TMI! Puberty Problems? Help me :(

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Apr 15, 2013
So this might not be crohns related but I'm having surgery soon and I'm getting worried about something...
*tmi for some, all about female parts*

I have had absolute sh*t loads of vaginal discharge today, like its normal for me to get a spot or even a patch but today it has soaked through my underwear. Twice! I have been getting discharge for like 3 years now and still haven't started my period. I only know one other girl who had it for as long as me without her period, but she started her period a few weeks ago so now I feel rather alone.
What if it isn't puberty though? Could I have an infection? I'm not sure what its meant to look like or if its a healthy amount but its forever bugging me and I'm getting nervous that this isn't normal. I just want puberty to back off until I'm in remission but at the same time I would rather it be puberty than something serious?

I dunno but I'm not used to so much of it and its always in the back of my mind and I'm hoping some of you have advice? Thanks xx
I dimly recall through the mists of time a whole lot more clear discharge before my first period...but it was kind of "instead" came and went, and then I had a full period a couple of months later.

So one thing to consider is whether the heavy discharge is continual or not. If it is, or if it becomes thicker, check if you have any other symptoms (such as a low-grade fever or itching/ burning) that might indicate an infection.

If you don't yet have a gynocologist, you could just make an appointment anyway, or drop in at a community clinic, where they'll definitely be used to all kinds of exciting questions and will easily be able to help you figure out what's going on.

Needless to say, the stress of Crohn's worries, impending surgery, and then this on top of it probably means that you're stressed to the max...ideal conditions to bring on a period, first or not!

And if you have stomach or lower back pain or a headache, it might be from your period and doesn't necessarily mean your disease is acting up.

Although ibuprofen is a popular remedy for cramps, it's not recommended for Crohn's patients, so ask your doctor about medications...not everything that's sold over the counter is safe to take...but please don't just tough it's the kind of pain that can be controlled.

Also, don't worry about the the start, periods can be super-irregular, so even if you have one, you might not have another until you are into remission!

And good idea asking. I hate to think of people sitting alone worrying. Best wishes! Once you hit puberty, you'll never go back!
Its hard to tell about infection as I'm getting fevers anyway as I'm in a crohns flare up at the moment, but the surgery should sort that all out. Again with stomach aches, just my usual crohns pain, I don't think I would realise any other pain as its pretty bad at the moment as I'm down to one steroid so I'm safe for surgery. I know I'm not allowed ibuprofen so unfortunately that's out of the question.
I'm going to sleep soon so I'll let you know if anything is different tomorrow. I really hope its just unusual today, I really don't want to start my period right now!
Yeah, well, unfortunately that's exactly when you will get send out reverse-psychology happy-welcoming thoughts.

Definitely better if it'd wait you're in remission and off steroids, because at least you'd be able to sort out what's period and what's Crohn's or medication. It's entirely possible that it's just body-recalibration stuff and you've got some time yet.

Anyway, sleep is a great idea!
Yeah I hope it does wait haha life is hard enough right now. Earlier I was like "omg blood!" then I realised I was wearing red undies haha. False alarm.

I'm hoping there is less tomorrow or I'm gonna get through pants quickly :/
Hi, Ki3! :)

I'd keep an eye on it for a few more days before worrying. Are you having any cramping around your ovaries that you can differentiate from IBD pain? Breast growth / tenderness, increased sleep, acne, and the growth of pubic hair can all indicate that your period is about to begin. It's also worth noting that an increase in discharge can start up to six months before you start your first period.

If you're worried, consider consulting a doctor. An infection is possible, so you might as well get it checked out if you're concerned.

Also, if you would feel more comfortable, I can move this thread into the private Females Only section for you. :)
To be honest, discharge that soaks through your underwear does sound like more than the normal amount you should get, whether or not your periods have started. It is not necessarily serious though. It may be an infection, especially if the discharge is thick, yellowish in colour or if it smells bad. I would get it checked by a doctor, just to make sure. They can take a swab of the discharge, or they may give you the swab to do yourself in private. It's simple and painless, and infections are common and usually easily treated.

If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? If you are 16 or older and your periods haven't started, you might want to see your doctor anyway and get your hormone levels checked.

