I'm tired too kiny, but this really takes the cake.
There's just too much nonsense in this post to bother with.
If you have no clue (or half a clue in this case) about an issue it's probably best not to post (and i am being polite)
Polite would be replying to me without saying you're too tired to explain yourself.
All carbs turn into blood glucose, no exception. All complex and simple carbs become blood glucose.
Your intestine processes carbs, any carb, and it turns it into glucose, it get taken up by the blood and your body and cells will use the blood glucose as energy.
After digestion, there is no difference between that carb from that piece of bread you ate or that soda pop you drank, both will now be blood glucose, what can differ is the glycemic load (--> which I mentioned like 3 times, so don't tell me I didn't mention this), but a carb is a carb after it's processed, there is no difference at all.
There is no reason for this witchhunt against sucrose or dextro that the media does, the expression "a carb is a carb" is true after digestion has taken place. The difference in glycemic index is negligable for anyone who doesn't consume in excess, most high GI carbs are mitigated if you eat any other food. The only danger of high GI foods are people who use them in ridiculous amounts, people who drink soda 24/7, or people with prior conditions (diabetes etc), and even then the issue is down to the glycemic load because they're drinking pure water with sugar and using a diet with sweets resulting in very high glycemic load that GI becomes irrelevant.
Glycemic index is actually pretty useless, it's based on people who would only eat that type of carb, pure, without any other substance. Any other substance is going to make the GI drop and make the glycemic index useless, in real life, glycemic index is 99% useless. Those glycemic index studies are also done in the first place for people and with people who have insulin regulation issues (diabetes).
A carb is a carb after digestion.
What does matter is glycemic load.
What I said is not nonsense but the truth, if you want to challenge me on that, go ahead, but don't say i'm wrong without explaining yourself, that's unfair to me, and not polite at all.