain. They did a CT, Barium swallow, and Colonoscopy and found inflammation in the Terminal Ileum. Doctor was very back and forth about the diagnosis, finally saying Crohn's and putting me on Pentasa. A day after the tests, all pain was gone. Did a follow up, discontinued meds, and doc said I may never have another issue.
So I went on with my life, the only symptoms of a problem were every 3 or 4 months I'd have a debilitating attack of stomach pain, which seemed centrally located, to the point that I could not function. It would pass in a day (two at most), and I'd continue like before. During an attack, I could not eat or drink anything. Heck, I could barely move. This remains true to this day.
Well in 2008 I wound up back in the ER with very bad pain. Did the same tests, only this time a biopsy was done on the TI. Results came back as regular inflammation. The day after being admitted, all pain was gone, and I was eating McDonald's in the hospital room. Diagnosis was tentatively Crohn's.
Off and on I've seen other GIs over the years, and their opinions vary widely from hey you just had some inflammation, to Crohn's, to IBS, to possible gluten allergy, etc. etc. No concrete diagnosis.
I recently got a new GI, who upon meeting me and hearing my previous diagnosis of Crohn's, completely disagreed. Said my symptoms just didn't fit. No chronic diarrhea or constipation, no nutrtional deficiencies, no limitations on food (nuts are tough though, so I'll call that an exception), no bleeding, no daily symptoms. Bear in mind, this is almost 6 years of being non-medicated.
Well after a recent attack, he sent me for a CT with contrast, without contrast, and with Barium. Results showed thickening/inflammation of the terminal ileum, indicative of Crohn's. We scheduled a Colonoscopy and biopsy, and after he said he was thinking Crohn's...that his first assumption was possibly wrong. Okay.
Biopsy results once again fail to positively diagnose Crohn's, and he did a blood test at the height of my problems looking for something to indicate Crohn's, and it came back normal.
I don't know where to go from here! I just want a positive diagnosis, I'm tired of the back and forth. I'm 24 years old now, and this has been going on since I was 18.
If anyone has had a similar experience, or any thoughts, please respond. I'm almost at my wits end!
I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible, so I don't give you eye strain
So I went on with my life, the only symptoms of a problem were every 3 or 4 months I'd have a debilitating attack of stomach pain, which seemed centrally located, to the point that I could not function. It would pass in a day (two at most), and I'd continue like before. During an attack, I could not eat or drink anything. Heck, I could barely move. This remains true to this day.
Well in 2008 I wound up back in the ER with very bad pain. Did the same tests, only this time a biopsy was done on the TI. Results came back as regular inflammation. The day after being admitted, all pain was gone, and I was eating McDonald's in the hospital room. Diagnosis was tentatively Crohn's.
Off and on I've seen other GIs over the years, and their opinions vary widely from hey you just had some inflammation, to Crohn's, to IBS, to possible gluten allergy, etc. etc. No concrete diagnosis.
I recently got a new GI, who upon meeting me and hearing my previous diagnosis of Crohn's, completely disagreed. Said my symptoms just didn't fit. No chronic diarrhea or constipation, no nutrtional deficiencies, no limitations on food (nuts are tough though, so I'll call that an exception), no bleeding, no daily symptoms. Bear in mind, this is almost 6 years of being non-medicated.
Well after a recent attack, he sent me for a CT with contrast, without contrast, and with Barium. Results showed thickening/inflammation of the terminal ileum, indicative of Crohn's. We scheduled a Colonoscopy and biopsy, and after he said he was thinking Crohn's...that his first assumption was possibly wrong. Okay.
Biopsy results once again fail to positively diagnose Crohn's, and he did a blood test at the height of my problems looking for something to indicate Crohn's, and it came back normal.
I don't know where to go from here! I just want a positive diagnosis, I'm tired of the back and forth. I'm 24 years old now, and this has been going on since I was 18.
If anyone has had a similar experience, or any thoughts, please respond. I'm almost at my wits end!