Also an illness like Crohn's could prevent a woman having periods, regardless of age and even if she'd had regular periods before. Things which come along with Crohn's, such as weight loss, not managing to eat well, the physical stress of things like surgery and some medications can interfere with menstruation. So if you're worried that you haven't started yet, it might be a good idea to talk with a doctor and try to work out whether Crohn's is affecting your periods or whether it's something else, or perhaps that you're fine and just starting later than most.
Today it stopped for a little while but started again, still lots of it. Its sometimes white or clear, sometimes yellow. I really hope its not an infection. I thought maybe the yellow was pee but theres no way its too different. Its thicker like mucus and sometimes has a mucus smell to it.

Im really embarressed and kind of avoiding the doctors as I dont want to tell anyone. I might wait a few days in case it settles down or something happens like my period starts, I have surgery friday morning so maybe I could ask a nurse on the ward. I havnt got acne or much hair growth, but I have started getting my ****s and they are sensative. I really cant tell with the pain as its so bad at the moment today I was put on Codine to keep it bearable until surgery. Its defo crohns pain but puberty might be worsening it as the pain has worsened a lot over the past days but that might just be coincidence.

I didnt realise there was a female forum section, I looked around but couldnt find anything so I stuck it in general haha. If you could move it that would be great, thanks.
Im 13 btw, I looked up how to know when you are going to start and apparently I will probably start at the same time as my mum, yet my sister started when she was 10 or 11 yet my mum started when she was 18 (late, I know) so I dont think thats very true, unless my sisters secretly adopted haha ;) . xx thanks so much everyone xx
Well, Friday's nearly here, you'll be right there, and nurses are used to all types of questions, so maybe that's the easy way.
Today it stopped for a little while but started again, still lots of it. Its sometimes white or clear, sometimes yellow. I really hope its not an infection. I thought maybe the yellow was pee but theres no way its too different. Its thicker like mucus and sometimes has a mucus smell to it.

Im really embarressed and kind of avoiding the doctors as I dont want to tell anyone. I might wait a few days in case it settles down or something happens like my period starts, I have surgery friday morning so maybe I could ask a nurse on the ward. I havnt got acne or much hair growth, but I have started getting my ****s and they are sensative. I really cant tell with the pain as its so bad at the moment today I was put on Codine to keep it bearable until surgery. Its defo crohns pain but puberty might be worsening it as the pain has worsened a lot over the past days but that might just be coincidence.

I didnt realise there was a female forum section, I looked around but couldnt find anything so I stuck it in general haha. If you could move it that would be great, thanks.
Im 13 btw, I looked up how to know when you are going to start and apparently I will probably start at the same time as my mum, yet my sister started when she was 10 or 11 yet my mum started when she was 18 (late, I know) so I dont think thats very true, unless my sisters secretly adopted haha ;) . xx thanks so much everyone xx

I moved the thread for you. :) General is fine for female-related posts; as the Females Only section can only be viewed by females, it's not necessary to keep the posts strictly in that section if OP is open to advice from men as well. However, many of us are more comfortable in the private section. :)

Since the discharge is yellowish, I'd be slightly more concerned, but I still don't see any reason to panic. I think you should definitely consult with a doctor (do not feel embarrassed - they deal with these things all the time - they specifically paid crazy money to go to school in order to do so :p ). Again, the discharge can start up to six months before your period and this type of discharge isn't unusual in that situation, but it's really best to get it checked out.

Is the breast development and sensitivity new, or has that been occurring for a while now?

The pain I experience from Crohn's is incredibly similar to menstrual cramps. This isn't the same for everyone, of course, but it can definitely be hard to sort the two out. It's possible that your Crohn's is being worsened by hormones, and it's also possible that part of the pain you're feeling is cramps.

It's true that you usually start your first period (and menopause too) around the same time as your mom, but it's not hard fact or anything - really just a rough guideline that often applies.

Have you tried wearing pads / liners to keep from soaking through your clothes?

