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Jan 9, 2011
I saw the nurse today, the results bioplies are not back, photos of scope came back normal.

So plan is stick current medication, waiting results and review with nurse in 8 weeks.

Waiting for colon rest and apparently get normal. Maybe talking sypom being more Ibs.
Hi Josephine, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get good answers from the scope and that you're tired. I am in the same boat right now, I think I'm in a mild flare, but my colonoscopy came back normal and my biopsies were normal too. I don't think I have IBS, I just think they can't figure me out, you know? If your symptoms persist, don't let them write you off as having IBS - ask for more tests. Have they looked at your small intestine recently?
Hi Josephine, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get good answers from the scope and that you're tired. I am in the same boat right now, I think I'm in a mild flare, but my colonoscopy came back normal and my biopsies were normal too. I don't think I have IBS, I just think they can't figure me out, you know? If your symptoms persist, don't let them write you off as having IBS - ask for more tests. Have they looked at your small intestine recently?

They did look at small and large intense, I was told I had IBS in 2000 and told that I had Crohns 2007.

As for sereve joint pain in knee, I might whistle wind for refere to rheum due negative blood test about year go.
When they said you had Crohn's in 2007, how did they diagnose it? And where was it located? Hopefully the biopsy results will give you some answers.
When they said you had Crohn's in 2007, how did they diagnose it? And where was it located? Hopefully the biopsy results will give you some answers.

I had flaring years on and off, had 3rd child 2004. Six months of flaring, change diets, medication and went down to 5 an half stone. Look like 6-7 months with other child and white as sheet in face.

I had scope and told UC was locate in small intense.
Still no news on biopyes which good news I think. As far as knee pain refr to pyhsco aagain and having hydro thepary in due course.

Last three weeks, three mouth ulcers and infection in private part body.

Newish thing alway suffer bleed gums now one tooth as slightly gap at bottom where it go under the tooth and in gum. Dentist appt 28th of oct thinking bit to long.
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If you're in pain from the tooth then your doctor should be able to prescribe antibiotics if you're dealing with an infection. If you could get in earlier to the dentist then that would be good as well.

As for the biopsy results, you might want to call them. They have a lot of patients so its possible that giving you your results might have been overlooked. Yet I've heard it can take up to three weeks for biopsy results. Either way no harm in a gentle reminder.
I have mention to IBD nursse about my gums bleed, I am going to dentist tomorrow and try emer appt. In regard to what dentist should being phone the nurse and tell her?
remission I do not think. Minus mouth ulcers, bleed gums and piles burst and bleed were warning signs. Since Friday on left side.

I did not make to Dentist this morning because I woke up with pain on the left side of ado and being sick few times only mouthful. pain on and off all day and nausea.

IBD Nurse is annual leave so GP telephone apt tomorrow at 10.10am. Steroids? or not.
Got results of bio which negative so everything I am remission which good. The nurse phone me told me and mention that IBS could at play. She basic it on fact that I am in remission still have pain in ado area. As of mouth ulcers, bleed gums and few other things she not sure. She pass my notes and have discussion DR.Joy and get back to me.

More confuse then ever now, UC I have but now maye IBS. Which mean my anxiety is going soar and panic attacks a well.

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