:hug: I hope things get better for you soon. Again, don't worry about it too much. :) Just keep an eye on things and bring it up with a doctor or nurse, just to make sure.
Don't be embarrassed about going to a doctor. Make an appointment with your GP. You can ask to see a female doctor if you want to, and you can bring a friend or family member to act as a chaperone if you want to. (You could ask when you go to the hospital, they may simply tell you to see your GP but it won't do any harm to ask. I've certainly encountered some super nurses who will help you with anything they can :) )

Since the discharge is yellow and smells, I definitely think you should get this checked out. I've had this problem once before. Although I was an adult at the time and so puberty wasn't relevant, my symptoms were very similar. I had discharge that was yellow, it didn't smell but there was enough of it that I had to wear a pad to protect my underwear. I went to see my GP, simply said that I was getting a lot of vaginal discharge. The GP sent me off to the toilets with a swab, I wiped the swab in the discharge, put it in the pot the GP had given me, and took it back and handed it to the doctor. She prescribed me a course of antibiotics and told me to come back in a week. After a few days on antibiotics, the discharge stopped. When I went for my follow-up appointment, she said the tests hadn't identified any specific infection. Since the discharge had stopped, we left it at that. She said if it hadn't stopped or if it came back, she might refer me to a gynaecologist, but as it turned out that wasn't necessary.

So you see it's quite simple, and this kind of discharge is extremely common! I can almost guarantee you that any GP you see will have heard this many times before. It's possible they may ask you questions such as whether you are sexually active, but you don't have to tell them anything you don't want to. You've already discussed Crohn's symptoms with doctors, so you're clearly a brave person, especially having to go through all this so young. Vaginal discharge often has nothing to do with poor hygiene or sexual activity or anything like that; some women are simply susceptible to bacterial or yeast infections, and your doctors should know this - they're not going to think anything negative about you just because you have discharge.

At 13 I really don't think you need to worry about not having started your periods yet. I actually do have some hormone problems that meant my periods didn't start, but it wasn't until I was about 16 that doctors began to consider it unusual. It sounds like you're just starting puberty, you might have a minor infection, but you're doing just fine. :) I hope your surgery goes well, concentrate on getting better. :hug:
Yeah the yellow part is what worries me, last night I woke up to go to the loo and there was soooo much, it was a strong yellow colour and went through my pants and made a mark on my pj shorts, that worried me a lot. I'm more worried about telling my mum more than a doctor, as she never lets me go to the doctors alone and everyone says "she has been through it too" but a Few weeks ago I asked "how do you know if your going to start your period soon" as I expected she would mention discharge, and I would tell her I've been getting it, but she just said "theres no way of telling. It just comes." Which ruined my plans of breaking it too her that I'm getting discharge so I'm nervous to tell her as she can be so awkward about everything.

I think waiting until I'm in hospital and asking a nurse is safer.

The thing that gets me is that Ive been getting discharge for years, to be honest I remember having it when I was like 7. I don't get why though.
I used to have the discharge a few years before getting my period too! and I keep getting it after I get my period, usually before or after my period ends. I think it should be normal and could be a sign you are getting your period soon. :) But you said it's a yellow colour? Is it yellow yellow? cause the discharge that most people get is like a beigeish cream yellow, but if it's really yellowish than it might be something else, it's best to get it check out if you're not sure!
Luckily it has eased off a little today, its back to a normal amount which makes me so happy, I really don't know what was going on these past days but it has been horrible! Last night I got up three times to run to the loo as I didn't want the discharge to soak my bedsheets. I think the random days of there being gallons is definitely a sign of something, but I'm not as sure of it being an infection if its stopped now? Its back to being clear again, not a bit of yellow, and its the normal sticky consistency instead of the thick "Calpol" like mucus it was last night, omg it scared me so much.

I'll keep an eye on it but I'm sure its just my puberty doing weird things haha, had the worst mood swings today as well (to be honest I'm generally a moody person) and I realised in the bath I am getting hair under my arms, its just not dark yet so I didn't realise, but its started coming and my breasts are getting a little bigger (but I'm super skinny so there tiny haha)
Its all piecing together, I think it was just an insane few messed up puberty days.
It very well may be puberty. I do recall having discharge for a few years before I finally had my period. It was never to the point where it would soak through to another layer of clothing. If its that much then wearing panty liners is definitely a good idea and be sure to change them (every few hours unless its moist then change them more often) as bacteria can build up which could lead to an actual infection and no one wants that (this can also happen if you don't change your underwear so a liner may be a good idea rather than carrying around multiple changes of underwear).

If you have any other symptoms (some were mentioned above) like itching, pain, hurts to pee, feel like you need to urinate more often or all the time, swelling of the labia then make sure you see someone about it. You're having surgery soon and its important to be as healthy as possible before surgery so be sure to say something to someone (mom, nurse, doctor, someone who can help you basically) before you have your surgery just in case it needs treatment.

At most it sounds like it could be a mild yeast infection to me which can be very common and its possible that your body will right itself. Here's more info on them along with at home treatment: Even if this is the case though, like you mentioned you would, be sure to at least tell the nurse or someone before you have your surgery done, even if its gone away, its important that they be aware of any possible infections. Getting it checked out today would be best so you don't have to worry about it anymore but I know that's not easy when you're so young. When I first started my period I waited two days before I finally told my mom. To this day I don't know why it was embarrassing, it just was. Just wanted to let you know that I understand. :)

Good luck with your surgery! :D
Thank you all for the help,

My discharge has actually stopped today?! (either that or there is so little its dried and unnoticable) which im super happy about, this morning there was a bit but I had a bath and since then its kind of come to a halt. Im so glad though, I didnt want anything putting back my surgery, and im having no symptoms at all, no itching or redness or anything unusual so I think my hormones just went through the roof for some reason! I am guessing my period is coming soon but when I do not know. haha xx
Yeah the yellow part is what worries me, last night I woke up to go to the loo and there was soooo much, it was a strong yellow colour and went through my pants and made a mark on my pj shorts, that worried me a lot. I'm more worried about telling my mum more than a doctor, as she never lets me go to the doctors alone and everyone says "she has been through it too" but a Few weeks ago I asked "how do you know if your going to start your period soon" as I expected she would mention discharge, and I would tell her I've been getting it, but she just said "theres no way of telling. It just comes." Which ruined my plans of breaking it too her that I'm getting discharge so I'm nervous to tell her as she can be so awkward about everything.

I think waiting until I'm in hospital and asking a nurse is safer.

The thing that gets me is that Ive been getting discharge for years, to be honest I remember having it when I was like 7. I don't get why though.

Your mum is actually right - although some women start getting discharge before their first period, there are also women who do not, and their first period comes with no warning. Also the various other signs of puberty - hair growth, etc. - do not always come in a set order. Your first period may come early in puberty, or it may be the last change.

I'm glad you're feeling better, but the descriptions you've given about the colour and the amount of discharge you've been getting do sound like a yeast infection or something similar. I definitely encourage you to get it checked out if it comes back. If you can't get to a GP on your own and don't want your mum knowing, are you able to see a school nurse?

Using pads or panty liners to protect your clothes and bed sheets will probably be a good idea too.

Best of luck for the surgery.
Ahh im so happy, yesterday we were told an emergency patient came in and took my slot, so my surgery was put back to tuesday, but today they rang and apparently there not an emergency anymore (hope there ok, and not...gone) so I have my slot back!!! Just awaitiing confirmation then going to hospital for the prep :p
Hope everything went okay today!

Excellent advice above - wanted to add that a fistula could be a possibility? I have one that drains externally (out my inner butt cheek) that passes mucous. Probably unlikely, but something to think about if you have fistulas.
Hi Ki3, :hug:

Since you are flaring you likely won’t start your period until you get things under control. Your body will want to concentrate on healing rather than putting its energies into puberty.

The discharge: it is normal to have discharge for anywhere up to 18 months or longer before you start menstruating. Because of your Crohn’s it may well have extended that time as the body has other things to concentrate on.
It is not uncommon for teenagers and older women to have heavy discharge that soaks through underpants as this is the body's way of cleansing and lubricating itself. IF the discharge does not smell and is not yellow when wet then much of what you are describing is what is often referred to as ‘the whites’. It is called this as it is the normal discharge women experience between their periods. Discharge that can range in consistency from thick mucous to watery and in colour from clear to white and then yellow when it dries. The amount varies from person to person and at times when hormones are very active, like puberty and pregnancy, the flow can be quite heavy.
It also isn’t unusual for flow to be heavy enough that many women find the need to use a panty liner to stop it from soaking through their underpants.

Hope all has gone well with the surgery!

Dusty. xxx

Thanks for all your advice and thoughts, unfortunately we heard more from the hospital that night that I didn't post. The emergency slot that took my place was an old man and then he had a heart attack which is why they gave me my slot, but then at 7pm Thursday they said that actually the old man needed surgery ASAP or he would die, although it is possible the surgery could kill him, but still he was given my slot and had the surgery (if he is still alive I'm not sure) and I am "pencilled in" for Tuesday morning to have my surgery. I'm hoping no more emergencies come in!
Best wishes to him...and to you...double, carried over from last week. I know the waiting's no fun.
Hi all,
I had my surgery and I'm recovering well.
Before my op I was having no discharge at all, it all stopped and they also put me on anti biotics anyway as I had a fever so any infections are gone. After the op I had a catheter and when they took it out they said I would need to sit on pads to protect the bed but never answered why. I have been getting a water discharge from then on. Its not like the discharge I complained of before, so I think it IS to do with the catheter and I'm hoping it will fade away? Its not like I have no control, since it came out I've been a normal pee-er, I just have this discharge? Anyone else get it after surgery?

P.s its defo from my lady bits.
If they said you needed to sit on a pad, it must be something they expected.

Someone must know.

Anyway, congrats on the surgery and incidental killing of any infection. Good going!
I haven't heard that mentioned on the forum before so I really think you need to start telling someone about it. Preferably your doctor but if you feel more comfortable telling a nurse and having them tell your doctor then that's fine too. If you don't feel comfortable verbally telling your doctor then you could also write it down on a piece of paper and hand it to them. Ask them if its possible if it could be a fistula just to get the worst case scenario stuff out of the way. If its normal and nothing to worry about then you'll at least have peace of mind.

Afidz asked me to give you this link (her phone isn't loading the forum at the moment, she's had a catheter many times):
Thank you both,

I told a nurse in hospital and said id keep an eye on it, and yeah I think it was predicted as they gave me the pads, they just didn't explain. Everyone knows my doctor is terrible at talking to her patients, before the op she never mentioned a possible stoma and she only said I might need one when I asked, so I think she is being her usual self and not telling me anything (so helpful) and I'm sure she knows its normal.

I am wearing pantyliners as there is so much of it.
Remember that antibiotics don't always cover every cause of infection. I might be wrong on this, but I don't think they'd work for yeast infections.

I've always found nurses are the best people to go to with questions. Doctors are too hard to track down, in too much of a hurry, and typically have no bedside manner compared to the average nurse. ;) Nurses deal with catheters every day, so they should be able to help you with your queries about the catheter.
This morning I started getting pains when I pee and sometimes just randomly. We asked the nurse and she said drink lots, maintain salt levels and if it doesn't stop go to the doctor.
This morning I started getting pains when I pee and sometimes just randomly. We asked the nurse and she said drink lots, maintain salt levels and if it doesn't stop go to the doctor.

What's the pain like? I often get spasm-like pain when I pee following surgery. I'm not sure exactly why, but I've spoken to nurses about it and it seems quite common. I've also had a burning pain when peeing for a couple of days after having had a cystoscopy, which it turned out was because the scope had cut the skin and made the area sore. I wonder if a catheter might cause the same thing, as it's also something being inserted into the bladder?

Burning pain can also indicate a bladder infection, which they should be able to test for easily with a urine sample.
I think it could be the catheter.

Does the catheter not bother anyone else? Having a catheter was worse than the procedure.
I think it could be the catheter.

Does the catheter not bother anyone else? Having a catheter was worse than the procedure.

I've never had a catheter following surgery (and I've had six surgeries). I wonder why not? They were threatening me with one after my last surgery as I wasn't able to pee and my bladder was very full, but I'm so terrified of having a catheter than I persuaded them to leave it a bit longer and my bladder started working again on its own. But I've had a few cystoscopies (camera into the bladder) and found them to be the most painful tests I've ever experienced. The guidelines always say a cystoscopy should be uncomfortable but not painful, or something along those lines. For me it's a long way from being uncomfortable - at all three cystoscopies I passed out from the pain.

I'm presuming a catheter would be similar, so I'm very glad I don't get them, but it does seem odd reading this forum that they seem to be so common after surgery. I did have a catheter in my stoma though.

The pain has gone, Luckily, but this watery discharge just isn't going...

Is the discharge definitely from your bladder, or could it be vaginal? I'd definitely get a doctor to check it out. If it is an infection it will be much better to treat it early. Just getting a sample of it for testing should allow a doctor to work out what it is.
Yes I hated the catheter! It was horrible I couldn't sleep at night.
I'm not entirely sure where th discharge is coming from..
If its still happening come Monday Ki3 then you should probably make an appointment with your doctor or have your mom make the appointment.
Yeah I think so. Its kinda stopped this morning but who knows, it will probably return.

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